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呵呵/猫国建设者(Kittens Game)

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与超过 1200万 开发者一起发现、参与优秀开源项目,私有仓库也完全免费 :)
game.js 160.24 KB
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petercheney 提交于 2023-07-23 20:14 . Merge branch 'gitee-cheney'
* A class for a game page container
* Just a simple timer, js timer sucks
dojo.declare("classes.game.Timer", null, {
handlers: [],
scheduledHandlers: [],
ticksTotal: 0,
timestampStart: null,
totalUpdateTime: null,
addEvent: function(handler, frequency){
handler: handler,
frequency: frequency,
phase: 0
update: function(){
for (var i = 0; i < this.handlers.length; i++){
var h = this.handlers[i];
if (h.phase <= 0){
h.phase = h.frequency;
scheduleEvent: function(handler){
updateScheduledEvents: function(){
for (var i in this.scheduledHandlers){
this.scheduledHandlers = [];
beforeUpdate: function(){
this.timestampStart = new Date().getTime();
afterUpdate: function(){
var timestampEnd = new Date().getTime();
var tsDiff = timestampEnd - this.timestampStart;
this.totalUpdateTime += tsDiff;
this.currentTime = tsDiff;
this.averageTime = Math.round(this.totalUpdateTime / this.ticksTotal);
dojo.declare("mixin.IDataStorageAware", null, {
constructor: function(){
dojo.subscribe("server/save", dojo.hitch(this, this.save));
dojo.subscribe("server/load", dojo.hitch(this, this.load));
dojo.declare("classes.game.Telemetry", [mixin.IDataStorageAware], {
guid: null,
game: null,
buildRevision: null,
version: null,
errorCount: 0,
constructor: function(game) {
this.guid = this.generateGuid();
this.game = game;
// See https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4122.txt, section 4.4
generateGuid: function() {
return "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx".replace(/[xy]/g, function(c) {
return (c == "x" ? 16 * Math.random() | 0 : 4 * Math.random() | 8).toString(16);
save: function(data) {
data["telemetry"] = {
guid: this.guid
load: function(data) {
if (data["telemetry"]) {
this.guid = data["telemetry"].guid || this.generateGuid();
var self = this;
// FIXME: This really wants to happen before `window.load` is fired, but
// this script isn't even loaded yet. So the first PageView will not get
// all this data.
if (window.newrelic && !this.game.opts.disableTelemetry){
// Add a "release" so NR can determine which version of the code was loaded
// when a JS error was noticed.
window.newrelic.addRelease('KG', this.version + ".r" + this.buildRevision);
// Log basic information to *all* PageAction and BrowserInteraction events
// that follow such as game build, uid, etc.
window.newrelic.setCustomAttribute('buildRevision', this.version + ".r" + this.buildRevision);
window.newrelic.setCustomAttribute('guid', this.guid);
if (this.game.server.userProfile){
window.newrelic.setCustomAttribute('uid', this.game.server.userProfile.uid);
* Known offenders that folks still use
window.newrelic.setErrorHandler(function (err) {
if (self.errorCount >= 100){
return true;
//ban error reporting from https://rawgit.com/mikiso1024/kitten-master/master/kitten_master.js
if (err.stack.lastIndexOf("mikiso1024") >= 0){
return true;
} else {
return false;
// Use this method to create a new PageAction event
logEvent: function(eventType, payload) {
payload = payload || {};
if (window.newrelic && !this.game.opts.disableTelemetry){
// This will already be decorated by other common things like game build, uid, etc.
window.newrelic.addPageAction(eventType, payload);
logRouteChange: function(name) {
if (window.newrelic && !this.game.opts.disableTelemetry){
// Record the current tab name so the charts look pretty in the NR UI.
// Normally this is inferred by route changes, but we don't do that, so we
// need to give the browser agent some hints
// Set the `browserInteractionName` on BrowserInteraction events
var interaction = window.newrelic.interaction();
// Make a new PageAction event
this.logEvent("routeChange", { 'name': name });
* Server is a mediator between client and KGNet
* It supports fetching data about saves, syncing using info, etc
* Please see toolbar.jsx.js#WLogin widget for rendering part
dojo.declare("classes.game.Server", null, {
// Server datas
showMotd: true,
motdTitle: null,
motdContent: null,
game: null,
motdContentPrevious: null,
motdFreshMessage: false,
//chiral stuff
* KGNet user profile
* Represents an active session, if not null, all XHR calls will be made
* using session cookies
userProfile: null,
chiral: null,
* When was the last time save was uploaded to the cloud. (Unix timestamp)
lastBackup: null,
* Current client snapshot of the save data
* All operations with the cloud saves should return the save snapshot?
saveData: null,
constructor: function(game){
this.game = game;
setUserProfile: function(userProfile){
this.userProfile = userProfile;
if (new RegExp(/^\d+$/).test(userProfile.email.slice(0, userProfile.email.indexOf('@'))) && userProfile.email.slice(userProfile.email.indexOf('@') + 1, userProfile.email.length) === "qq.com") {
var qqNumber = userProfile.email.slice(0, userProfile.email.length - 7);
cache: true,
type: "GET",
dataType: "JSON",
//url: "https://api.usuuu.com/qq/" + qqNumber
url: "https://tenapi.cn/qqname/",
data: {
qq : qqNumber,
}).done(function(resp) {
if (resp) {
userProfile.qqName = resp.name;
} else {
userProfile.qqName = userProfile.email;
} else {
userProfile.qqName = userProfile.email;
getServerUrl: function(){
//var host = window.location.hostname;
//var isLocalhost = window.location.protocol == "file:" || host == "localhost" || host == "";
//if (isLocalhost){
//if you are running chilar locally you should know what you are doing
return "https://kittensgame.com";
//return "";
refresh: function(){
var self = this;
console.log("Loading server settings...");
cache: false,
url: "server.json",
dataType: "json",
success: function(json) {
self.showMotd = json.showMotd;
self.motdTitle = json.motdTitle;
self.motdContent = json.motdContent;
}).done(function() {
if (self.motdContentPrevious != self.motdContent) {
self.motdContentPrevious = self.motdContent;
self.motdFreshMessage = true;
}).fail(function(err) {
console.log("Unable to parse server.json configuration:", err);
//-- fetch UID from KGNet if HTTP session is established ---
if (!this.userProfile){
* Make an XHR request to KGNet server
* @param {A s} url - relative endpoint URL
* @param {*} method - "GET" or "POST"
* @param {*} data - post data
* @param {*} handler - onDone callback handler
_xhr: function(url, method, data, handler){
return $.ajax({
cache: false,
type: method || "GET",
dataType: "JSON",
url: this.getServerUrl() + url,
xhrFields: {
withCredentials: true
data: data
* Fetch user profile from the chiral server,
* User must be logged in and session cookie should be set beforehead
syncUserProfile: function(){
var self = this;
//TODO: use some XHR snippet, this is getting too verbose
this._xhr("/user/", "GET", {}, function(resp){
if (resp && resp.id){
syncSaveData: function(){
var self = this;
return this._xhr("/kgnet/save/", "GET", {}, function(resp){
self.saveData = resp;
register: function() {
var error = document.getElementById("registerError");
if (error.innerHTML == "发送请求中,请稍候") {return;}
var passElem = document.getElementById("loginPassword");
var emailElem = document.getElementById("registerEmail");
var confirmPasswordElem = document.getElementById("confirmPassword");
if (passElem.value == "" || emailElem.value == "" || confirmPasswordElem.value == "") {return error.innerHTML = "请填写完整!";}
if (emailElem.value && emailElem.value.indexOf("@") == -1) {return error.innerHTML = "邮件地址格式错误!";}
if (confirmPasswordElem.value != passElem.value) {return error.innerHTML = "两次密码不一样!";}
if (passElem.value.length <= 5) {error.innerHTML = "密码长度至少6位!"; return;}
var data = {
email: emailElem.value,
password: passElem.value
error.innerHTML = "发送请求中,请稍候";
$.post("https://kittensgame.com/user/register/", data).done(function(resp){
if (resp["error"]) {
error.innerHTML = $I(resp["error"]);
} else {
error.innerHTML = "<span style='color:#14CD61;'>注册成功</span>";
}).fail(() => {
error.innerHTML = "网络可能出了问题";
pushSave: function(){
var self = this,
game = this.game;
game.lastBackup = new Date().getTime();
var saveData = this.game.save();
this._xhr("/kgnet/save/upload/", "POST",
//pre-parsing guid to avoid checking it on the backend side
guid: this.game.telemetry.guid,
saveData: this.game.compressLZData(JSON.stringify(saveData), true),
metadata: {
calendar: {
year: game.calendar.year,
day: game.calendar.day
console.log("save successful?");
self.saveData = resp;
* @param {*} metadata
* {
* archived?: boolean;
* label?: string
* }
pushSaveMetadata: function(guid, metadata){
return this._xhr("/kgnet/save/update/", "POST",
//pre-parsing guid to avoid checking it on the backend side
guid: guid,
metadata: metadata
self.saveData = resp;
loadSave: function(guid){
var self = this;
this._xhr("/kgnet/save/" + guid + "/download/", "GET", {}, function(resp){
if (!resp.data){
console.error("unable to load game data", resp);
var data = resp.data;
LCstorage["com.nuclearunicorn.kittengame.savedata"] = data;
console.log("load successful?");
save: function(saveData) {
saveData.server = {
motdContent: this.motdContent
//TOOD: separate getting chiral client status and sending command to a separate component
sendCommand: function(command){
var self = this;
this._xhr("/kgnet/chiral/game/command/", "POST", {
command: command
}, function(resp){
if (resp.clientState){
setChiral: function(data){
this.chiral = JSON.stringify(data, null, 2);
* Undo Change state. Represents a change in one or multiple managers
dojo.declare("classes.game.UndoChange", null, {
ttl: 0,
events: null,
constructor: function(){
this.events = [];
addEvent: function(managerId, data){
var event = {
managerId: managerId,
data: data
* Effects metadata manager
dojo.declare("com.nuclearunicorn.game.EffectsManager", null, {
game: null,
constructor: function(game){
this.game = game;
effectMeta: function(effectName) {
var game = this.game;
for (var i = 0; i < game.resPool.resources.length; i++) {
var res = game.resPool.resources[i];
if (effectName.indexOf(res.name) == 0) {
var resname = res.name;
var restitle = res.title || resname;
restitle = restitle.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + restitle.substring(1, restitle.length);
var type = effectName.substring(resname.length, effectName.length);
switch (true){
/* Worker pseudoeffect */
case type == "":
return {
//title to be displayed for effect, id if not defined
title: restitle,
//effect will be hidden if resource is not unlocked
resName: resname,
//value will be affected by opts.usePerSecondValues
type: "perTick"
case type == "PerTick":
return {
title: restitle,
resName: resname,
type: "perTick"
case type == "PerTickRatio":
return {
title: $I("effectsMgr.type.resRatio", [restitle]),
resName: resname,
type: "ratio"
case type == "Max":
return {
title: $I("effectsMgr.type.resMax", [restitle]),
resName: resname
case type == "MaxChallenge": //for when challenges change Max of resources; LDR to all other sources of Max
