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世玉轩 提交于 2019-11-11 14:59 . init code
# These are used when we want to do substitutions without confusing Make
SPACE := $(NULL) #
COMMA := ,
# Don't use implicit rules or variables
# we have explicit rules for everything
# Files with this suffixes are final, don't try to generate them
# using implicit rules
# Flags for dependency generation
QEMU_DGFLAGS += -MMD -MP -MT $@ -MF $(@D)/$(*F).d
# Compiler searches the source file dir first, but in vpath builds
# we need to make it search the build dir too, before any other
# explicit search paths. There are two search locations in the build
# dir, one absolute and the other relative to the compiler working
# directory. These are the same for target-independent files, but
# different for target-dependent ones.
QEMU_LOCAL_INCLUDES = -iquote $(BUILD_DIR)/$(@D) -iquote $(@D)
WL_U := -Wl,-u,
find-symbols = $(if $1, $(sort $(shell $(NM) -P -g $1 | $2)))
defined-symbols = $(call find-symbols,$1,awk '$$2!="U"{print $$1}')
undefined-symbols = $(call find-symbols,$1,awk '$$2=="U"{print $$1}')
# All the .mo objects in -m variables are also added into corresponding -y
# variable in unnest-vars, but filtered out here, when LINK is called.
# The .mo objects are supposed to be linked as a DSO, for module build. So here
# they are only used as a placeholders to generate those "archive undefined"
# symbol options (-Wl,-u,$symbol_name), which are the archive functions
# referenced by the code in the DSO.
# Also the presence in -y variables will also guarantee they are built before
# linking executables that will load them. So we can look up symbol reference
# in LINK.
# This is necessary because the exectuable itself may not use the function, in
# which case the function would not be linked in. Then the DSO loading will
# fail because of the missing symbol.
process-archive-undefs = $(filter-out %.a %.mo,$1) \
$(addprefix $(WL_U), \
$(filter $(call defined-symbols,$(filter %.a, $1)), \
$(call undefined-symbols,$(filter %.mo,$1)))) \
$(filter %.a,$1)
extract-libs = $(strip $(foreach o,$(filter-out %.mo,$1),$($o-libs)))
expand-objs = $(strip $(sort $(filter %.o,$1)) \
$(foreach o,$(filter %.mo,$1),$($o-objs)) \
$(filter-out %.o %.mo,$1))
%.o: %.c
$(call quiet-command,$(CC) $(QEMU_LOCAL_INCLUDES) $(QEMU_INCLUDES) \
$(QEMU_CFLAGS) $(QEMU_DGFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $($@-cflags) \
-c -o $@ $<,"CC","$(TARGET_DIR)$@")
%.o: %.rc
$(call quiet-command,$(WINDRES) -I. -o $@ $<,"RC","$(TARGET_DIR)$@")
