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seckey.h 19.78 KB
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布布子 authored 2022-12-12 16:37 . 初始化提交
// seckey.h - originally written and placed in the public domain by Wei Dai
/// \file seckey.h
/// \brief Classes and functions for implementing secret key algorithms.
#include "config.h"
#include "cryptlib.h"
#include "misc.h"
#include "simple.h"
#include "stdcpp.h"
# pragma warning(push)
# pragma warning(disable: 4189 4296)
// Issue 340
# pragma GCC diagnostic push
# pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wconversion"
# pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wsign-conversion"
/// \brief Inverts the cipher's direction
/// \param dir the cipher's direction
/// \return DECRYPTION if \ref CipherDir "dir" is ENCRYPTION, DECRYPTION otherwise
inline CipherDir ReverseCipherDir(CipherDir dir)
/// \brief Inherited by algorithms with fixed block size
/// \tparam N the blocksize of the algorithm
template <unsigned int N>
class FixedBlockSize
/// \brief The block size of the algorithm provided as a constant.
// ************** rounds ***************
/// \brief Inherited by algorithms with fixed number of rounds
/// \tparam R the number of rounds used by the algorithm
template <unsigned int R>
class FixedRounds
/// \brief The number of rounds for the algorithm provided as a constant.
/// \brief Inherited by algorithms with variable number of rounds
/// \tparam D Default number of rounds
/// \tparam N Minimum number of rounds
/// \tparam M Maximum number of rounds
template <unsigned int D, unsigned int N=1, unsigned int M=INT_MAX> // use INT_MAX here because enums are treated as signed ints
class VariableRounds
/// \brief The default number of rounds for the algorithm provided as a constant.
/// \brief The minimum number of rounds for the algorithm provided as a constant.
/// \brief The maximum number of rounds for the algorithm provided as a constant.
/// \brief The default number of rounds for the algorithm based on key length
/// provided by a static function.
/// \param keylength the size of the key, in bytes
/// \details keylength is unused in the default implementation.
CRYPTOPP_STATIC_CONSTEXPR unsigned int StaticGetDefaultRounds(size_t keylength)
return CRYPTOPP_UNUSED(keylength), static_cast<unsigned int>(DEFAULT_ROUNDS);
/// \brief Validates the number of rounds for an algorithm.
/// \param rounds the candidate number of rounds
/// \param alg an Algorithm object used if the number of rounds are invalid
/// \throw InvalidRounds if the number of rounds are invalid
/// \details ThrowIfInvalidRounds() validates the number of rounds and throws if invalid.
inline void ThrowIfInvalidRounds(int rounds, const Algorithm *alg)
if (M == INT_MAX) // Coverity and result_independent_of_operands
if (rounds < MIN_ROUNDS)
throw InvalidRounds(alg ? alg->AlgorithmName() : std::string("VariableRounds"), rounds);
if (rounds < MIN_ROUNDS || rounds > MAX_ROUNDS)
throw InvalidRounds(alg ? alg->AlgorithmName() : std::string("VariableRounds"), rounds);
/// \brief Validates the number of rounds for an algorithm
/// \param param the candidate number of rounds
/// \param alg an Algorithm object used if the number of rounds are invalid
/// \return the number of rounds for the algorithm
/// \throw InvalidRounds if the number of rounds are invalid
/// \details GetRoundsAndThrowIfInvalid() validates the number of rounds and throws if invalid.
inline unsigned int GetRoundsAndThrowIfInvalid(const NameValuePairs &param, const Algorithm *alg)
int rounds = param.GetIntValueWithDefault("Rounds", DEFAULT_ROUNDS);
ThrowIfInvalidRounds(rounds, alg);
return static_cast<unsigned int>(rounds);
// ************** key length ***************
/// \brief Inherited by keyed algorithms with fixed key length
/// \tparam N Default key length, in bytes
/// \tparam IV_REQ the \ref SimpleKeyingInterface::IV_Requirement "IV requirements"
/// \tparam IV_L default IV length, in bytes
/// \sa SimpleKeyingInterface
template <unsigned int N, unsigned int IV_REQ = SimpleKeyingInterface::NOT_RESYNCHRONIZABLE, unsigned int IV_L = 0>
class FixedKeyLength
/// \brief The default key length used by the algorithm provided as a constant
/// \details KEYLENGTH is provided in bytes, not bits
/// \brief The minimum key length used by the algorithm provided as a constant
/// \details MIN_KEYLENGTH is provided in bytes, not bits
/// \brief The maximum key length used by the algorithm provided as a constant
/// \details MAX_KEYLENGTH is provided in bytes, not bits
/// \brief The default key length used by the algorithm provided as a constant
/// \details DEFAULT_KEYLENGTH is provided in bytes, not bits
/// \brief The default IV requirements for the algorithm provided as a constant
/// \details The default value is NOT_RESYNCHRONIZABLE. See IV_Requirement
/// in cryptlib.h for allowed values.