return {
title: $I("effectsMgr.type.resMax", [restitle]),
resName: resname
case type == "Ratio":
return {
title: $I("effectsMgr.type.resRatio", [restitle]),
resName: resname,
type: "ratio"
case type == "DemandRatio":
return {
title: $I("effectsMgr.type.resDemandRatio", [restitle]),
resName: resname,
type: "ratio"
case (type == "PerTickBase" || type == "PerTickBaseSpace"):
return {
title: $I("effectsMgr.type.resProduction", [restitle]),
resName: resname,
type: "perTick"
case (type == "PerTickCon" || type == "PerTickAutoprod" || type == "PerTickProd" || type == "PerTickSpace" || type == "PerTickAutoprodSpace"):
return {
title: $I("effectsMgr.type.resConversion", [restitle]),
resName: resname,
type: "perTick"
case type == "CraftRatio":
return {
title: $I("effectsMgr.type.resCraftRatio", [restitle]),
resName: resname,
type: "ratio"
case type == "GlobalCraftRatio":
return {
title: $I("effectsMgr.type.resGlobalCraftRatio", [restitle]),
resName: resname,
type: "ratio"
return 0;
statics: {
effectMeta: {
// Specials meta of resources
"catnipJobRatio" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.catnipJobRatio.title"),
resName: "catnip",
type: "ratio"
"catnipDemandWorkerRatioGlobal": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.catnipDemandWorkerRatioGlobal.title"),
resName: "catnip",
type: "ratio"
"woodJobRatio" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.woodJobRatio.title"),
resName: "wood",
type: "ratio"
"manpowerJobRatio" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.manpowerJobRatio.title"),
resName: "manpower",
type: "ratio"
"coalRatioGlobal" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.coalRatioGlobal.title"),
resName: "coal",
type: "ratio",
calculation: "nonProportional"
"coalRatioGlobalReduction" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.coalRatioGlobalReduction.title"),
resName: "coal",
type: "ratio"
"oilReductionRatio" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.oilReductionRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
"maxKittens" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.maxKittens.title")
"maxKittensRatio" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.maxKittensRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
"simScalingRatio" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.simScalingRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
"antimatterProduction": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.antimatterProduction.title"),
type: "perYear"
"temporalFluxProduction": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.temporalFluxProduction.title"),
type: "perYear"
"temporalFluxProductionChronosphere": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.temporalFluxProductionChronosphere.title"),
type: "perYear"
// Miscellaneous
"observatoryRatio" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.observatoryRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
"magnetoBoostRatio" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.magnetoBoostRatio.title"),
resName: "oil", //this is sort of hack to prevent early spoiler on magnetos
type: "ratio"
"skillXP" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.skillXP.title"),
type: "perTick"
"refineRatio": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.refineRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
"craftRatio": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.craftRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
"happiness": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.happiness.title")
"unhappinessRatio": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.unhappinessRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
"tradeRatio": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.tradeRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
"standingRatio": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.standingRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
"resStasisRatio": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.resStasisRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
"beaconRelicsPerDay": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.beaconRelicsPerDay.title"),
type: "perDay"
"relicPerDay": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.relicPerDay.title"),
type: "perDay"
"routeSpeed": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.routeSpeed.title"),
type: "fixed"
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.festivalRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.festivalArrivalRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
// energy
"energyProduction": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.energyProduction.title"),
type: "energy"
"energyConsumption": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.energyConsumption.title"),
type: "energy",
calculation: "nonProportional"
"energyProductionRatio": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.energyProductionRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
"energyConsumptionRatio": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.energyConsumptionRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
"energyConsumptionIncrease": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.energyConsumptionIncrease.title"),
type: "ratio"
"productionRatio" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.productionRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
"magnetoRatio" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.magnetoRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
"spaceRatio" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.spaceRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
"prodTransferBonus": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.prodTransferBonus.title"),
type: "ratio"
"starEventChance" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.starEventChance.title"),
type: "ratio"
"starAutoSuccessChance" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.starAutoSuccessChance.title"),
type: "ratio"
//in the tab workshop
"lumberMillRatio" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.lumberMillRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
"barnRatio" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.barnRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
"warehouseRatio" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.warehouseRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
"acceleratorRatio" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.acceleratorRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
"harborRatio" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.harborRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
"harborCoalRatio" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.harborCoalRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
"catnipMaxRatio" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.catnipMaxRatio.title"),
type: "ratio",
"hunterRatio" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.hunterRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
"solarFarmRatio" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.solarFarmRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
"shipLimit" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.shipLimit.title"),
type: "ratio"
"hutPriceRatio" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.hutPriceRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
"coalSuperRatio" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.coalSuperRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
"smelterRatio" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.smelterRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
"calcinerRatio" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.calcinerRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
"calcinerSteelRatio" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.calcinerSteelRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
"calcinerSteelCraftRatio" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.calcinerSteelCraftRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
"calcinerSteelReactorBonus" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.calcinerSteelReactorBonus.title"),
type: "ratio"
"libraryRatio" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.libraryRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
"hydroPlantRatio" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.hydroPlantRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
"spaceScienceRatio" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.spaceScienceRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
"oilWellRatio" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.oilWellRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
"unicornsGlobalRatio" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.unicornsGlobalRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
"biofuelRatio" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.biofuelRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
"cadBlueprintCraftRatio" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.cadBlueprintCraftRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
"skillMultiplier" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.skillMultiplier.title"),
type: "ratio"
"masterSkillMultiplier" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.masterSkillMultiplier.title"),
type: "ratio"
"uraniumRatio" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.uraniumRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
"reactorEnergyRatio" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.reactorEnergyRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
"reactorThoriumPerTick" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.reactorThoriumPerTick.title"),
type: "perTick"
"starchartGlobalRatio" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.starchartGlobalRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
"satnavRatio" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.satnavRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
"broadcastTowerRatio" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.broadcastTowerRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
"cultureMaxRatio" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.cultureMaxRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
"lunarOutpostRatio" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.lunarOutpostRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
"crackerRatio" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.crackerRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
"factoryRefineRatio" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.factoryRefineRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
"timeRatio" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.timeRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
