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utils.py 10.17 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Chrispresso 提交于 2020-03-14 00:10 . Cleaning up some code
from collections import namedtuple
import numpy as np
from enum import Enum, unique
class EnemyType(Enum):
Green_Koopa1 = 0x00
Red_Koopa1 = 0x01
Buzzy_Beetle = 0x02
Red_Koopa2 = 0x03
Green_Koopa2 = 0x04
Hammer_Brother = 0x05
Goomba = 0x06
Blooper = 0x07
Bullet_Bill = 0x08
Green_Koopa_Paratroopa = 0x09
Grey_Cheep_Cheep = 0x0A
Red_Cheep_Cheep = 0x0B
Pobodoo = 0x0C
Piranha_Plant = 0x0D
Green_Paratroopa_Jump = 0x0E
Bowser_Flame1 = 0x10
Lakitu = 0x11
Spiny_Egg = 0x12
Fly_Cheep_Cheep = 0x14
Bowser_Flame2 = 0x15
Generic_Enemy = 0xFF
def has_value(cls, value: int) -> bool:
return value in set(item.value for item in cls)
class StaticTileType(Enum):
Empty = 0x00
Fake = 0x01
Ground = 0x54
Top_Pipe1 = 0x12
Top_Pipe2 = 0x13
Bottom_Pipe1 = 0x14
Bottom_Pipe2 = 0x15
Flagpole_Top = 0x24
Flagpole = 0x25
Coin_Block1 = 0xC0
Coin_Block2 = 0xC1
Coin = 0xC2
Breakable_Block = 0x51
Generic_Static_Tile = 0xFF
def has_value(cls, value: int) -> bool:
return value in set(item.value for item in cls)
class DynamicTileType(Enum):
Mario = 0xAA
Static_Lift1 = 0x24
Static_Lift2 = 0x25
Vertical_Lift1 = 0x26
Vertical_Lift2 = 0x27
Horizontal_Lift = 0x28
Falling_Static_Lift = 0x29
Horizontal_Moving_Lift= 0x2A
Lift1 = 0x2B
Lift2 = 0x2C
Vine = 0x2F
Flagpole = 0x30
Start_Flag = 0x31
Jump_Spring = 0x32
Warpzone = 0x34
Spring1 = 0x67
Spring2 = 0x68
Generic_Dynamic_Tile = 0xFF
def has_value(cls, value: int) -> bool:
return value in set(item.value for item in cls)
class ColorMap(Enum):
Empty = (255, 255, 255) # White
Ground = (128, 43, 0) # Brown
Fake = (128, 43, 0)
Mario = (0, 0, 255)
Goomba = (255, 0, 20)
Top_Pipe1 = (0, 15, 21) # Dark Green
Top_Pipe2 = (0, 15, 21) # Dark Green
Bottom_Pipe1 = (5, 179, 34) # Light Green
Bottom_Pipe2 = (5, 179, 34) # Light Green
Coin_Block1 = (219, 202, 18) # Gold
Coin_Block2 = (219, 202, 18) # Gold
Breakable_Block = (79, 70, 25) # Brownish
Generic_Enemy = (255, 0, 20) # Red
Generic_Static_Tile = (128, 43, 0)
Generic_Dynamic_Tile = (79, 70, 25)
Shape = namedtuple('Shape', ['width', 'height'])
Point = namedtuple('Point', ['x', 'y'])
class Tile(object):
__slots__ = ['type']
def __init__(self, type: Enum):
self.type = type
class Enemy(object):
def __init__(self, enemy_id: int, location: Point, tile_location: Point):
enemy_type = EnemyType(enemy_id)
self.type = EnemyType(enemy_id)
self.location = location
self.tile_location = tile_location
class SMB(object):
# SMB can only load 5 enemies to the screen at a time.
# Because of that we only need to check 5 enemy locations
RESOLUTION = Shape(256, 240)
NUM_TILES = 416 # 0x69f - 0x500 + 1
sprite = Shape(width=16, height=16)
resolution = Shape(256, 240)
status_bar = Shape(width=resolution.width, height=2*sprite.height)
xbins = list(range(16, resolution.width, 16))
ybins = list(range(16, resolution.height, 16))
class RAMLocations(Enum):
# Since the max number of enemies on the screen is 5, the addresses for enemies are
# the starting address and span a total of 5 bytes. This means Enemy_Drawn + 0 is the
# whether or not enemy 0 is drawn, Enemy_Drawn + 1 is enemy 1, etc. etc.
Enemy_Drawn = 0x0F
Enemy_Type = 0x16
Enemy_X_Position_In_Level = 0x6E
Enemy_X_Position_On_Screen = 0x87
Enemy_Y_Position_On_Screen = 0xCF
Player_X_Postion_In_Level = 0x06D
Player_X_Position_On_Screen = 0x086
Player_X_Position_Screen_Offset = 0x3AD
Player_Y_Position_Screen_Offset = 0x3B8
Enemy_X_Position_Screen_Offset = 0x3AE
Player_Y_Pos_On_Screen = 0xCE
Player_Vertical_Screen_Position = 0xB5
def get_enemy_locations(cls, ram: np.ndarray):