/// \brief The default IV length used by the algorithm provided as a constant
/// \details IV_LENGTH is provided in bytes, not bits. The default implementation uses 0.
/// \brief The default key length for the algorithm provided by a static function.
/// \param keylength the size of the key, in bytes
/// \details The default implementation returns KEYLENGTH. keylength is unused
/// in the default implementation.
CRYPTOPP_STATIC_CONSTEXPR size_t CRYPTOPP_API StaticGetValidKeyLength(size_t keylength)
return CRYPTOPP_UNUSED(keylength), static_cast<size_t>(KEYLENGTH);
/// \brief Inherited by keyed algorithms with variable key length
/// \tparam D Default key length, in bytes
/// \tparam N Minimum key length, in bytes
/// \tparam M Maximum key length, in bytes
/// \tparam Q Default key length multiple, in bytes. The default multiple is 1.
/// \tparam IV_REQ the \ref SimpleKeyingInterface::IV_Requirement "IV requirements"
/// \tparam IV_L default IV length, in bytes. The default length is 0.
/// \sa SimpleKeyingInterface
template <unsigned int D, unsigned int N, unsigned int M, unsigned int Q = 1, unsigned int IV_REQ = SimpleKeyingInterface::NOT_RESYNCHRONIZABLE, unsigned int IV_L = 0>
class VariableKeyLength
// Make these private to avoid Doxygen documenting them in all derived classes
/// \brief The minimum key length used by the algorithm provided as a constant
/// \details MIN_KEYLENGTH is provided in bytes, not bits
/// \brief The maximum key length used by the algorithm provided as a constant
/// \details MAX_KEYLENGTH is provided in bytes, not bits
/// \brief The default key length used by the algorithm provided as a constant
/// \details DEFAULT_KEYLENGTH is provided in bytes, not bits
/// \brief The key length multiple used by the algorithm provided as a constant
/// \details MAX_KEYLENGTH is provided in bytes, not bits
/// \brief The default IV requirements for the algorithm provided as a constant
/// \details The default value is NOT_RESYNCHRONIZABLE. See IV_Requirement
/// in cryptlib.h for allowed values.
/// \brief The default initialization vector length for the algorithm provided as a constant
/// \details IV_LENGTH is provided in bytes, not bits. The default implementation uses 0.
/// \brief Provides a valid key length for the algorithm provided by a static function.
/// \param keylength the size of the key, in bytes
/// \details If keylength is less than MIN_KEYLENGTH, then the function returns
/// MIN_KEYLENGTH. If keylength is greater than MAX_KEYLENGTH, then the function
/// returns MAX_KEYLENGTH. If keylength is a multiple of KEYLENGTH_MULTIPLE,
/// then keylength is returned. Otherwise, the function returns keylength rounded
/// \a down to the next smaller multiple of KEYLENGTH_MULTIPLE.
/// \details keylength is provided in bytes, not bits.
CRYPTOPP_STATIC_CONSTEXPR size_t CRYPTOPP_API StaticGetValidKeyLength(size_t keylength)
return (keylength <= N) ? N :
(keylength >= M) ? M :
(keylength+Q-1) - (keylength+Q-1)%Q;
/// \brief Provides key lengths based on another class's key length
/// \tparam T another FixedKeyLength or VariableKeyLength class
/// \tparam IV_REQ the \ref SimpleKeyingInterface::IV_Requirement "IV requirements"
/// \tparam IV_L default IV length, in bytes
/// \sa SimpleKeyingInterface
template <class T, unsigned int IV_REQ = SimpleKeyingInterface::NOT_RESYNCHRONIZABLE, unsigned int IV_L = 0>
class SameKeyLengthAs
/// \brief The minimum key length used by the algorithm provided as a constant
/// \details MIN_KEYLENGTH is provided in bytes, not bits
/// \brief The maximum key length used by the algorithm provided as a constant
/// \details MIN_KEYLENGTH is provided in bytes, not bits
/// \brief The default key length used by the algorithm provided as a constant
/// \details MIN_KEYLENGTH is provided in bytes, not bits
/// \brief The default IV requirements for the algorithm provided as a constant
/// \details The default value is NOT_RESYNCHRONIZABLE. See IV_Requirement
/// in cryptlib.h for allowed values.
/// \brief The default initialization vector length for the algorithm provided as a constant
/// \details IV_LENGTH is provided in bytes, not bits. The default implementation uses 0.
/// \brief Provides a valid key length for the algorithm provided by a static function.
