openAMDC is an open source and high-performance key-value memory database, compatible with the RESPv2/v3 protocol, and supports all Redis commands and data structures.
A distributed block storage system that uses mature Raft protocol and is designed for all-flash scenarios
Implement a low overhead pmu collection library, providing abstract interfaces for counting, sampling and symbol resolve.
openEuler High Performance Computing(HPC) Runner, provides universal portal for hpc users and developers.
This project develops security software components running on Kunpeng processors, specifically focusing on trusted computing related software components such as remote attestation client and service, etc.
iSulad is a light weight container runtime daemon which is designed for IOT and Cloud infrastructure.
The kiran-icon-theme package contains the standard icon theme for the Kiran desktop, which provides default appearance for icons.
coolbpf以CORE(Compile Once--Run Everywhere)为基础实现,保留了资源占用低、可移植性强等优点,还融合了BCC动态编译的特性。coolbpf利用远程编译的思想,把用户的BPF程序推送到远端的服务器并返回.o或.so,提供python/rust/c高级语言加载。用户只专注自己的功能开发,不用关心底层库安装、环境搭建。
An intelligent assistant who can answer your question and help you solve many system problems such as performance optimization and so on. Further more, all you need is talking to EulerCopilot in natural language.