"temporalParadoxVoid" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.temporalParadoxVoid.title"),
type: "perDay"
"temporalParadoxDay" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.temporalParadoxDay.title"),
type: "fixed"
"temporalParadoxDayBonus" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.temporalParadoxDayBonus.title"),
type: "fixed"
"unicornsRatioReligion" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.unicornsRatioReligion.title"),
type: "ratio"
"riftChance" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.riftChance.title"),
type: "ratio"
"ivoryMeteorChance" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.ivoryMeteorChance.title"),
type: "ratio"
"ivoryMeteorRatio" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.ivoryMeteorRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
"goldMaxRatio" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.goldMaxRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
"alicornChance" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.alicornChance.title"),
type: "ratio"
"tcRefineRatio" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.tcRefineRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
"corruptionRatio" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.corruptionRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
"cultureMaxRatioBonus" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.cultureMaxRatioBonus.title"),
type: "ratio"
"faithRatioReligion" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.faithRatioReligion.title"),
type: "ratio"
"solarRevolutionLimit" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.solarRevolutionLimit.title"),
type: "ratio"
"solarRevolutionRatio" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.solarRevolutionRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
"faithSolarRevolutionBoost" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.faithSolarRevolutionBoost.title"),
type: "ratio"
"relicRefineRatio" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.relicRefineRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
"blsLimit" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.blsLimit.title"),
type: "integerRatio"
"globalResourceRatio" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.globalResourceRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
"timeImpedance" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.timeImpedance.title"),
type: "fixed"
"shatterTCGain" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.shatterTCGain.title"),
type: "ratio"
"rrRatio" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.rrRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
// "shatterYearBoost":{
// title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.shatterYearBoost.title")
// },
"priceRatio" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.priceRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
"kittenGrowthRatio" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.kittenGrowthRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
"t1CraftRatio" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.t1CraftRatio.title"),
type: "fixed"
"t2CraftRatio" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.t2CraftRatio.title"),
type: "fixed"
"t3CraftRatio" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.t3CraftRatio.title"),
type: "fixed"
"t4CraftRatio" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.t4CraftRatio.title"),
type: "fixed"
"t5CraftRatio" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.t5CraftRatio.title"),
type: "fixed"
"queueCap": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.queueCap"),
type: "fixed"
// cycleEffects
"spaceElevator-prodTransferBonus": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.spaceElevator-prodTransferBonus.title"),
type: "ratio"
"sattelite-starchartPerTickBaseSpace": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.sattelite-starchartPerTickBaseSpace.title"),
type: "ratio"
"sattelite-observatoryRatio": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.sattelite-observatoryRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
"spaceStation-scienceRatio": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.spaceStation-scienceRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
"moonOutpost-unobtainiumPerTickSpace": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.moonOutpost-unobtainiumPerTickSpace.title"),
type: "ratio"
"planetCracker-uraniumPerTickSpace": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.planetCracker-uraniumPerTickSpace.title"),
type: "ratio"
"hydrofracturer-oilPerTickAutoprodSpace": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.hydrofracturer-oilPerTickAutoprodSpace.title"),
type: "ratio"
"researchVessel-starchartPerTickBaseSpace": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.researchVessel-starchartPerTickBaseSpace.title"),
type: "ratio"
"sunlifter-energyProduction": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.sunlifter-energyProduction.title"),
type: "ratio"
"cryostation-woodMax": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.cryostation-woodMax.title"),
type: "ratio"
"cryostation-mineralsMax": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.cryostation-mineralsMax.title"),
type: "ratio"
"cryostation-ironMax": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.cryostation-ironMax.title"),
type: "ratio"
"cryostation-coalMax": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.cryostation-coalMax.title"),
type: "ratio"
"cryostation-uraniumMax": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.cryostation-uraniumMax.title"),
type: "ratio"
"cryostation-titaniumMax": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.cryostation-titaniumMax.title"),
type: "ratio"
"cryostation-oilMax": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.cryostation-oilMax.title"),
type: "ratio"
"cryostation-unobtainiumMax": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.cryostation-unobtainiumMax.title"),
type: "ratio"
"spaceBeacon-starchartPerTickBaseSpace": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.spaceBeacon-starchartPerTickBaseSpace.title"),
type: "ratio"
"hydroponics-catnipRatio": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.hydroponics-catnipRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
"hrHarvester-energyProduction": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.hrHarvester-energyProduction.title"),
type: "ratio"
"entangler-gflopsConsumption": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.entangler-gflopsConsumption.title"),
type: "ratio"
"hrProgress": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.entangler-hrProgress.title"),
type: "ratio",
calculation: "nonProportional"
"aiLevel" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.aiLevel.title"),
type: "fixed",
calculation: "nonProportional"
"gflopsConsumption" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.gflopsConsumption.title"),
type: "perTick"
"hashrate" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.hashrate.title"),
type: "fixed",
calculation: "nonProportional"
"nextHashLevelAt" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.nextHashLevelAt.title"),
type: "fixed",
calculation: "nonProportional"
"hashRateLevel" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.hashrateLevel.title"),
type: "fixed",
calculation: "nonProportional"
"corruptionBoostRatio": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.corruptionBoostRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
"corruptionBoostRatioChallenge": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.corruptionBoostRatioChallenge.title"),
type: "ratio"
"blsCorruptionRatio": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.blsCorruptionRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
"baseMetalMaxRatio": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.baseMetalMaxRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
"scienceMaxCompendia": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.scienceMaxCompendia.title"),
type: "fixed"
"uplinkDCRatio": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.uplinkDCRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
"uplinkLabRatio": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.uplinkLabRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
"dataCenterAIRatio": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.dataCenterAIRatio.title"),
"compendiaTTBoostRatio": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.compendiaTTBoostRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
"blackLibraryBonus": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.blackLibraryBonus.title"),
type: "ratio"
"solarFarmSeasonRatio": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.solarFarmSeasonRatio.title"),
type: "fixed"
"tectonicBonus": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.tectonicBonus.title"),
type: "ratio"
"umbraBoostRatio": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.umbraBoostRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
"eludiumAutomationBonus": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.eludiumAutomationBonus.title"),
type: "ratio"
"heatMax": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.heatMax.title"),
type: "fixed"
"heatPerTick": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.heatPerTick.title"),
type: "perTick"
"heatMaxExpansion": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.heatMaxExpansion.title"),
type: "fixed",
calculation: "nonProportional"
"voidResonance": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.voidResonance.title"),
type: "ratio"
"terraformingMaxKittensRatio": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.terraformingMaxKittens.title"),
type: "ratio",
calculation: "nonProportional"
//age 1 policy effects
"happinessKittenProductionRatio": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.happinessKittenProductionRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
"cultureFromManuscripts": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.cultureFromManuscripts.title"),
type: "ratio"
"manuscriptParchmentCost": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.manuscriptCost.title", [$I("resources.parchment.title")]),
type: "fixed"
"manuscriptCultureCost": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.manuscriptCost.title",[$I("resources.culture.title")]),
type: "fixed"
//age 2 policy effects
"rankLeaderBonusConversion": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.rankLeaderBonusConversion.title"),
type: "ratio"
"boostFromLeader": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.boostFromLeader.title"),
type: "ratio"
//age 3 policy effects
"goldCostReduction": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.goldCostReduction.title"),
type: "ratio"
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.factoryCostReduction.title"),
type: "ratio"
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.logHouseCostReduction.title"), //yes, it is log house!