/// \param keylength the size of the key, in bytes
/// \details If keylength is less than MIN_KEYLENGTH, then the function returns
/// MIN_KEYLENGTH. If keylength is greater than MAX_KEYLENGTH, then the function
/// returns MAX_KEYLENGTH. If keylength is a multiple of KEYLENGTH_MULTIPLE,
/// then keylength is returned. Otherwise, the function returns keylength rounded
/// \a down to the next smaller multiple of KEYLENGTH_MULTIPLE.
/// \details keylength is provided in bytes, not bits.
CRYPTOPP_STATIC_CONSTEXPR size_t CRYPTOPP_API StaticGetValidKeyLength(size_t keylength)
{return T::StaticGetValidKeyLength(keylength);}
// ************** implementation helper for SimpleKeyingInterface ***************
/// \brief Provides a base implementation of SimpleKeyingInterface
/// \tparam BASE a SimpleKeyingInterface derived class
/// \tparam INFO a SimpleKeyingInterface derived class
/// \details SimpleKeyingInterfaceImpl() provides a default implementation for ciphers providing a keying interface.
/// Functions are virtual and not eligible for C++11 <tt>constexpr</tt>-ness.
/// \sa Algorithm(), SimpleKeyingInterface()
template <class BASE, class INFO = BASE>
class CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE SimpleKeyingInterfaceImpl : public BASE
/// \brief The minimum key length used by the algorithm
/// \return minimum key length used by the algorithm, in bytes
size_t MinKeyLength() const
/// \brief The maximum key length used by the algorithm
/// \return maximum key length used by the algorithm, in bytes
size_t MaxKeyLength() const
{return static_cast<size_t>(INFO::MAX_KEYLENGTH);}
/// \brief The default key length used by the algorithm
/// \return default key length used by the algorithm, in bytes
size_t DefaultKeyLength() const
/// \brief Provides a valid key length for the algorithm
/// \param keylength the size of the key, in bytes
/// \return the valid key length, in bytes
/// \details keylength is provided in bytes, not bits. If keylength is less than MIN_KEYLENGTH,
/// then the function returns MIN_KEYLENGTH. If keylength is greater than MAX_KEYLENGTH,
/// then the function returns MAX_KEYLENGTH. if If keylength is a multiple of KEYLENGTH_MULTIPLE,
/// then keylength is returned. Otherwise, the function returns a \a lower multiple of
size_t GetValidKeyLength(size_t keylength) const {return INFO::StaticGetValidKeyLength(keylength);}
/// \brief The default IV requirements for the algorithm
/// \details The default value is NOT_RESYNCHRONIZABLE. See IV_Requirement
/// in cryptlib.h for allowed values.
SimpleKeyingInterface::IV_Requirement IVRequirement() const
{return static_cast<SimpleKeyingInterface::IV_Requirement>(INFO::IV_REQUIREMENT);}
/// \brief The initialization vector length for the algorithm
/// \details IVSize is provided in bytes, not bits. The default implementation uses
/// IV_LENGTH, which is 0.
unsigned int IVSize() const
{return INFO::IV_LENGTH;}
/// \brief Provides a base implementation of Algorithm and SimpleKeyingInterface for block ciphers
/// \tparam INFO a SimpleKeyingInterface derived class
/// \tparam BASE a SimpleKeyingInterface derived class
/// \details BlockCipherImpl() provides a default implementation for block ciphers using AlgorithmImpl()
/// and SimpleKeyingInterfaceImpl(). Functions are virtual and not eligible for C++11 <tt>constexpr</tt>-ness.
/// \sa Algorithm(), SimpleKeyingInterface(), AlgorithmImpl(), SimpleKeyingInterfaceImpl()
template <class INFO, class BASE = BlockCipher>
class CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE BlockCipherImpl : public AlgorithmImpl<SimpleKeyingInterfaceImpl<TwoBases<BASE, INFO> > >
/// Provides the block size of the algorithm
/// \return the block size of the algorithm, in bytes
unsigned int BlockSize() const {return this->BLOCKSIZE;}
/// \brief Provides class member functions to key a block cipher
/// \tparam DIR a CipherDir
/// \tparam BASE a BlockCipherImpl derived class
template <CipherDir DIR, class BASE>
class BlockCipherFinal : public ClonableImpl<BlockCipherFinal<DIR, BASE>, BASE>
/// \brief Construct a default BlockCipherFinal
/// \details The cipher is not keyed.
BlockCipherFinal() {}
/// \brief Construct a BlockCipherFinal
/// \param key a byte array used to key the cipher
/// \details key must be at least DEFAULT_KEYLENGTH in length. Internally, the function calls
/// SimpleKeyingInterface::SetKey.
BlockCipherFinal(const byte *key)
{this->SetKey(key, this->DEFAULT_KEYLENGTH);}
/// \brief Construct a BlockCipherFinal
/// \param key a byte array used to key the cipher
/// \param length the length of the byte array
/// \details key must be at least DEFAULT_KEYLENGTH in length. Internally, the function calls
/// SimpleKeyingInterface::SetKey.