# If we have a CXX we might have some C++ objects, in which case we
# must link with the C++ compiler, not the plain C compiler.
LINKPROG = $(or $(CXX),$(CC))
LINK = $(call quiet-command, $(LINKPROG) $(QEMU_LDFLAGS) $(QEMU_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ \
$(call process-archive-undefs, $1) \
$(version-obj-y) $(call extract-libs,$1) $(LIBS),"LINK","$(TARGET_DIR)$@")
%.o: %.S
$(call quiet-command,$(CCAS) $(QEMU_LOCAL_INCLUDES) $(QEMU_INCLUDES) \
-c -o $@ $<,"CCAS","$(TARGET_DIR)$@")
%.o: %.cc
$(call quiet-command,$(CXX) $(QEMU_LOCAL_INCLUDES) $(QEMU_INCLUDES) \
-c -o $@ $<,"CXX","$(TARGET_DIR)$@")
%.o: %.cpp
$(call quiet-command,$(CXX) $(QEMU_LOCAL_INCLUDES) $(QEMU_INCLUDES) \
-c -o $@ $<,"CXX","$(TARGET_DIR)$@")
%.o: %.m
$(call quiet-command,$(OBJCC) $(QEMU_LOCAL_INCLUDES) $(QEMU_INCLUDES) \
$(QEMU_CFLAGS) $(QEMU_DGFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $($@-cflags) \
-c -o $@ $<,"OBJC","$(TARGET_DIR)$@")
%.o: %.dtrace
$(call quiet-command,dtrace -o $@ -G -s $<,"GEN","$(TARGET_DIR)$@")
module-common.o: CFLAGS += $(DSO_OBJ_CFLAGS)
%$(DSOSUF): %.mo
$(call LINK,$^)
@# Copy to build root so modules can be loaded when program started without install
$(if $(findstring /,$@),$(call quiet-command,cp $@ $(subst /,-,$@),"CP","$(subst /,-,$@)"))
LD_REL := $(CC) -nostdlib $(LD_REL_FLAGS)
$(call quiet-command,$(LD_REL) -o $@ $^,"LD","$(TARGET_DIR)$@")
.PHONY: modules
%$(EXESUF): %.o
$(call LINK,$(filter %.o %.a %.mo, $^))
$(call quiet-command,rm -f $@ && $(AR) rcs $@ $^,"AR","$(TARGET_DIR)$@")
# Usage: $(call quiet-command,command and args,"NAME","args to print")
# This will run "command and args", and either:
# if V=1 just print the whole command and args
# otherwise print the 'quiet' output in the format " NAME args to print"
# NAME should be a short name of the command, 7 letters or fewer.
# If called with only a single argument, will print nothing in quiet mode.
quiet-command-run = $(if $(V),,$(if $2,printf " %-7s %s\n" $2 $3 && ))$1
quiet-@ = $(if $(V),,@)
quiet-command = $(quiet-@)$(call quiet-command-run,$1,$2,$3)
# cc-option
# Usage: CFLAGS+=$(call cc-option, -falign-functions=0, -malign-functions=0)
cc-option = $(if $(shell $(CC) $1 $2 -S -o /dev/null -xc /dev/null \
>/dev/null 2>&1 && echo OK), $2, $3)
cc-c-option = $(if $(shell $(CC) $1 $2 -c -o /dev/null -xc /dev/null \
>/dev/null 2>&1 && echo OK), $2, $3)
VPATH_SUFFIXES = %.c %.h %.S %.cc %.cpp %.m %.mak %.texi %.sh %.rc Kconfig% %.json.in
set-vpath = $(if $1,$(foreach PATTERN,$(VPATH_SUFFIXES),$(eval vpath $(PATTERN) $1)))
# install-prog list, dir
define install-prog
$(INSTALL_PROG) $1 "$2"
$(if $(STRIP),$(STRIP) $(foreach T,$1,"$2/$(notdir $T)"),)
# find-in-path
# Usage: $(call find-in-path, prog)
# Looks in the PATH if the argument contains no slash, else only considers one
# specific directory. Returns an # empty string if the program doesn't exist
# there.
find-in-path = $(if $(findstring /, $1), \
$(wildcard $1), \
$(wildcard $(patsubst %, %/$1, $(subst :, ,$(PATH)))))
# Logical functions (for operating on y/n values like CONFIG_FOO vars)
# Inputs to these must be either "y" (true) or "n" or "" (both false)
# Output is always either "y" or "n".
# Usage: $(call land,$(CONFIG_FOO),$(CONFIG_BAR))
# Logical NOT
lnot = $(if $(subst n,,$1),n,y)
# Logical AND
land = $(if $(findstring yy,$1$2),y,n)
# Logical OR
lor = $(if $(findstring y,$1$2),y,n)
# Logical XOR (note that this is the inverse of leqv)
lxor = $(if $(filter $(call lnot,$1),$(call lnot,$2)),n,y)
# Logical equivalence (note that leqv "","n" is true)
leqv = $(if $(filter $(call lnot,$1),$(call lnot,$2)),y,n)
# Logical if: like make's $(if) but with an leqv-like test
lif = $(if $(subst n,,$1),$2,$3)
