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runGan.py 13.20 KB
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several running examples, run with
python3 runGan.py 1 # the last number is the run case number
runcase == 1 inference a trained model
runcase == 2 calculate the metrics, and save the numbers in csv
runcase == 3 training TecoGAN
runcase == 4 training FRVSR
runcase == ... coming... data preparation and so on...
import os, subprocess, sys, datetime, signal, shutil
runcase = int(sys.argv[1])
print ("Testing test case %d" % runcase)
def preexec(): # Don't forward signals.
def mycall(cmd, block=False):
if not block:
return subprocess.Popen(cmd)
return subprocess.Popen(cmd, preexec_fn = preexec)
def folder_check(path):
try_num = 1
oripath = path[:-1] if path.endswith('/') else path
while os.path.exists(path):
print("Delete existing folder " + path + "?(Y/N)")
decision = input()
if decision == "Y":
shutil.rmtree(path, ignore_errors=True)
path = oripath + "_%d/"%try_num
try_num += 1
return path
if( runcase == 0 ): # download inference data, trained models
# download the trained model
if(not os.path.exists("./model/")): os.mkdir("./model/")
cmd1 = "wget https://ge.in.tum.de/download/data/TecoGAN/model.zip -O model/model.zip;"
cmd1 += "unzip model/model.zip -d model; rm model/model.zip"
subprocess.call(cmd1, shell=True)
# download some test data
cmd2 = "wget https://ge.in.tum.de/download/data/TecoGAN/vid3_LR.zip -O LR/vid3.zip;"
cmd2 += "unzip LR/vid3.zip -d LR; rm LR/vid3.zip"
subprocess.call(cmd2, shell=True)
cmd2 = "wget https://ge.in.tum.de/download/data/TecoGAN/tos_LR.zip -O LR/tos.zip;"
cmd2 += "unzip LR/tos.zip -d LR; rm LR/tos.zip"
subprocess.call(cmd2, shell=True)
# download the ground-truth data
if(not os.path.exists("./HR/")): os.mkdir("./HR/")
cmd3 = "wget https://ge.in.tum.de/download/data/TecoGAN/vid4_HR.zip -O HR/vid4.zip;"
cmd3 += "unzip HR/vid4.zip -d HR; rm HR/vid4.zip"
subprocess.call(cmd3, shell=True)
cmd3 = "wget https://ge.in.tum.de/download/data/TecoGAN/tos_HR.zip -O HR/tos.zip;"
cmd3 += "unzip HR/tos.zip -d HR; rm HR/tos.zip"
subprocess.call(cmd3, shell=True)
elif( runcase == 1 ): # inference a trained model
dirstr = './results/' # the place to save the results
testpre = ['calendar'] # the test cases
if (not os.path.exists(dirstr)): os.mkdir(dirstr)
# run these test cases one by one:
for nn in range(len(testpre)):
cmd1 = ["python3", "main.py",
"--cudaID", "0", # set the cudaID here to use only one GPU
"--output_dir", dirstr, # Set the place to put the results.
"--summary_dir", os.path.join(dirstr, 'log/'), # Set the place to put the log.
