同步操作将从 woytu/NSIS_SetupSkin 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
# Exclude files from exporting
.gitattributes export-ignore
.gitignore export-ignore
# Enable syntax highlighting for files with `.gitattributes` extensions.
*.gitattributes linguist-language=gitattributes
# Auto detect text files and perform LF normalization
*.bat text linguist-language=batch working-tree-encoding=GB2312 eol=crlf
*.psl text linguist-language=PowerShell working-tree-encoding=GB2312 eol=crlf
*.vbs text linguist-language=Visual-Basic-Script working-tree-encoding=GB2312 eol=crlf
*.sh text linguist-language=bash working-tree-encoding=UTF-8 eol=lf
# Set default behavior to automatically normalize line endings.
* text=auto
# Set default behavior for command prompt diff.
# This is need for earlier builds of msysgit that does not have it on by
# default for csharp files.
# Note: This is only used by command line
#*.cs diff=csharp
# Set the merge driver for project and solution files
# Merging from the command prompt will add diff markers to the files if there
# are conflicts (Merging from VS is not affected by the settings below, in VS
# the diff markers are never inserted). Diff markers may cause the following
# file extensions to fail to load in VS. An alternative would be to treat
# these files as binary and thus will always conflict and require user
# intervention with every merge. To do so, just uncomment the entries below
#*.sln merge=binary
#*.csproj merge=binary
#*.vbproj merge=binary
#*.vcxproj merge=binary
#*.vcproj merge=binary
#*.dbproj merge=binary
#*.fsproj merge=binary
#*.lsproj merge=binary
#*.wixproj merge=binary
#*.modelproj merge=binary
#*.sqlproj merge=binary
#*.wwaproj merge=binary
# behavior for image files
# image files are treated as binary by default.
*.gz binary
*.7z binary
*.zip binary
*.png binary
*.ico binary
*.jpg binary
*.psd binary
*.gif binary
# diff behavior for common document formats
# Convert binary document formats to text before diffing them. This feature
# is only available from the command line. Turn it on by uncommenting the
# entries below.
#*.doc diff=astextplain
#*.DOC diff=astextplain
#*.docx diff=astextplain
#*.DOCX diff=astextplain
#*.dot diff=astextplain
#*.DOT diff=astextplain
#*.pdf diff=astextplain
#*.PDF diff=astextplain
#*.rtf diff=astextplain
#*.RTF diff=astextplain
#*.xlsx diff=xlsx
如您确认内容无涉及 不当用语 / 纯广告导流 / 暴力 / 低俗色情 / 侵权 / 盗版 / 虚假 / 无价值内容或违法国家有关法律法规的内容,可点击提交进行申诉,我们将尽快为您处理。