# String testing functions: inputs to these can be any string;
# the output is always either "y" or "n". Leading and trailing whitespace
# is ignored when comparing strings.
# String equality
eq = $(if $(subst $2,,$1)$(subst $1,,$2),n,y)
# String inequality
ne = $(if $(subst $2,,$1)$(subst $1,,$2),y,n)
# Emptiness/non-emptiness tests:
isempty = $(if $1,n,y)
notempty = $(if $1,y,n)
# Generate files with tracetool
TRACETOOL=$(PYTHON) $(SRC_PATH)/scripts/tracetool.py
# Generate timestamp files for .h include files
config-%.h: config-%.h-timestamp
@cmp $< $@ >/dev/null 2>&1 || cp $< $@
config-%.h-timestamp: config-%.mak $(SRC_PATH)/scripts/create_config
$(call quiet-command, sh $(SRC_PATH)/scripts/create_config < $< > $@,"GEN","$(TARGET_DIR)config-$*.h")
.PHONY: clean-timestamp
rm -f *.timestamp
clean: clean-timestamp
# will delete the target of a rule if commands exit with a nonzero exit status
# save-vars
# Usage: $(call save-vars, vars)
# Save each variable $v in $vars as save-vars-$v, save their object's
# variables, then clear $v. saved-vars-$v contains the variables that
# where saved for the objects, in order to speedup load-vars.
define save-vars
$(foreach v,$1,
$(eval save-vars-$v := $(value $v))
$(eval saved-vars-$v := $(foreach o,$($v), \
$(if $($o-cflags), $o-cflags $(eval save-vars-$o-cflags := $($o-cflags))$(eval $o-cflags := )) \
$(if $($o-libs), $o-libs $(eval save-vars-$o-libs := $($o-libs))$(eval $o-libs := )) \
$(if $($o-objs), $o-objs $(eval save-vars-$o-objs := $($o-objs))$(eval $o-objs := ))))
$(eval $v := ))
# load-vars
# Usage: $(call load-vars, vars, add_var)
# Load the saved value for each variable in @vars, and the per object
# variables.
# Append @add_var's current value to the loaded value.
define load-vars
$(eval $2-new-value := $(value $2))
$(foreach v,$1,
$(eval $v := $(value save-vars-$v))
$(foreach o,$(saved-vars-$v),
$(eval $o := $(save-vars-$o)) $(eval save-vars-$o := ))
$(eval save-vars-$v := )
$(eval saved-vars-$v := ))
$(eval $2 := $(value $2) $($2-new-value))
# fix-paths
# Usage: $(call fix-paths, obj_path, src_path, vars)
# Add prefix @obj_path to all objects in @vars, and add prefix @src_path to all
# directories in @vars.
define fix-paths
$(foreach v,$3,
$(foreach o,$($v),
$(if $($o-libs),
$(eval $1$o-libs := $($o-libs)))
$(if $($o-cflags),
$(eval $1$o-cflags := $($o-cflags)))
$(if $($o-objs),
$(eval $1$o-objs := $(addprefix $1,$($o-objs)))))
$(eval $v := $(addprefix $1,$(filter-out %/,$($v))) \
$(addprefix $2,$(filter %/,$($v)))))
# unnest-var-recursive
# Usage: $(call unnest-var-recursive, obj_prefix, vars, var)
# Unnest @var by including subdir Makefile.objs, while protect others in @vars
# unchanged.
# @obj_prefix is the starting point of object path prefix.
define unnest-var-recursive
$(eval dirs := $(sort $(filter %/,$($3))))
$(eval $3 := $(filter-out %/,$($3)))
$(foreach d,$(dirs:%/=%),
$(call save-vars,$2)
$(eval obj := $(if $1,$1/)$d)
$(eval -include $(SRC_PATH)/$d/Makefile.objs)
$(call fix-paths,$(if $1,$1/)$d/,$d/,$2)
$(call load-vars,$2,$3)
$(call unnest-var-recursive,$1,$2,$3))