"--input_dir_LR", os.path.join("./LR/", testpre[nn]), # the LR directory
#"--input_dir_HR", os.path.join("./HR/", testpre[nn]), # the HR directory
# one of (input_dir_HR,input_dir_LR) should be given
"--output_pre", testpre[nn], # the subfolder to save current scene, optional
"--num_resblock", "16", # our model has 16 residual blocks,
# the pre-trained FRVSR and TecoGAN mini have 10 residual blocks
"--checkpoint", './model/TecoGAN', # the path of the trained model,
"--output_ext", "png" # png is more accurate, jpg is smaller
elif( runcase == 2 ): # calculate all metrics, and save the csv files, should use png
testpre = ["calendar"] # just put more scenes to evaluate all of them
dirstr = './results/' # the outputs
tarstr = './HR/' # the GT
tar_list = [(tarstr+_) for _ in testpre]
out_list = [(dirstr+_) for _ in testpre]
cmd1 = ["python3", "metrics.py",
"--output", dirstr+"metric_log/",
"--results", ",".join(out_list),
"--targets", ",".join(tar_list),
elif( runcase == 3 ): # Train TecoGAN
In order to use the VGG as a perceptual loss,
we download from TensorFlow-Slim image classification model library:
VGGPath = "model/" # the path for the VGG model, there should be a vgg_19.ckpt inside
VGGModelPath = os.path.join(VGGPath, "vgg_19.ckpt")
if(not os.path.exists(VGGPath)): os.mkdir(VGGPath)
if(not os.path.exists(VGGModelPath)):
# Download the VGG 19 model from
print("VGG model not found, downloading to %s"%VGGPath)
cmd0 = "wget http://download.tensorflow.org/models/vgg_19_2016_08_28.tar.gz -O " + os.path.join(VGGPath, "vgg19.tar.gz")
cmd0 += ";tar -xvf " + os.path.join(VGGPath,"vgg19.tar.gz") + " -C " + VGGPath + "; rm "+ os.path.join(VGGPath, "vgg19.tar.gz")
subprocess.call(cmd0, shell=True)
Use our pre-trained FRVSR model. If you want to train one, try runcase 4, and update this path by:
FRVSRModel = "ex_FRVSRmm-dd-hh/model-500000"
FRVSRModel = "model/ourFRVSR"
if(not os.path.exists(FRVSRModel+".data-00000-of-00001")):
# Download our pre-trained FRVSR model
print("pre-trained FRVSR model not found, downloading")
cmd0 = "wget http://ge.in.tum.de/download/2019-TecoGAN/FRVSR_Ours.zip -O model/ofrvsr.zip;"
cmd0 += "unzip model/ofrvsr.zip -d model; rm model/ofrvsr.zip"
subprocess.call(cmd0, shell=True)
TrainingDataPath = "/mnt/netdisk/video_data/"
'''Prepare Training Folder'''
# path appendix, manually define it, or use the current datetime, now_str = "mm-dd-hh"
now_str = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%m-%d-%H")
train_dir = folder_check("ex_TecoGAN%s/"%now_str)
# train TecoGAN, loss = l2 + VGG54 loss + A spatio-temporal Discriminator
cmd1 = ["python3", "main.py",
"--cudaID", "0", # set the cudaID here to use only one GPU
"--output_dir", train_dir, # Set the place to save the models.
"--summary_dir", os.path.join(train_dir,"log/"), # Set the place to save the log.
"--batch_size", "4" , # small, because GPU memory is not big
"--RNN_N", "10" , # train with a sequence of RNN_N frames, >6 is better, >10 is not necessary
"--movingFirstFrame", # a data augmentation
"--crop_size", "32",
"--learning_rate", "0.00005",
# -- learning_rate step decay, here it is not used --
"--decay_step", "500000",
"--decay_rate", "1.0", # 1.0 means no decay
"--beta", "0.9", # ADAM training parameter beta
"--max_iter", "500000", # 500k or more, the one we present is trained for 900k
"--save_freq", "10000", # the frequency we save models
# -- network architecture parameters --
"--num_resblock", "16", # FRVSR and TecoGANmini has num_resblock as 10. The TecoGAN has 16.
# -- VGG loss, disable with vgg_scaling < 0
"--vgg_scaling", "0.2",
"--vgg_ckpt", VGGModelPath, # necessary if vgg_scaling > 0
'''Video Training data:
please udate the TrainingDataPath according to ReadMe.md
input_video_pre is hard coded as scene in dataPrepare.py at line 142
str_dir is the starting index for training data
end_dir is the ending index for training data
end_dir+1 is the starting index for validation data
end_dir_val is the ending index for validation data
max_frm should be duration (in dataPrepare.py) -1
queue_thread: how many cpu can be used for loading data when training
name_video_queue_capacity, video_queue_capacity: how much memory can be used
cmd1 += [
"--input_video_dir", TrainingDataPath,
"--input_video_pre", "scene",
"--str_dir", "2000",
"--end_dir", "2250",
"--end_dir_val", "2290",
"--max_frm", "119",
# -- cpu memory for data loading --
"--queue_thread", "12",# Cpu threads for the data. >4 to speedup the training
"--name_video_queue_capacity", "1024",
"--video_queue_capacity", "1024",
loading the pre-trained model from FRVSR can make the training faster
--checkpoint, path of the model, here our pre-trained FRVSR is given
--pre_trained_model, to continue an old (maybe accidentally stopeed) training,
pre_trained_model should be false, and checkpoint should be the last model such as
To start a new and different training, pre_trained_model is True.
