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liuwei authored 2022-09-15 09:33 . 分布式dfx
# Copyright (c) 2022 Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
domain: AV_SESSION
__BASE: {type: BEHAVIOR, level: MINOR, tag: ability, desc: start avsession service}
SERVICE_NAME: {type: STRING, desc: avsession service name}
SERVICE_ID: {type: INT32, desc: avsession service id}
DETAILED_MSG: {type: STRING, desc: detailed msg}
__BASE: {type: BEHAVIOR, level: MINOR, tag: ability, desc: focus change}
PID: {type: INT32, desc: pid}
OLD_BUNDLE_NAME: {type: STRING, desc: old bundle name}
OLD_MODULE_NAME: {type: STRING, desc: old module name}
OLD_ABILITY_NAME: {type: STRING, desc: old ability name}
OLD_SESSION_PID: {type: INT32, desc: old session pid}
OLD_SESSION_UID: {type: INT32, desc: old session uid}
OLD_SESSION_ID: {type: STRING, desc: old session id}
OLD_SESSION_TAG: {type: STRING, desc: old session tag}
OLD_SESSION_TYPE: {type: INT32, desc: old session type}
BUNDLE_NAME: {type: STRING, desc: change bundle name}
MODULE_NAME: {type: STRING, desc: change module name}
ABILITY_NAME: {type: STRING, desc: change ability name}
SESSION_PID: {type: INT32, desc: change session pid}
SESSION_UID: {type: INT32, desc: change session uid}
SESSION_ID: {type: STRING, desc: change session id}
SESSION_TAG: {type: STRING, desc: change session tag}
SESSION_TYPE: {type: INT32, desc: change session type}
FOCUS_SESSION_UID: {type: INT32, desc: focus session change info uid}
AUDIO_INFO_CONTENT_TYPE: {type: INT32, desc: audiorendererinfo contenttype}
AUDIO_INFO_RENDERER_STATE: {type: INT32, desc: audiorendererinfo rendererstate}
DETAILED_MSG: {type: STRING, desc: detailed msg}
__BASE: {type: SECURITY, level: CRITICAL, tag: security, desc: permission verification errors}
CALLER_UID: {type: INT32, desc: caller uid}
CALLER_PID: {type: INT32, desc: caller pid}
SESSION_ID: {type: STRING, desc: session id}
BUNDLE_NAME: {type: STRING, desc: bundle name}
KEY_CODE: {type: INT32, desc: key code}
KEY_ACTION: {type: INT32, desc: key action}
CMD: {type: INT32, desc: cmd}
ERROR_CODE: {type: INT32, desc: error code}
ERROR_MSG: {type: STRING, desc: error msg}
__BASE: {type: FAULT, level: MINOR, tag: ability, desc: no response exception timeout invalid}
ERROR_TYPE: {type: STRING, desc: error type}
CMD: {type: INT32, desc: command}
TIME: {type: UINT64, desc: seek time}
SPEED: {type: DOUBLE, desc: speed}
MODE: {type: STRING, desc: loop mode}
ASSETID: {type: STRING, desc: assetId}
CALLING_PID: {type: INT32, desc: calling pid}
CLIENT_PID: {type: INT32, desc: cliend pid}
TAG: {type: STRING, desc: tag}
TYPE: {type: INT32, desc: type}
BUNDLE_NAME: {type: STRING, desc: bundle name}
ERROR_CODE: {type: INT32, desc: error code}
ERROR_INFO: {type: STRING, desc: error info}
__BASE: {type: STATISTIC, level: MINOR, tag: statistic, desc: avsession control command statistics}
BUNDLE_NAME: {type: STRING, desc: bundle name}
CONTROLLER_PID: {type: INT32, desc: controller pid}
CMD: {type: INT32, desc: command}
POSITION: {type: BOOL, desc: sender is true, receiver is false}
PLAY_COUNT: {type: UINT32, desc: play count}
PAUSE_COUNT: {type: UINT32, desc: pause count}
STOP_COUNT: {type: UINT32, desc: stop count}
PLAY_NEXT_COUNT: {type: UINT32, desc: playnext count}
PLAY_PREVIOUS_COUNT: {type: UINT32, desc: playprevious count}
FAST_FORWARD_COUNT: {type: UINT32, desc: fastforward count}
REWIND_COUNT: {type: UINT32, desc: rewind count}
SEEK_COUNT: {type: UINT32, desc: seek count}
SET_SPEED_COUNT: {type: UINT32, desc: setspeed count}
SET_LOOP_MODE_COUNT: {type: UINT32, desc: setloopmode count}
TOGGLE_FAVORITE_COUNT: {type: UINT32, desc: togglefavorite count}
DETAILED_MSG: {type: STRING, desc: detailed msg}
__BASE: {type: STATISTIC, level: MINOR, tag: statistic, desc: avsession control command statistics}
BUNDLE_NAME: {type: STRING, desc: bundle name}
APP_STATUS: {type: BOOL, desc: app in background is true}
SESSION_TYPE: {type: INT32, desc: sessiontype}
SESSION_LIFE_CYCLE: {type: BOOL, desc: create avsession is true, delete avsession is false}
CREATE_SESSION_COUNT: {type: UINT32, desc: create session count}
DELETE_SESSION_COUNT: {type: UINT32, desc: delete session count}
__BASE: {type: STATISTIC, level: MINOR, tag: statistic, desc: avsession control command failed rate}
ALL_CTRL_COMMAND_COUNT: {type: UINT32, desc: all command count}
ALL_SUCCESS_CTRL_COMMAND: {type: UINT32, desc: success command count}
COMMAND_FAILED_RATE: {type: FLOAT, desc: command failed rate}
__BASE: {type: BEHAVIOR, level: MINOR, tag: ability, desc: session cast}
BUNDLE_NAME: {type: STRING, desc: bundle name}
MODULE_NAME: {type: STRING, desc: module name}
ABILITY_NAME: {type: STRING, desc: ability name}
SESSION_PID: {type: INT32, desc: session pid}
SESSION_UID: {type: INT32, desc: session uid}
SESSION_ID: {type: STRING, desc: session id}
SESSION_TAG: {type: STRING, desc: session tag}
SESSION_TYPE: {type: INT32, desc: session type}
CAST_TYPE: {type: INT32, desc: cast type}
DEST_DEVICE_TYPE: {type: STRING, desc: dest device type}
DEST_DEVICE_NAME: {type: STRING, desc: dest device name}
DEST_DEVICE_ID: {type: INT32, desc: dest device id}
DETAILED_MSG: {type: STRING, desc: detailed msg}
__BASE: {type: FAULT, level: MINOR, tag: ability, desc: remote control failed}
BUNDLE_NAME: {type: STRING, desc: bundle name}
SESSION_TYPE: {type: INT32, desc: session type}
AUDIO_STATUS: {type: INT32, desc: audio status}
ERROR_TYPE: {type: STRING, desc: error type}
ERROR_INFO: {type: STRING, desc: error info}
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