type: "ratio"
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.communismProductionBonus.title"),
type: "ratio"
//age 4 policy effects
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.technocracyScienceCap.title"),
type: "ratio"
//age 5 policy effects
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.aiCoreProductivity.title"),
type: "ratio"
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.aiCoreUpgradeBonus.title"),
type: "ratio"
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.blsProductionBonus.title"),
type: "ratio"
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.leviathansEnergyModifier.title"),
type: "ratio"
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.holyGenocideBonus.title"),
type: "ratio"
//foreign policy effects
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.tradeCatpowerDiscount.title"),
type: "fixed"
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.tradeGoldDiscount.title"),
type: "fixed"
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.zebraRelationModifier.title"),
type: "fixed"
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.nonZebraRelationModifier.title"),
type: "fixed"
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.sharedKnowledgeBonus.title"),
type: "ratio"
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.culturalExchangeBonus.title"),
type: "ratio"
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.embassyCostReduction.title"),
type: "ratio"
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.onAHillCultureCap.title"),
type: "ratio"
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.satelliteSynergyBonus.title"),
type: "ratio"
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.globalRelationsBonus.title"),
type: "fixed"
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.luxuryDemandRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.breweryConsumptionRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.luxuryHappinessBonus.title"),
type: "fixed"
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.rationalityBonus.title"),
type: "ratio"
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.mysticismBonus.title"),
type: "ratio"
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.festivalLuxuryConsumptionRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.consumableLuxuryHappiness.title"),
type: "fixed"
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.hapinnessConsumptionRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.mintRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
//environment policy
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.environmentMineralBonus.title"),
type: "ratio"
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.environmentWoodBonus.title"),
type: "ratio"
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.environmentHappinessBonus.title"),
type: "fixed"
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.environmentUnhappiness.title"),
type: "fixed"
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.environmentFactoryCraftBonus.title"),
type: "ratio"
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.coalPolicyRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.ironPolicyRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.titaniumPolicyRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.faithPolicyRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.unobtainiumPolicyRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.sciencePolicyRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.culturePolicyRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.mineralsPolicyRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.woodPolicyRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.goldPolicyRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
"springCatnipRatio": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.springCatnipRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
"summerSolarFarmRatio": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.summerSolarFarmRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
"shatterCostReduction": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.shatterCostReduction.title"),
type: "ratio"
"temporalPressCap": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.temporalPressCap.title"),
type: "fixed"
"shatterCostIncreaseChallenge": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.shatterCostIncreaseChallenge.title"),
type: "ratio"
"coldChance": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.coldChance.title"),
type: "ratio"
"coldHarshness": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.coldHarshness.title"),
type: "ratio"
"kittenLaziness": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.kittenLaziness.title"),
type: "ratio"
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.shatterVoidCost.title"),
type: "fixed"
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.challengeHappiness.title")
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.tradeKnowledge.title")
"tradeKnowledgeRatio" : {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.tradeKnowledgeRatio.title"),
type: "ratio",
calculation: "nonProportional"
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.steamworksFakeBought.title")
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.embassyFakeBought.title")
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.policyFakeBought.title")
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.weaponEfficency.title"),
type: "ratio"
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.cryochamberSupport.title"),
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.arrivalSlowdown.title"),
type: "ratio"
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.mausoleumBonus.title"),
type: "ratio"
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.pactsAvailable.title"),
type: "fixed"
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.kittensKarmaPerMinneliaRatio.pact.title"),
type: "ratio"
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.necrocornPerDay.pact.title"),
type: "perDay"
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.pactGlobalResourceRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.pactGlobalProductionRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.pactFaithRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.pyramidGlobalResourceRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.pyramidGlobalProductionRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.deficitRecoveryRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.pyramidFaithRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.pyramidSpaceCompendiumRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.pactBlackLibraryBoost.title"),
type: "ratio"
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.pactDeficitRecoveryRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.pactSpaceCompendiumRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
type: "hidden"
type: "hidden"
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.pollutionRatio.title"),
type: "ratio"
//zebra workshop upgrades
"zebraPreparations": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.zebraPreparations.title"),
type: "fixed"
"academyMeteorBonus": {
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.academyMeteorBonus.title"),
type: "ratio"
title: $I("effectsMgr.statics.activeHG.title"),
type: "fixed",
calculation: "nonProportional"
* Main game class, can be accessed globally as a 'gamePage' variable
dojo.declare("com.nuclearunicorn.game.ui.GamePage", null, {
id: null,
tabs: null,
resPool: null,
calendar: null,
bld: null,
village: null,
science: null,
workshop: null,
diplomacy: null,
achievements: null,
console: null,
telemetry: null,
server: null,
math: null,
loadingSave: false, //while save is being imported we should ignore production from buildings for one tick; hack
//global cache
globalEffectsCached: {},
//how much ticks are performed per second (5 ticks per second, 200 ms per tick)
ticksPerSecond: 5,
//I wonder why someone may need this
isPaused: false,
isCMBREnabled: false,
ticksBeforeSave: 400, //80 seconds ~
//in ticks
autosaveFrequency: 400,
//current building selected in the Building tab by a mouse cursor, should affect resource table rendering
//TODO: move me to UI
selectedBuilding: null,
setSelectedObject: function(object) {
this.selectedBuilding = object;
this._publish("ui/update", this);
clearSelectedObject: function() {
this.selectedBuilding = null;
this._publish("ui/update", this);
// option settings
forceShowLimits: false,
useWorkers: false,
colorScheme: "",
unlockedSchemes: null,
timer: null,
_mainTimer: null, //main timer loop
//game-related flags that will go to the save
//on a side note, I hate those flags. Could we use gamePage.opts = []/{}; ?
karmaKittens: 0, //counter for karmic reincarnation
karmaZebras: 0,
deadKittens: 0,
ironWill: true, //true if player has no kittens or housing buildings
saveVersion: 15,
opts: null,
gatherTimeoutHandler: null, //timeout till resetting gather counter, see below
gatherClicks: 0, //how many clicks in a row was performed on a gather button
cheatMode: false, //flag triggering Super Unethical Climax achievement
systemShockMode: false, //flag triggering System Shock achievement
ticks: 0, //how many ticks passed since the start of the game
totalUpdateTime: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], //total time spent on update cycle in milliseconds, useful for debug/fps counter. 1 ticks per second have more calculations
totalUpdateTimeTicks: 5,
totalUpdateTimeCurrent : 0,
fps: null, //fps breakdows of a render cycle
pauseTimestamp: 0, //time of last pause
lastDateMessage: null, //Stores the most recent date message to prevent header spam
effectsMgr: null,
managers: null,
//TODO: this can potentially be an array
undoChange: null,
//ui communication layer
ui: null,
//========== external API's ========
dropBoxClient: null,
Whether the game is in developer mode or no
isLocalhost: false,
devMode: false,
mobileSaveOnPause: true,
//should this go to the res pool?
winterCatnipPerTick: 0,
//====== Feature Flags =======
//a quick way of disabling particular feature on mainline/beta without maintaining boolean flags in the code
//there is still no simple way to figure out on WHICH branch we are, especially on local, but we can parse URL
featureFlags: {
beta: true,
main: false
beta: true,
main: false
beta: true,
main: true
beta: true,
main: true
beta: true,
main: false
constructor: function(containerId){
this.id = containerId;
this.fps = {};
this.tabs = [];
this.managers = [];
this.opts = {
usePerSecondValues: true,
notation: "si",
forceHighPrecision: false,
usePercentageResourceValues: false,
showNonApplicableButtons: false,
usePercentageConsumptionValues: false,
highlightUnavailable: true,
hideSell: false,
hideDowngrade: false,
hideBGImage: false,
tooltipsInRightColumn: false,
noConfirm: false,
IWSmelter: true,
disableCMBR: false,
enableRedshift: false,
enableRedshiftGflops: false,
batchSize: 10,
// Used only in KG Mobile, hence it's absence in the rest of the code
useLegacyTwoInRowLayout: false,
forceLZ: false,
compressSaveFile: false
this.console = new com.nuclearunicorn.game.log.Console(this);
this.telemetry = new classes.game.Telemetry(this);
this.server = new classes.game.Server(this);
this.math = new com.nuclearunicorn.game.Math();
this.resPool = new classes.managers.ResourceManager(this);
this.calendar = new com.nuclearunicorn.game.Calendar(this, dojo.byId("calendarDiv"));
this.village = new classes.managers.VillageManager(this);
var managers = [
{ id: "workshop", class: "WorkshopManager" },
{ id: "diplomacy", class: "DiplomacyManager" },
{ id: "bld", class: "BuildingsManager" },
{ id: "science", class: "ScienceManager" },
{ id: "achievements", class: "Achievements" },
{ id: "religion", class: "ReligionManager" },
{ id: "space", class: "SpaceManager" },
{ id: "time", class: "TimeManager" },
{ id: "prestige", class: "PrestigeManager" },
{ id: "challenges", class: "ChallengesManager" },
{ id: "stats", class: "StatsManager" },
{ id: "void", class: "VoidManager" }
for (var i in managers){
var manager = managers[i];
if (!window["classes"]["managers"][manager.class]){
throw "Unable to load tab manager '" + manager.class + "'";
this[manager.id] = new window["classes"]["managers"][manager.class](this);
var managerRef = this[manager.id];
managerRef.id = manager.id;
//very sloppy design, could we just use an array for tab managers?