The difference here is
whether to load the whole graph icluding ADAM training averages/momentums/ and so on
or just load existing pre-trained weights.
cmd1 += [ # based on a pre-trained FRVSR model. Here we want to train a new adversarial training
"--pre_trained_model", # True
"--checkpoint", FRVSRModel,
# the following can be used to train TecoGAN continuously
# old_model = "model/ex_TecoGANmm-dd-hh/model-xxxxxxx"
# cmd1 += [ # Here we want to train continuously
# "--nopre_trained_model", # False
# "--checkpoint", old_model,
# ]
''' parameters for GAN training '''
cmd1 += [
"--ratio", "0.01", # the ratio for the adversarial loss from the Discriminator to the Generator
"--Dt_mergeDs", # if Dt_mergeDs == False, only use temporal inputs, so we have a temporal Discriminator
# else, use both temporal and spatial inputs, then we have a Dst, the spatial and temporal Discriminator
''' if the generator is pre-trained, to fade in the discriminator is usually more stable.
the weight of the adversarial loss will be weighed with a weight, started from Dt_ratio_0,
and increases until Dt_ratio_max, the increased value is Dt_ratio_add per training step
For example, fading Dst in smoothly in the first 4k steps is
"--Dt_ratio_max", "1.0", "--Dt_ratio_0", "0.0", "--Dt_ratio_add", "0.00025"
cmd1 += [ # here, the fading in is disabled
"--Dt_ratio_max", "1.0",
"--Dt_ratio_0", "1.0",
"--Dt_ratio_add", "0.0",
''' Other Losses '''
cmd1 += [
"--pingpang", # our Ping-Pang loss
"--pp_scaling", "0.5", # the weight of the our bi-directional loss, 0.0~0.5
"--D_LAYERLOSS", # use feature layer losses from the discriminator
pid = mycall(cmd1, block=True)
try: # catch interruption for training
except KeyboardInterrupt: # Ctrl + C to stop current training try to save the last model
print("runGAN.py: sending SIGINT signal to the sub process...")
# try to save the last model
print("runGAN.py: finished...")
elif( runcase == 4 ): # Train FRVSR, loss = l2 warp + l2 content
now_str = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%m-%d-%H")
train_dir = folder_check("ex_FRVSR%s/"%now_str)
cmd1 = ["python3", "main.py",
"--cudaID", "0", # set the cudaID here to use only one GPU
"--output_dir", train_dir, # Set the place to save the models.
"--summary_dir", os.path.join(train_dir,"log/"), # Set the place to save the log.
"--batch_size", "4" , # small, because GPU memory is not big
"--RNN_N", "10" , # train with a sequence of RNN_N frames, >6 is better, >10 is not necessary
"--movingFirstFrame", # a data augmentation
"--crop_size", "32",
"--learning_rate", "0.00005",
# -- learning_rate step decay, here it is not used --
"--decay_step", "500000",
"--decay_rate", "1.0", # 1.0 means no decay
"--beta", "0.9", # ADAM training parameter beta
"--max_iter", "500000", # 500k is usually fine for FRVSR, GAN versions need more to be stable
"--save_freq", "10000", # the frequency we save models
# -- network architecture parameters --
"--num_resblock", "10", # a smaller model
"--ratio", "-0.01", # the ratio for the adversarial loss, negative means disabled
'''Video Training data... Same as runcase 3...'''
TrainingDataPath = "/mnt/netdisk/video_data/"
cmd1 += [
"--input_video_dir", TrainingDataPath,
"--input_video_pre", "scene",
"--str_dir", "2000",
"--end_dir", "2250",
"--end_dir_val", "2290",
"--max_frm", "119",
# -- cpu memory for data loading --
"--queue_thread", "12",# Cpu threads for the data. >4 to speedup the training
"--name_video_queue_capacity", "1024",
"--video_queue_capacity", "1024",
pid = mycall(cmd1, block=True)
try: # catch interruption for training
except KeyboardInterrupt: # Ctrl + C to stop current training try to save the last model
print("runGAN.py: sending SIGINT signal to the sub process...")
# try to save the last model
print("runGAN.py: finished...")
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