Fetch the repository succeeded.
var api,
util = require("./utils/utils.js")
// 播放器
const innerAudioContext = wx.createInnerAudioContext()
* 录音播放
* @param src 音频地址
* @param duration 音频秒数(单位 S)
let SoundRecordingPlay = function ({ src, duration }) {
let _src = src;
let _duration = duration;
if(_src && _duration){
innerAudioContext.src = _src
// setTimeout(function () {
// innerAudioContext.stop();
// }, _duration * 1000)
* 监听通知
function ListeningNotify() {
new SendRequestGetNotifyStatus();
setTimeout(ListeningNotify, 20000);
* 执行查询并播放音频
function SendRequestGetNotifyStatus(){
if (wx.getStorageSync('cash').cashstatus == 1 && wx.getStorageSync('site') != '' && wx.getStorageSync('uid')!=''){
success: function (res) {
url: wx.getStorageSync('site') + '/addons/sd_liferuning/tp/api.php/order/playMsg',
data: {
uid: wx.getStorageSync('uid'),
bid: wx.getStorageSync('bid'),
latitude: res.latitude,
longitude: res.longitude
success: function (e) {
if (e.data.code == 1) {
new SoundRecordingPlay({ src: wx.getStorageSync('site') + "/addons/sd_liferuning/tp/public/static/remind.mp3", duration: "14" });
* 监听器运行
new ListeningNotify();
is_on_launch: !0,
// data: {
// canIUse: wx.canIUse('button.open-type.getUserInfo')
// },
onLaunch: function () {
api = this.api,
getmenu: function () {
frontColor: '#ffffff',
backgroundColor: '#ff0000',
animation: {
duration: 400,
timingFunc: 'easeIn'
getStoreData: function () {
var t = this;
if (!wx.getStorageSync('bid')) {
url: api.default.store,
success: function (t) {
wx.setStorageSync('bid', t.bid.bid)
if (!wx.getStorageSync('site')) {
url: api.default.site,
success: function (t) {
// console.log(t.site)
wx.setStorageSync('site', t.site)
getUserDataToken: function () {
var that = this;
var utoken = wx.getStorageSync("utoken");
getMenu: function () {
request: function (a) {
a.data || (a.data = {});
var t = wx.getStorageSync("access_token");
t && (a.data.access_token = t), a.data._uniacid = this.siteInfo.uniacid, a.data._acid = this.siteInfo.acid,
url: a.url,
header: a.header || {
"content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
data: a.data || {},
method: a.method || "GET",
dataType: a.dataType || "json",
success: function (t) {
-1 == t.data.code ? getApp().login() : a.success && a.success(t.data);
fail: function (t) {
console.warn("--- request fail >>>"), console.warn(t), console.warn("<<< request fail ---");
var e = getApp();
e.is_on_launch ? (e.is_on_launch = !1, wx.showModal({
title: "网络请求出错",
content: t.errMsg,
showCancel: !1,
success: function (t) {
t.confirm && a.fail && a.fail(t);
})) : (wx.showToast({
title: t.errMsg,
image: "/images/icon-warning.png"
}), a.fail && a.fail(t));
complete: function (t) {
200 != t.statusCode && (console.log("--- request http error >>>"), console.log(t.statusCode),
console.log(t.data), console.log("<<< request http error ---")), a.complete && a.complete(t);
saveFormId: function (t) {
url: api.user.save_form_id,
data: {
form_id: t
loginBindParent: function (t) {
if ("" == wx.getStorageSync("access_token")) return !0;
bindParent: function (t) {
if ("undefined" != t.parent_id && 0 != t.parent_id) {
console.log("Try To Bind Parent With User Id:" + t.parent_id);
var e = wx.getStorageSync("user_info");
if (0 < wx.getStorageSync("share_setting").level) 0 != t.parent_id && getApp().request({
url: api.share.bind_parent,
data: {
parent_id: t.parent_id
success: function (t) {
0 == t.code && (e.parent = t.data, wx.setStorageSync("user_info", e));
shareSendCoupon: function (a) {
mask: !0
}), a.hideGetCoupon || (a.hideGetCoupon = function (t) {
var e = t.currentTarget.dataset.url || !1;
get_coupon_list: null
}), e && wx.navigateTo({
url: e
}), this.request({
url: api.coupon.share_send,
success: function (t) {
0 == t.code && a.setData({
get_coupon_list: t.data.list
complete: function () {
getauth: function (e) {
title: "是否打开设置页面重新授权",
content: e.content,
confirmText: "去设置",
success: function (t) {
t.confirm ? wx.openSetting({
success: function (t) {
e.success && e.success(t);
fail: function (t) {
e.fail && e.fail(t);
complete: function (t) {
e.complete && e.complete(t);
}) : e.cancel && getApp().getauth(e);
api: require("api.js"),
setApi: function () {
var o = this.siteInfo.siteroot;
o = o.replace("app/index.php", ""), o += "addons/sd_liferuning/tp/api.php/",
this.api = function t(e) {
for (var a in e) "string" == typeof e[a] ? e[a] = e[a].replace("{$_api_root}", o) : e[a] = t(e[a]);
return e;
var t = this.api.default.index, e = t.substr(0, t.indexOf("/index.php"));
this.webRoot = e;
webRoot: null,
siteInfo: require("siteinfo.js"),
currentPage: null,
pageOnLoad: function (t) {
// var that=this;
// that.request({
// url: api.default.navlist,
// data: {
// bid: wx.getStorageSync('bid')
// },
// success: function (e) {
// wx.setStorageSync('nav', e.data);
// wx.setNavigationBarColor({
// frontColor: wx.getStorageSync('nav').frontColor,
// backgroundColor: wx.getStorageSync('nav').backgroundColor,
// })
// }
// });
pageShowToast: function (t) {
console.log("--- pageToast ---");
var e = this.currentPage, a = t.duration || 2500, o = t.title || "", n = (t.success,
t.fail, t.complete || null);
e._toast_timer && clearTimeout(e._toast_timer), e.setData({
_toast: {
title: o
}), e._toast_timer = setTimeout(function () {
var t = e.data._toast;
t.hide = !0, e.setData({
_toast: t
}), "function" == typeof n && n();
}, a);
setPageNavbar: function (n) {
var that = this;
var t = wx.getStorageSync("nav");
console.log(n, 'nav207')
function e(t) {
var e = !1, a = n.route || n.__route__ || null;
console.log(n.route, 'route-----------------------')
for (var o in t.navbar) t.navbar[o].url === "/" + a ? e = t.navbar[o].active = !0 : t.navbar[o].active = !1;
e && n.setData({
nav: t.navbar,
t && e(t)
url: api.default.navlist,
data: {
bid: wx.getStorageSync('bid')
success: function (t) {
1 == t.code && (e(t.data), wx.setStorageSync("nav", t.data));
navigatorClick: function (t, e) {
var a = t.currentTarget.dataset.open_type;
if (a == 'navigate') {
url: t.currentTarget.dataset.url,
if ("redirect" == a) return !0;
if ("wxapp" == a) {
var o = t.currentTarget.dataset.path;
"/" != o.substr(0, 1) && (o = "/" + o)
// wx.navigateToMiniProgram({
// appId: t.currentTarget.dataset.appid,
// path: o,
// complete: function (t) {
// console.log(t);
// }
// });
if ("tel" == a) {
var n = t.currentTarget.dataset.tel;
phoneNumber: n
return !1;
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