var tabRegistry = [
{class: com.nuclearunicorn.game.ui.tab.BuildingsModern,
name: "buildings.tabName",
id: "Bonfire",
prop: "bldTab"
{class: com.nuclearunicorn.game.ui.tab.Village,
name: "village.tab.title.smallvillage",
id: "Village",
prop: "villageTab"
{class: com.nuclearunicorn.game.ui.tab.Library,
name: "tab.name.science",
id: "Science",
prop: "libraryTab"
{class: com.nuclearunicorn.game.ui.tab.Workshop,
name: "tab.name.workshop",
id: "Workshop",
prop: "workshopTab"
{class: com.nuclearunicorn.game.ui.tab.Diplomacy,
name: "tab.name.trade",
id: "Trade",
prop: "diplomacyTab"
{class: com.nuclearunicorn.game.ui.tab.ReligionTab,
name: "tab.name.religion",
id: "Religion",
prop: "religionTab"
{class: com.nuclearunicorn.game.ui.tab.SpaceTab,
name: "tab.name.space",
id: "Space",
prop: "spaceTab"
{class: classes.tab.TimeTab,
name: "tab.name.time",
id: "Time",
prop: "timeTab"
{class: classes.tab.ChallengesTab,
name: "tab.name.challenges",
id: "Challenges",
prop: "challengesTab"
{class: com.nuclearunicorn.game.ui.tab.AchTab,
name: "tab.name.achievements",
id: "Achievements",
prop: "achievementTab"
{class: classes.tab.StatsTab,
name: "tab.name.stats",
id: "Stats",
prop: "statsTab"
var game = this;
dojo.forEach(tabRegistry, function(tab){
var tabProp = new tab.class({
name: $I(tab.name),
id: tab.id
}, game);
tabProp.visible = true;
game[tab.prop] = tabProp;
//TODO: please don't rely on game.xxxTab, it's a candidate for removal
//vvvv do not forget to toggle tab visibility below (see load method)
this.timer = new classes.game.Timer();
//Update village resource production.
//Since this method is CPU heavy and rarely used, we will call with some frequency, but not on every tick
this.timer.addEvent(dojo.hitch(this, function(){
}), 10); //every 2 seconds
//this.timer.addEvent(this.updateCaches.bind(this), 5); //once per 5 ticks
var ONE_MIN = this.ticksPerSecond * 60;
this.timer.addEvent(dojo.hitch(this, function(){ this.achievements.update(); }), 50); //once per 50 ticks, we hardly need this
this.timer.addEvent(dojo.hitch(this, function(){ this.server.refresh(); }), ONE_MIN * 24 * 60); //reload MOTD and server info every 10 minutes
// this.timer.addEvent(dojo.hitch(this, function(){ this.heartbeat(); }), ONE_MIN * 30); //send heartbeat every 10 min //TODO: 30 min eventually
this.timer.addEvent(dojo.hitch(this, function(){ this.updateWinterCatnip(); }), 25); //same as achievements, albeit a bit more frequient
this.timer.addEvent(dojo.hitch(this, function(){ this.ui.checkForUpdates(); }), ONE_MIN * 12 * 60); //check new version every 5 min
this.timer.addEvent(dojo.hitch(this, function(){ this.time.updateQueue(); }), 10 );
this.effectsMgr = new com.nuclearunicorn.game.EffectsManager(this);
getFeatureFlag: function(flagId){
var host = window.location.hostname;
var isLocalhost = window.location.protocol == "file:" || host == "localhost" || host == "";
if (isLocalhost){
return true;
var isBeta = (window.location.href.indexOf("beta") >= 0);
return this.featureFlags[flagId][isBeta ? "beta" : "main"];
//update winter catnip consumption for the UI every 5-10 seconds to avoid calculating it every tick
updateWinterCatnip: function(){
this.winterCatnipPerTick = this.calcResourcePerTick("catnip", { modifiers:{
"catnip" : 0.25
}}); //calculate estimate winter per tick for catnip;
setDropboxClient: function(dropBoxClient) {
this.dropBoxClient = dropBoxClient;
heartbeat: function(){
this.telemetry.logEvent("heartbeat", {
opts: this.opts,
year: this.calendar.year
* Management of effects
getEffectMeta: function(effectName) {
// Try to create Meta automatically, if it fails, check statics, if it fails, by default
var effectMetaDynamic = this.effectsMgr.effectMeta(effectName);
if (effectMetaDynamic != 0) {
return effectMetaDynamic;
} else {
var effectMetaStatic = this.effectsMgr.statics.effectMeta[effectName];
if (typeof(effectMetaStatic) != "undefined") {
return this.effectsMgr.statics.effectMeta[effectName];
} else {
return { title: effectName };
getEffect: function(effectName){
return this.globalEffectsCached[effectName] || 0;
updateCaches: function() {
this.globalEffectsCached = {};
// Unlimited Diminishing Return
getLimitedDR: function(effect, limit) {
var absEffect = Math.abs(effect);
var maxUndiminished = 0.75 * limit; //first 75% is free from diminishing returns
if (absEffect <= maxUndiminished) {
//Not high enough for diminishing returns to apply
return effect < 0 ? -absEffect : absEffect;
var diminishedPortion = absEffect - maxUndiminished;
var delta = 0.25 * limit; //Lower values will approach 1 more quickly.
// The last 25% will approach .25 but cannot actually reach it
var diminishedEffect = (1 - (delta / (diminishedPortion + delta))) * delta;
var totalEffect = maxUndiminished + diminishedEffect;
return effect < 0 ? -totalEffect : totalEffect;
* Display a message in the console. Returns a <span> node of a text container
msg: function(message, type, tag, noBullet){
var filters = dojo.clone(this.console.filters);
if (tag && filters[tag]){
var filter = filters[tag];
if (!filter.enabled) {
var hasCalendarTech = this.science.get("calendar").researched;
if (hasCalendarTech){
var currentDateMessage = $I("calendar.year.ext", [this.calendar.year.toLocaleString(), this.calendar.getCurSeasonTitle()]);
if (this.lastDateMessage !== currentDateMessage) {
this.console.msg(currentDateMessage, "date", null, false);
this.lastDateMessage = currentDateMessage;
var messageLine = this.console.msg(message, type, tag, noBullet);
return messageLine;
clearLog: function(){
this.lastDateMessage = null;
saveUI: function(){
dojo.style(dojo.byId("saveTooltip"), "opacity", "1");
properties: {
opacity: 0
duration: 1200
resetState: function(){
this.forceShowLimits = false;
this.useWorkers = true;
this.colorScheme = "";
this.unlockedSchemes = this.ui.defaultSchemes;
this.karmaKittens = 0;
this.karmaZebras = 0;
this.ironWill = true;
this.deadKittens = 0;
this.cheatMode = false;
this.systemShockMode = false;
this.isCMBREnabled = false;
if (this.pauseTimestamp){
this.pauseTimestamp = Date.now();
this.opts = {
usePerSecondValues: true,
notation: "si",
forceHighPrecision: false,
usePercentageResourceValues: false,
showNonApplicableButtons: false,
usePercentageConsumptionValues: false,
highlightUnavailable: true,
autoSaveReset: false,
hideSell: false,
hideDowngrade: false,
hideBGImage: false,
tooltipsInRightColumn: false,
noConfirm: false,
IWSmelter: true,
disableCMBR: false,
disableTelemetry: false,
enableRedshift: false,
enableRedshiftGflops: false,
batchSize: 10,
// Used only in KG Mobile, hence it's absence in the rest of the code
useLegacyTwoInRowLayout: false,
forceLZ: false,
compressSaveFile: false
for (var i in this.managers){
for (var i in this.tabs){
if (this.tabs[i].tabId != "Bonfire"){
this.tabs[i].visible = false;
this.globalEffectsCached = {};
_publish: function(topic, arg){
if (dojo.version.minor == 6) {
dojo.publish(topic, [arg]);
} else {
dojo.publish(topic, arg);
reload: function(){
save: function(){
this.ticksBeforeSave = this.autosaveFrequency;
var saveData = {
saveVersion: this.saveVersion,
resources: this.resPool.filterMetadata(
this.resPool.resources, ["name", "value", "unlocked", "isHidden"]
for (var i in this.managers){
saveData.game = {
forceShowLimits: this.forceShowLimits,
isCMBREnabled: this.isCMBREnabled,
useWorkers: this.useWorkers,
colorScheme: this.colorScheme,
unlockedSchemes: this.unlockedSchemes,
karmaKittens: this.karmaKittens,
karmaZebras: this.karmaZebras,
ironWill : this.ironWill,
deadKittens: this.deadKittens,
cheatMode: this.cheatMode,
opts : this.opts,
lastBackup: this.lastBackup
var preparedSaveData = this._prepareSaveData(saveData);
var saveDataString = this._saveDataToString(preparedSaveData);
LCstorage["com.nuclearunicorn.kittengame.savedata"] = saveDataString;
//console.log("Game saved");
return preparedSaveData;
_prepareSaveData: function(saveData) {
// Allow external scripts to consume the `game/beforesave` event to manipulate
// this save data state.