# unnest-vars
# Usage: $(call unnest-vars, obj_prefix, vars)
# @obj_prefix: object path prefix, can be empty, or '..', etc. Don't include
# ending '/'.
# @vars: the list of variable names to unnest.
# This macro will scan subdirectories's Makefile.objs, include them, to build
# up each variable listed in @vars.
# Per object and per module cflags and libs are saved with relative path fixed
# as well, those variables include -libs, -cflags and -objs. Items in -objs are
# also fixed to relative path against SRC_PATH plus the prefix @obj_prefix.
# All nested variables postfixed by -m in names are treated as DSO variables,
# and will be built as modules, if enabled.
# A simple example of the unnest:
# obj_prefix = ..
# vars = hot cold
# hot = fire.o sun.o season/
# cold = snow.o water/ season/
# Unnest through a faked source directory structure:
# ├── water
# │ └── Makefile.objs──────────────────┐
# │ │ hot += steam.o │
# │ │ cold += ice.mo │
# │ │ ice.mo-libs := -licemaker │
# │ │ ice.mo-objs := ice1.o ice2.o │
# │ └──────────────────────────────┘
# │
# └── season
# └── Makefile.objs──────┐
# │ hot += summer.o │
# │ cold += winter.o │
# └──────────────────┘
# In the end, the result will be:
# hot = ../fire.o ../sun.o ../season/summer.o
# cold = ../snow.o ../water/ice.mo ../season/winter.o
# ../water/ice.mo-libs = -licemaker
# ../water/ice.mo-objs = ../water/ice1.o ../water/ice2.o
# Note that 'hot' didn't include 'water/' in the input, so 'steam.o' is not
# included.
define unnest-vars
# In the case of target build (i.e. $1 == ..), fix path for top level
# Makefile.objs objects
$(if $1,$(call fix-paths,$1/,,$2))
# Descend and include every subdir Makefile.objs
$(foreach v, $2,
$(call unnest-var-recursive,$1,$2,$v)
# Pass the .mo-cflags and .mo-libs along to its member objects
$(foreach o, $(filter %.mo,$($v)),
$(foreach p,$($o-objs),
$(if $($o-cflags), $(eval $p-cflags += $($o-cflags)))
$(if $($o-libs), $(eval $p-libs += $($o-libs))))))
# For all %.mo objects that are directly added into -y, just expand them
$(foreach v,$(filter %-y,$2),
$(eval $v := $(foreach o,$($v),$(if $($o-objs),$($o-objs),$o))))
$(foreach v,$(filter %-m,$2),
# All .o found in *-m variables are single object modules, create .mo
# for them
$(foreach o,$(filter %.o,$($v)),
$(eval $(o:%.o=%.mo)-objs := $o))
# Now unify .o in -m variable to .mo
$(eval $v := $($v:%.o=%.mo))
$(eval modules-m += $($v))
# For module build, build shared libraries during "make modules"
# For non-module build, add -m to -y
$(foreach o,$($v),
$(eval $($o-objs): CFLAGS += $(DSO_OBJ_CFLAGS))
$(eval $o: $($o-objs)))
$(eval $(patsubst %-m,%-y,$v) += $($v))
$(eval modules: $($v:%.mo=%$(DSOSUF))),
$(eval $(patsubst %-m,%-y,$v) += $(call expand-objs, $($v)))))
# Post-process all the unnested vars
$(foreach v,$2,
$(foreach o, $(filter %.mo,$($v)),
# Find all the .mo objects in variables and add dependency rules
# according to .mo-objs. Report error if not set
$(if $($o-objs),
$(eval $(o:%.mo=%$(DSOSUF)): module-common.o $($o-objs)),
$(error $o added in $v but $o-objs is not set)))
$(shell mkdir -p ./ $(sort $(dir $($v))))
# Include all the .d files
$(eval -include $(patsubst %.o,%.d,$(patsubst %.mo,%.d,$($v))))
$(eval $v := $(filter-out %/,$($v))))
TEXI2MAN = $(call quiet-command, \
perl -Ww -- $(SRC_PATH)/scripts/texi2pod.pl $(TEXI2PODFLAGS) $< $@.pod && \
$(POD2MAN) --section=$(subst .,,$(suffix $@)) --center=" " --release=" " $@.pod > $@, \
$(call TEXI2MAN)
$(call TEXI2MAN)
$(call TEXI2MAN)
GEN_SUBST = $(call quiet-command, \
sed -e "s!@libexecdir@!$(libexecdir)!g" < $< > $@, \
%.json: %.json.in
$(call GEN_SUBST)
马建仓 AI 助手
100ask_imx6ull qemu模拟器源码