BlockCipherFinal(const byte *key, size_t length)
{this->SetKey(key, length);}
/// \brief Construct a BlockCipherFinal
/// \param key a byte array used to key the cipher
/// \param length the length of the byte array
/// \param rounds the number of rounds
/// \details key must be at least DEFAULT_KEYLENGTH in length. Internally, the function calls
/// SimpleKeyingInterface::SetKeyWithRounds.
BlockCipherFinal(const byte *key, size_t length, unsigned int rounds)
{this->SetKeyWithRounds(key, length, rounds);}
/// \brief Provides the direction of the cipher
/// \return true if DIR is ENCRYPTION, false otherwise
/// \sa GetCipherDirection(), IsPermutation()
bool IsForwardTransformation() const {return DIR == ENCRYPTION;}
/// \brief Provides a base implementation of Algorithm and SimpleKeyingInterface for message authentication codes
/// \tparam INFO a SimpleKeyingInterface derived class
/// \tparam BASE a SimpleKeyingInterface derived class
/// \details MessageAuthenticationCodeImpl() provides a default implementation for message authentication codes
/// using AlgorithmImpl() and SimpleKeyingInterfaceImpl(). Functions are virtual and not subject to C++11
/// <tt>constexpr</tt>.
/// \sa Algorithm(), SimpleKeyingInterface(), AlgorithmImpl(), SimpleKeyingInterfaceImpl()
template <class BASE, class INFO = BASE>
class MessageAuthenticationCodeImpl : public AlgorithmImpl<SimpleKeyingInterfaceImpl<BASE, INFO>, INFO>
/// \brief Provides class member functions to key a message authentication code
/// \tparam BASE a BlockCipherImpl derived class
/// \details A default implementation for MessageAuthenticationCode
template <class BASE>
class MessageAuthenticationCodeFinal : public ClonableImpl<MessageAuthenticationCodeFinal<BASE>, MessageAuthenticationCodeImpl<BASE> >
/// \brief Construct a default MessageAuthenticationCodeFinal
/// \details The message authentication code is not keyed.
MessageAuthenticationCodeFinal() {}
/// \brief Construct a BlockCipherFinal
/// \param key a byte array used to key the algorithm
/// \details key must be at least DEFAULT_KEYLENGTH in length. Internally, the function calls
/// SimpleKeyingInterface::SetKey.
MessageAuthenticationCodeFinal(const byte *key)
{this->SetKey(key, this->DEFAULT_KEYLENGTH);}
/// \brief Construct a BlockCipherFinal
/// \param key a byte array used to key the algorithm
/// \param length the length of the byte array
/// \details key must be at least DEFAULT_KEYLENGTH in length. Internally, the function calls
/// SimpleKeyingInterface::SetKey.
MessageAuthenticationCodeFinal(const byte *key, size_t length)
{this->SetKey(key, length);}
// ************** documentation ***************
/// \brief Provides Encryption and Decryption typedefs used by derived classes to
/// implement a block cipher
/// \details These objects usually should not be used directly. See CipherModeDocumentation
/// instead. Each class derived from this one defines two types, Encryption and Decryption,
/// both of which implement the BlockCipher interface.
struct BlockCipherDocumentation
/// implements the BlockCipher interface
typedef BlockCipher Encryption;
/// implements the BlockCipher interface
typedef BlockCipher Decryption;
/// \brief Provides Encryption and Decryption typedefs used by derived classes to
/// implement a symmetric cipher
/// \details Each class derived from this one defines two types, Encryption and Decryption,
/// both of which implement the SymmetricCipher interface. Two types of classes derive
/// from this class: stream ciphers and block cipher modes. Stream ciphers can be used
/// alone, cipher mode classes need to be used with a block cipher. See CipherModeDocumentation
/// for more for information about using cipher modes and block ciphers.
struct SymmetricCipherDocumentation
/// implements the SymmetricCipher interface
typedef SymmetricCipher Encryption;
/// implements the SymmetricCipher interface
typedef SymmetricCipher Decryption;
/// \brief Provides Encryption and Decryption typedefs used by derived classes to
/// implement an authenticated encryption cipher
/// \details Each class derived from this one defines two types, Encryption and Decryption,
/// both of which implement the AuthenticatedSymmetricCipher interface.
struct AuthenticatedSymmetricCipherDocumentation
/// implements the AuthenticatedSymmetricCipher interface
typedef AuthenticatedSymmetricCipher Encryption;
/// implements the AuthenticatedSymmetricCipher interface
typedef AuthenticatedSymmetricCipher Decryption;
# pragma warning(pop)
// Issue 340
# pragma GCC diagnostic pop
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