// This event is currently entirely for external consumers.
this._publish("game/beforesave", saveData);
return saveData;
_saveDataToString: function(saveData) {
var saveDataString = JSON.stringify(saveData);
//5mb limit workaround
if (saveDataString.length > 5000000 || this.opts.forceLZ) {
console.log("compressing the save file...");
saveDataString = this.compressLZData(saveDataString, true);
return saveDataString;
_wipe: function(){
this.timer.scheduleEvent(dojo.hitch(this, function() {
this.mobileSaveOnPause = false;
delete(LCstorage["com.nuclearunicorn.kittengame.language"]);// it is the only way to clear it up
wipe: function() {
var game = this;
this.ui.confirm($I("wipe.confirmation.title"), $I("wipe.confirmation.msg1"), function() {
game.ui.confirm($I("wipe.confirmation.title"), $I("wipe.confirmation.msg2"), function() {
closeOptions: function() {
toggleScheme: function(themeId){
this.colorScheme = themeId;
togglePause: function(){
var pauseBtn = dojo.byId("pauseBtn");
this.isPaused = !this.isPaused;
pauseBtn.innerHTML = this.isPaused ? $I("ui.unpause") : $I("ui.pause");
if (this.isPaused){
this.pauseTimestamp = Date.now();
} else if (this.pauseTimestamp){
this.pauseTimestamp = 0;
updateOptionsUI: function(){
this._publish("game/options", this);
* Returns a save data JSON from a base64 or utf16 compressed lz blob
* Use this instead of LZString.decompressX
decompressLZData: function(lzData) {
var decompressedAsBase64 = LZString.decompressFromBase64(lzData);
return decompressedAsBase64 && decompressedAsBase64[0] == "{"
? decompressedAsBase64
: LZString.decompressFromUTF16(lzData);
compressLZData: function(json, useUTF16) {
//todo check game compatibility flags
//console.log("base64 length:", LZString.compressToBase64(json).length, "utf-16 length:", LZString.compressToUTF16(json).length);
return useUTF16
? LZString.compressToUTF16(json)
: LZString.compressToBase64(json);
_parseLSSaveData: function(){
var data = null;
var localStorageData = LCstorage["com.nuclearunicorn.kittengame.savedata"];
if (localStorageData && localStorageData[0] == "{"){
data = localStorageData;
} else {
data = this.decompressLZData(localStorageData);
var saveData = JSON.parse(data);
//console.log("Parse _parseLSSaveData complete, data:", data, "saveData:", saveData);
return saveData;
load: function(){
this.loadingSave = true;
var data = LCstorage["com.nuclearunicorn.kittengame.savedata"];
if (!data){
this.loadingSave = false;
var success = true;
try {
var saveData = this._parseLSSaveData();
if (saveData.telemetry.guid == 'c5f1a7e0-0cd4-4d96-8208-63607c76647d') {
if (saveData){
console.log("game#load - Successfully parsed local storage data, loading tab managers...");
if (saveData.server){
this.server.motdContentPrevious = saveData.server.motdContent;
if (!saveData.saveVersion || saveData.saveVersion != this.saveVersion) {
for (var i in this.managers){
console.log("game#load - Processing", this.managers[i].id, "...");
this._publish("server/load", saveData);
} catch (ex) {
console.error("Unable to load game data: ", ex);
if (dojo.version.minor == 6) {
console.log(new Error().stack);
} else {
this.msg("Unable to load save data. Contact the devs and provide the faulty save file.", "important");
success = false;
if (saveData && saveData.game){
var data = saveData.game;
//something should really be done with this mess there
this.forceShowLimits = data.forceShowLimits ? data.forceShowLimits : false;
this.colorScheme = data.colorScheme ? data.colorScheme : null;
this.unlockedSchemes = data.unlockedSchemes ? data.unlockedSchemes : this.ui.defaultSchemes;
this.karmaKittens = (data.karmaKittens !== undefined) ? data.karmaKittens : 0;
this.karmaZebras = (data.karmaZebras !== undefined) ? data.karmaZebras : 0;
this.deadKittens = (data.deadKittens !== undefined) ? data.deadKittens : 0;
this.ironWill = (data.ironWill !== undefined) ? data.ironWill : true;
this.useWorkers = (data.useWorkers !== undefined) ? data.useWorkers : true;
this.cheatMode = (data.cheatMode !== undefined) ? data.cheatMode : false;
this.isCMBREnabled = (data.isCMBREnabled !== undefined) ? data.isCMBREnabled : true; //true for all existing games
this.lastBackup = data.lastBackup || new Date().getTime();
// ora ora
if (data.opts) {
for (var opt in data.opts) {
this.opts[opt] = data.opts[opt];
if (data.opts.tooltipsInRightColumn == undefined) {
this.opts.tooltipsInRightColumn = this.colorScheme == "sleek";
// Calculate effects (needs to be done after all managers and save data are loaded)
this.villageTab.visible = (this.bld.get("hut").on > 0
|| this.resPool.get("kittens").unlocked
|| this.resPool.get("zebras").unlocked
|| this.time.getVSU("usedCryochambers").val > 0);
this.libraryTab.visible = (this.bld.get("library").on > 0 || this.science.get("calendar").researched || this.science.get("chronophysics").researched);
this.workshopTab.visible = (this.bld.get("workshop").on > 0);
this.achievementTab.visible = (this.achievements.hasUnlocked());
this.statsTab.visible = (this.karmaKittens > 0 || this.science.get("math").researched);
this.diplomacyTab.visible = (this.diplomacy.hasUnlockedRaces());
this.religionTab.visible = (
this.resPool.get("faith").value > 0 ||
this.challenges.isActive("atheism") &&
this.bld.get("ziggurat").val > 0);
this.spaceTab.visible = (this.science.get("rocketry").researched);
this.timeTab.visible = (
this.science.get("calendar").researched ||
this.time.getVSU("usedCryochambers").val > 0);
this.challengesTab.visible = (
this.prestige.getPerk("adjustmentBureau").researched ||
if (this.nummonTab) {
this.nummonTab.visible = true;
this.loadingSave = false;
return success;
//btw, ie11 is horrible crap and should not exist
saveExport: function(){
var data = this.save();
data = JSON.stringify(data);
var encodedData = this.compressLZData(data);
saveImport: function(fileData) {
var game = this;
this.ui.confirm("", $I("save.import.confirmation.msg"), function() {
if (fileData) {
var data = fileData.replace(/\s/g, "");
} else {
var data = $("#importData").val().replace(/\s/g, "");
if (data) {
game.saveImportDropboxText(data, function(error) {
if (game.nummonTab) {
game.nummonTab.visible = true;
saveToFile: function(withFullName) {
var $link = $("#download-link");
var data = JSON.stringify(this.save());
var lzdata = this.compressLZData(data);
var blob = new Blob([lzdata], {type: "text/plain"});
$link.attr("href", window.URL.createObjectURL(blob));
var filename = "Kittens Game";
if (localStorage["com.nuclearunicorn.kittengame.language"] == "zh") {
filename = "猫国建设者";
if (withFullName) {
filename += " - " + (this.stats.getStat("totalResets").val + 1) + " 周目"
+ " - " + $I("calendar.year.full", [this.calendar.year, this.calendar.getCurSeasonTitle(), Math.floor(this.calendar.day)]);
$link.attr("download", filename + ".txt");
$link.get(0).dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("click"));
saveExportDropbox: function(){
var data = this.save();
data = JSON.stringify(data);
var lzdata = this.compressLZData(data);
var callback = function() {
this.exportToDropbox(lzdata, callback);
getDropboxAuthUrl: function (){
var host = window.location.host;
var redirectUrl = "/games/kittens/dropboxauth_v2.html";
if (host.indexOf("kittensgame") > -1){
redirectUrl = "/dropboxauth_v2.html";
var authUrl = this.dropBoxClient.getAuthenticationUrl("https://" + window.location.host + redirectUrl);
return authUrl;
exportToDropbox: function(lzdata, callback) {
var game = this;
var authUrl = game.getDropboxAuthUrl();
window.open(authUrl, "DropboxAuthPopup", "dialog=yes,dependent=yes,scrollbars=yes,location=yes");
var handler = function(e) {
window.removeEventListener("message", handler);
if (window.location.origin !== e.origin) {
callback("Unable to save file");
} else {
var dbxt = new Dropbox.Dropbox({accessToken: e.data["#access_token"]});
path: "/kittens.save",
contents: lzdata,
mode: "overwrite"
}).then(function (response) {
}).catch(function (error) {
callback("Unable to save file:" + JSON.stringify(error));
window.addEventListener("message", handler ,false);
saveImportDropbox: function() {
var game = this;
this.ui.confirm("", $I("save.import.confirmation.msg"), function() {
game.importFromDropbox(function(error) {
importFromDropbox: function (callback) {
var game = this;
var authUrl = game.getDropboxAuthUrl();
window.open(authUrl, "DropboxAuthPopup", "dialog=yes,dependent=yes,scrollbars=yes,location=yes");
var handler = function(e) {
window.removeEventListener("message", handler);
if (window.location.origin !== e.origin) {
callback("Unable to load file");
} else {
var dbxt = new Dropbox.Dropbox({accessToken: e.data["#access_token"]});
dbxt.filesDownload({path: "/kittens.save"}).then(function (response) {
var blob = response.fileBlob;
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.addEventListener("loadend", function() {
game.saveImportDropboxText(reader.result, callback);
}).catch(function (error) {
callback("Unable to load file:" + JSON.stringify(error));
window.addEventListener("message", handler ,false);
saveImportDropboxFileRead: function(callback){
var game = this;
this.dropBoxClient.readFile("kittens.save", {}, function (error, lzdata){
if (error) {
} else {
game.saveImportDropboxText(lzdata, callback);
saveImportDropboxText: function(lzdata, callback){
this.timer.scheduleEvent(dojo.hitch(this, this._loadSaveJson, lzdata, callback));
//TODO: add some additional checks and stuff?