# We only care about enemies that are drawn. Others may?? exist
# in memory, but if they aren't on the screen, they can't hurt us.
# enemies = [None for _ in range(cls.MAX_NUM_ENEMIES)]
enemies = []
for enemy_num in range(cls.MAX_NUM_ENEMIES):
enemy = ram[cls.RAMLocations.Enemy_Drawn.value + enemy_num]
# Is there an enemy? 1/0
if enemy:
# Get the enemy X location.
x_pos_level = ram[cls.RAMLocations.Enemy_X_Position_In_Level.value + enemy_num]
x_pos_screen = ram[cls.RAMLocations.Enemy_X_Position_On_Screen.value + enemy_num]
enemy_loc_x = (x_pos_level * 0x100) + x_pos_screen #- ram[0x71c]
# print(ram[0x71c])
# enemy_loc_x = ram[cls.RAMLocations.Enemy_X_Position_Screen_Offset.value + enemy_num]
# Get the enemy Y location.
enemy_loc_y = ram[cls.RAMLocations.Enemy_Y_Position_On_Screen.value + enemy_num]
# Set location
location = Point(enemy_loc_x, enemy_loc_y)
ybin = np.digitize(enemy_loc_y, cls.ybins)
xbin = np.digitize(enemy_loc_x, cls.xbins)
tile_location = Point(xbin, ybin)
# Grab the id
enemy_id = ram[cls.RAMLocations.Enemy_Type.value + enemy_num]
# Create enemy-
e = Enemy(0x6, location, tile_location)
return enemies
def get_mario_location_in_level(cls, ram: np.ndarray) -> Point:
mario_x = ram[cls.RAMLocations.Player_X_Postion_In_Level.value] * 256 + ram[cls.RAMLocations.Player_X_Position_On_Screen.value]
mario_y = ram[cls.RAMLocations.Player_Y_Position_Screen_Offset.value]
return Point(mario_x, mario_y)
def get_mario_score(cls, ram: np.ndarray) -> int:
multipllier = 10
score = 0
for loc in range(0x07DC, 0x07D7-1, -1):
score += ram[loc]*multipllier
multipllier *= 10
return score
def get_mario_location_on_screen(cls, ram: np.ndarray):
mario_x = ram[cls.RAMLocations.Player_X_Position_Screen_Offset.value]
mario_y = ram[cls.RAMLocations.Player_Y_Pos_On_Screen.value] * ram[cls.RAMLocations.Player_Vertical_Screen_Position.value] + cls.sprite.height
return Point(mario_x, mario_y)
def get_tile_type(cls, ram:np.ndarray, delta_x: int, delta_y: int, mario: Point):
x = mario.x + delta_x
y = mario.y + delta_y + cls.sprite.height
# Tile locations have two pages. Determine which page we are in
page = (x // 256) % 2
# Figure out where in the page we are
sub_page_x = (x % 256) // 16
sub_page_y = (y - 32) // 16 # The PPU is not part of the world, coins, etc (status bar at top)
if sub_page_y not in range(13):# or sub_page_x not in range(16):
return StaticTileType.Empty.value
addr = 0x500 + page*208 + sub_page_y*16 + sub_page_x
return ram[addr]
def get_tile_loc(cls, x, y):
row = np.digitize(y, cls.ybins) - 2
col = np.digitize(x, cls.xbins)
return (row, col)
def get_tiles(cls, ram: np.ndarray):
tiles = {}
row = 0
col = 0
mario_level = cls.get_mario_location_in_level(ram)
mario_screen = cls.get_mario_location_on_screen(ram)
x_start = mario_level.x - mario_screen.x
enemies = cls.get_enemy_locations(ram)
y_start = 0
mx, my = cls.get_mario_location_in_level(ram)
my += 16
# Set mx to be within the screen offset
mx = ram[cls.RAMLocations.Player_X_Position_Screen_Offset.value]
for y_pos in range(y_start, 240, 16):
for x_pos in range(x_start, x_start + 256, 16):
loc = (row, col)
tile = cls.get_tile(x_pos, y_pos, ram)
x, y = x_pos, y_pos
page = (x // 256) % 2
sub_x = (x % 256) // 16
sub_y = (y - 32) // 16
addr = 0x500 + page*208 + sub_y*16 + sub_x
# PPU is there, so no tile is there
if row < 2:
tiles[loc] = StaticTileType.Empty
tiles[loc] = StaticTileType(tile)
tiles[loc] = StaticTileType.Fake
for enemy in enemies:
ex = enemy.location.x
ey = enemy.location.y + 8
# Since we can only discriminate within 8 pixels, if it falls within this bound, count it as there
if abs(x_pos - ex) <=8 and abs(y_pos - ey) <=8:
tiles[loc] = EnemyType.Generic_Enemy
# Next col
col += 1
# Move to next row
col = 0
row += 1
# Place marker for mario
mario_row, mario_col = cls.get_mario_row_col(ram)
loc = (mario_row, mario_col)
tiles[loc] = DynamicTileType.Mario
return tiles
def get_mario_row_col(cls, ram):
x, y = cls.get_mario_location_on_screen(ram)
# Adjust 16 for PPU
y = ram[cls.RAMLocations.Player_Y_Position_Screen_Offset.value] + 16
x += 12
col = x // 16
row = (y - 0) // 16
return (row, col)
def get_tile(cls, x, y, ram, group_non_zero_tiles=True):
page = (x // 256) % 2
sub_x = (x % 256) // 16
sub_y = (y - 32) // 16
if sub_y not in range(13):
return StaticTileType.Empty.value
addr = 0x500 + page*208 + sub_y*16 + sub_x
if group_non_zero_tiles:
if ram[addr] != 0:
return StaticTileType.Fake.value
return ram[addr]
马建仓 AI 助手
