同步操作将从 antv/G2Plot 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
const { repository, version } = require('./package.json');
module.exports = {
plugins: [
resolve: '@antv/gatsby-theme-antv',
options: {
// eslint-disable-next-line quotes
GATrackingId: `UA-148148901-2`,
// Customize your site metadata:
siteMetadata: {
isAntVSite: false,
title: 'G2Plot',
description: 'A collection of charts made with the Grammar of Graphics',
siteUrl: 'https://g2plot.antv.vision',
githubUrl: repository.url,
versions: {
[version]: 'https://g2plot.antv.vision',
'1.x': 'https://g2plot-v1.antv.vision',
galleryMenuCloseAll: true,
showChartResize: true, // 是否在demo页展示图表视图切换
showAPIDoc: true, // 是否在demo页展示API文档
themeSwitcher: 'g2plot',
playground: {
devDependencies: {
typescript: 'latest',
mdPlayground: {
// markdown 文档中的 playground 若干设置
splitPaneMainSize: '50%',
navs: [
slug: 'docs/manual',
title: {
zh: '教程',
en: 'Manual',
order: 2,
slug: 'docs/api',
title: {
zh: 'API',
en: 'API',
order: 1,
slug: 'examples',
title: {
zh: '图表示例',
en: 'Examples',
order: 0,
ecosystems: [
name: {
zh: 'Ant Design Charts(React)',
en: 'Ant Design Charts (React)',
url: 'https://charts.ant.design/',
name: {
zh: 'G2Plot 可视化圈子(博客文章)',
en: 'Blog posts of G2Plot',
url: 'https://www.yuque.com/antv/g2plot',
name: {
zh: 'AntV ThemeSet(主题构建器)',
en: 'AntV ThemeSet',
url: 'https://theme-set.antv.vision',
name: {
zh: 'Vis Dashboard(可视化精选集)',
en: 'Vis Dashboard',
url: 'https://vis-dashboard.antv.vision',
docs: [
slug: 'manual/plots',
title: {
zh: '图表指引',
en: 'Plot Guide',
order: 3,
slug: 'api/plots',
title: {
zh: '基础图表',
en: 'Plots',
order: 2,
slug: 'api/advanced-plots',
title: {
zh: '高级图表',
en: 'Advanced plots',
order: 3,
slug: 'api/components',
title: {
zh: '图表组件',
en: 'Components',
order: 4,
slug: 'api/options',
title: {
zh: '通用配置',
en: 'Common Configuration',
order: 5,
examples: [
slug: 'gallery',
icon: 'gallery',
title: {
zh: '',
en: '',
slug: 'facet',
icon: 'gallery',
title: {
zh: 'Facet ❤️',
en: '分面图 ❤️',
slug: 'case',
icon: 'gallery',
title: {
zh: '场景案例',
en: 'Show Case',
slug: 'line',
icon: 'line', // 图表名可以去 https://antv.alipay.com/zh-cn/g2/3.x/demo/index.html 打开控制台查看图标类名
title: {
zh: '折线图',
en: 'Line',
slug: 'area',
icon: 'area',
title: {
zh: '面积图',
en: 'Area',
slug: 'column',
icon: 'column',
title: {
zh: '柱形图',
en: 'Column',
slug: 'bar',
icon: 'bar',
title: {
zh: '条形图',
en: 'Bar',
slug: 'pie',
icon: 'pie',
title: {
zh: '饼图',
en: 'Pie',
slug: 'dual-axes',
icon: 'line',
title: {
zh: '双轴图',
en: 'Dual Axes',
slug: 'progress-plots',
icon: 'gauge',
title: {
zh: '进度图',
en: 'Progress Plots',
slug: 'scatter',
icon: 'point',
title: {
zh: '散点气泡图',
en: 'Scatter and Bubble',
slug: 'rose',
icon: 'rose',
title: {
zh: '玫瑰图',
en: 'Rose',
slug: 'relation-plots',
icon: 'sankey',
title: {
zh: '关系图',
en: 'Relation Plots',
slug: 'heatmap',
icon: 'heatmap',
title: {
zh: '热力图',
en: 'Heatmap',
slug: 'tiny',
icon: 'other',
title: {
zh: '迷你图',
en: 'Tiny Plots',
slug: 'more-plots',
icon: 'other',
title: {
zh: '更多图表',
en: 'More Plots',
slug: 'treemap',
icon: 'other',
title: {
zh: '矩形树图',
en: 'Treemap',
slug: 'plugin',
icon: 'other',
title: {
zh: '高级图表',
en: 'Advanced Plots',
slug: 'dynamic-plots',
icon: 'other',
title: {
zh: '动态交互',
en: 'Dynamic Plots',
slug: 'component',
icon: 'other',
title: {
zh: '图表组件',
en: 'Components',
slug: 'general',
icon: 'other',
title: {
zh: '通用配置',
en: 'General Configuration',
docsearchOptions: {
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indexName: 'antv_g2plot',
announcement: {
zh: '1. 上新图表啦!请「图表示例 - 更多图表」查看「Circle Packing」图表示例',
en: '1. 上新图表啦!请「图表示例 - 更多图表」查看「Circle Packing」图表示例',
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