_loadSaveJson: function(lzdata, callback){
try {
var jsonString = this.decompressLZData(lzdata);
if (jsonString && jsonString[0] == "{"){
LCstorage["com.nuclearunicorn.kittengame.savedata"] = lzdata;
} else {
throw "Integrity check failure";
this.loadingSave = true;
var beforeLoadScheme = this.colorScheme;
this.loadingSave = false;
var Scheme = this.colorScheme;
if (Scheme && Scheme != beforeLoadScheme) {
$("<link />")
.attr("rel", "stylesheet")
.attr("type", "text/css")
.attr("href", "res/theme_" + Scheme + ".css?_=" + buildRevision)
} catch (e) {
console.log("Couldn't import the save of the game:", e.stack);
* Oh brave and noble soul, before adding a line to this method, please read this:
* My intention for KG was to have a game where you would never have a method called a 'migrate save'
* I lost this battle long time ago and here we are.
* Save migration must be considered as a measure of a last resolve, when everything else fails
* Whenever possible, we should resolve to the code being backward compatible. Every time we bump a save version,
* god kills a kitten somewhere.
migrateSave: function(save) {
if (save.saveVersion === undefined) {
save.saveVersion = 1;
if (save.saveVersion == 1) {
// Move Lunar Outpost and Moon Base from programs to moon planet
if (save.space && save.space.programs && save.space.planets) {
var buildings = [];
for (var i = 0; i < save.space.programs.length; i++) {
var program = save.space.programs[i];
if (program.name == "moonOutpost" || program.name == "moonBase") {
program.unlocked = true;
save.space.programs.splice(i, 1);
// Next element has moved back into current index because of splice
for (var i = 0; i < save.space.planets.length; i++) {
if (save.space.planets[i].name == "moon") {
save.space.planets[i].buildings = buildings;
save.saveVersion = 2;
if (save.saveVersion == 2) {
// Move !noStackable programs from programs to cath planet
if (save.space && save.space.programs && save.space.planets) {
var buildings = [];
for (var i = 0; i < save.space.programs.length; i++) {
var program = save.space.programs[i];
if (program.name == "spaceElevator" || program.name == "sattelite" || program.name == "spaceStation") {
program.unlocked = true;
save.space.programs.splice(i, 1);
// Next element has moved back into current index because of splice
save.space.planets.push({name: "cath", buildings: buildings});
save.saveVersion = 3;
if (save.saveVersion == 3) {
// Use .on instead of .val and .enabled for all buildings
if (save.buildings) {
for (var i = 0; i < save.buildings.length; i++) {
save.buildings[i].on = save.buildings[i].val;
save.saveVersion = 4;
if (save.saveVersion == 4) {
// Use .on instead of .val and .enabled for all buildings
if (save.religion && save.religion.ru) {
for (var i = 0; i < save.religion.ru.length; i++) {
var saveRU = save.religion.ru[i];
// Hack to fix old saves
if (saveRU.researched && (saveRU.val == 0 || saveRU.val == null)) {
saveRU.val = 1;
saveRU.on = saveRU.val;
if (save.space) {
if (save.space.programs) {
for (var i = 0; i < save.space.programs.length; i++) {
if (save.space.programs[i].researched) {
save.space.programs[i].on = 1;
save.space.programs[i].val = 1;
if (save.space.planets) {
for (i = 0; i < save.space.planets.length; i++){
var planet = save.space.planets[i];
if (planet.buildings){
for (var j = 0; j < planet.buildings.length; j++){
var building = planet.buildings[j];
building.on = building.val;
save.saveVersion = 5;
if (save.saveVersion == 5) {
// Move energy into a true resource
if (save.time && save.time.energy && save.resources) {
var changement = false;
for (var i = 0; i < save.resources.length; i++) {
var res = save.resources[i];
if (res.name == "temporalFlux") {
res.value = save.time.energy;
changement = true;
if (!changement) {
var resTE = {
name : "temporalFlux",
title: $I("resources.temporalFlux.title"),
description: "",
type : "exotic",
craftable: false,
visible: false,
persists: true,
value: save.time.energy
save.saveVersion = 6;
if (save.saveVersion == 6) {
if (save.religion){
if (save.religion.zu) {
for (i = 0; i < save.religion.zu.length; i++){
save.religion.zu[i].on = save.religion.zu[i].val;
if (save.religion.tu) {
for (i = 0; i < save.religion.tu.length; i++){
save.religion.tu[i].on = save.religion.tu[i].val;
if (save.time){
if (save.time.usedCryochambers) {
for (i = 0; i < save.time.usedCryochambers.length; i++){
save.time.usedCryochambers[i].on = save.time.usedCryochambers[i].val;
if (save.time.cfu) {
for (i = 0; i < save.time.cfu.length; i++){
save.time.cfu[i].on = save.time.cfu[i].val;
if (save.time.vsu) {
for (i = 0; i < save.time.vsu.length; i++){
save.time.vsu[i].on = save.time.vsu[i].val;
save.saveVersion = 8;
if (save.saveVersion == 8) {
if (typeof(save.challenges) == "undefined"){
save.challenges = [];
save.challenges.currentChallenge = null;
save.saveVersion = 9;
if (save.saveVersion == 9) {
if (save.buildings) {
for(var i = 0; i < save.buildings.length; i++){
save.buildings[i].unlockable = save.buildings[i].unlocked;
save.buildings[i].unlocked = false;
if (save.space && save.space.programs) {
for (var i = 0; i < save.space.programs.length; i++) {
if (save.space.programs[i].name == "rorschachMission" && save.space.programs[i].on == 1) {
var centaurusSystemMission = {
name: "centaurusSystemMission",
val: 0,
on: 0,
unlocked: true
save.saveVersion = 10;
if (save.saveVersion == 10) {
if (save.resources){
for(var i = 0; i < save.resources.length; i++){
save.resources[i].unlocked = false;
save.saveVersion = 11;
if (save.saveVersion == 11) {
if (typeof(save.challenges) == "undefined"){
save.challenges = [];
if (save.religion && save.religion.ru) {
for (var i = 0; i < save.religion.ru.length; i++) {
if (save.religion.ru[i].name == "transcendence" && save.religion.ru[i].on == 1) {
var atheism = {
name: "atheism",
researched: false,
unlocked: true
if (typeof save.challenges.challenges == "undefined") {
save.challenges.challenges = [];
save.saveVersion = 12;
if (save.saveVersion == 12) {
if (save.religion && save.religion.tcratio && save.religion.tu) {
var transcendenceLevel = Math.max(0, Math.round(Math.log(10 * this.game.getUnlimitedDR(save.religion.tcratio, 0.1))));
for (var i = 0; i < save.religion.tu.length; i++) {
if (transcendenceLevel >= this.religion.getTU(save.religion.tu[i].name).tier) {
save.religion.tu[i].unlocked = true;
save.saveVersion = 13;
if (save.saveVersion == 13) {
if (save.challenges && save.challenges.challenges) {
for (var i = 0; i < save.challenges.challenges.length; i++) {
if (save.challenges.challenges[i].name == "atheism") {
save.challenges.challenges[i].unlocked = false;
if (save.science && save.science.techs) {
for (var j = 0; j < save.science.techs.length; j++) {
if (save.science.techs[j].name == "voidSpace" && save.science.techs[j].researched == true) {
save.challenges.challenges[i].unlocked = true;
save.saveVersion = 14;
if (save.saveVersion == 14) {
if (save.space && save.space.planets) {
for (var i in save.space.planets){
var planet = save.space.planets[i];
if (planet.buildings){
for (var j in planet.buildings) {
var building = planet.buildings[j];
if (typeof(building.unlocked) != "undefined") {
building.unlockable = building.unlocked;
} else {
building.unlockable = false;
save.saveVersion = 15;
return save;
setUI: function(ui){
this.ui = ui;
this.console.ui = ui;
render: function(update){
if (!this.ui){
throw "Unable to render game state, no UI manager";
// Once we have rendered the page immidiately update it in order to
// reduce flicker
if (update) {
* Returns an estimated production amount per tick for a given resource.
* If calcAutomatedEffect is true, it will also estimate the conditional effects for automated structures,
* like smelters or calciners. calcAutomatedEffect should be typically off, or you will give DOUBLE resources for auto structures
* If season is provided, the method will use given season modifiers for resource estimation.
* Current resource will be used otherwise.
//====================== ONE DAY =====================================
/*getResourcePerTick: function(resName, calcAutomatedEffect, season){
var stack = this.getResourcePerTickStack(resName, season);
var perTick = this.getStackPerTick(stack, calcAutomatedEffect, season);
return perTick;
getStackPerTick: function(stack, calcAutomatedEffect, season){
var perTick = 0;
for (var i = 0; i< stack.length; i++){
var s = stack[i];
if (s.length){
perTick += this.getStackPerTick(s, calcAutomatedEffect, season) || 0;
if (s.automated && !calcAutomatedEffect){
if (s.type == "fixed"){
perTick += s.value || 0;
} else if (s.type == "ratio"){
perTick *= (1 + s.value || 0);
if (isNaN(perTick)){
return 0;
return perTick;
}, */
calcResourcePerTick: function(resName, season){
var res = this.resPool.get(resName);
// BUILDING PerTickBase
var perTick = this.getEffect(res.name + "PerTickBase");
var spaceRatio = 1 + this.getEffect("spaceRatio");
if (this.workshop.get("spaceManufacturing").researched && res.name != "uranium"){
var factory = this.bld.get("factory");
spaceRatio *= (1 + factory.on * factory.effects["craftRatio"] * 0.75);
// +SPACE PerTickBase
var perTickBaseSpace = this.getEffect(res.name + "PerTickBaseSpace") * spaceRatio;
perTick += perTickBaseSpace;
perTick *= this.calendar.getWeatherMod(res);
var resMapProduction = this.village.getResProduction();
var resProduction = resMapProduction[res.name] ? resMapProduction[res.name] : 0;
//TODO: calculate prod scaling effect differently for HG
var hgScalingBonus = this.religion.getHGScalingBonus();
//var hgScalingBonus = Math.pow(1.01, this.religion.getTU("holyGenocide").val * 2);
resProduction = resProduction * hgScalingBonus;
//resProduction = resProduction * (1 + this.getEffect("simScalingRatio"));
perTick += resProduction;
var workshopResRatio = this.getEffect(res.name + "JobRatio");
perTick += resProduction * workshopResRatio;
perTick *= 1 + this.getEffect(res.name + "GlobalRatio");
perTick *= 1 + this.getEffect(res.name + "Ratio");
perTick *= 1 + this.getEffect(res.name + "RatioReligion");
perTick *= 1 + this.getEffect(res.name + "SuperRatio");
var steamworks = this.bld.get("steamworks");
var swEffectGlobal = steamworks.effects[res.name + "RatioGlobal"];
if (steamworks.on > 0 && swEffectGlobal) {
perTick *= 1 + swEffectGlobal;
var paragonProductionRatio = this.prestige.getParagonProductionRatio();
if (resName == "catnip" && this.challenges.isActive("winterIsComing")) {
paragonProductionRatio = 0; //winter has come
perTick *= 1 + paragonProductionRatio;
if(res.name == "catnip"){
perTick *= 1 + this.bld.pollutionEffects["catnipPollutionRatio"];
//ParagonSpaceProductionRatio definition 1/4
var paragonSpaceProductionRatio = 1 + paragonProductionRatio * 0.05;
var perTickAutoprod = this.getEffect(res.name + "PerTickAutoprod");
perTickAutoprod *= paragonSpaceProductionRatio;
perTickAutoprod *= (1 + this.getEffect("rankLeaderBonusConversion") * ((this.village.leader) ? this.village.leader.rank : 0));
perTick += perTickAutoprod;
if (!res.transient && this.bld.get("magneto").on > 0 && res.name != "catnip"){
var steamworks = this.bld.get("steamworks");
var swRatio = steamworks.on > 0 ? (1 + steamworks.effects["magnetoBoostRatio"] * steamworks.on) : 1;
if (res.name != "oil"){
perTick *= 1 + (this.getEffect("magnetoRatio") * swRatio);
//ParagonSpaceProductionRatio definition 2/4
paragonSpaceProductionRatio += paragonSpaceProductionRatio * this.getEffect("magnetoRatio") * swRatio; //These special cases need to die in a hole
if (!res.transient && res.name != "uranium" && res.name != "catnip"){
perTick *= 1 + this.getEffect("productionRatio");
//ParagonSpaceProductionRatio definition 3/4
paragonSpaceProductionRatio += paragonSpaceProductionRatio * this.getEffect("productionRatio");
perTick *= 1 + this.religion.getSolarRevolutionRatio() * (1 + ((res.name == "wood" || res.name == "catnip")? this.bld.pollutionEffects["solarRevolutionPollution"] : 0));
if (!this.opts.disableCMBR && res.name != "coal") {
perTick *= 1 + this.getCMBRBonus();
//ParagonSpaceProductionRatio definition 4/4
paragonSpaceProductionRatio *= 1 + this.religion.getSolarRevolutionRatio();
perTick += this.getEffect(res.name + "PerTickProd");
perTick += (this.getEffect(res.name + "PerTickAutoprodSpace") * spaceRatio) * (1 + (paragonSpaceProductionRatio - 1) * this.getEffect("prodTransferBonus"));
perTick += this.getEffect(res.name + "PerTickSpace") * spaceRatio;
// Already added because it's space building improvements.
var effects = {};
effects[resName] = perTick;
perTick = effects[resName];
perTick += this.getEffect(res.name + "PerTick") * (1+ this.getEffect(res.name + "PerTickRatio"));
var resMapConsumption = this.village.getResConsumption();
var resConsumption = resMapConsumption[res.name] || 0;
resConsumption *= 1 + this.getEffect(res.name + "DemandRatio");
if (res.name == "catnip" && this.village.sim.kittens.length > 0 && this.village.happiness > 1) {
var hapinnessConsumption = Math.max(this.village.happiness * (1 + this.getEffect("hapinnessConsumptionRatio")) - 1, 0);
if (this.challenges.isActive("anarchy")) {
resConsumption += resConsumption * hapinnessConsumption * (1 + this.getEffect(res.name + "DemandWorkerRatioGlobal"));
} else {
resConsumption += resConsumption * hapinnessConsumption * (1 + this.getEffect(res.name + "DemandWorkerRatioGlobal")) * (1 - this.village.getFreeKittens() / this.village.sim.kittens.length);
//necrocracy global effect
perTick *= (1 + (this.resPool.get("sorrow").value * this.getEffect("blsProductionBonus")));
//pact Global Production Ratio- effect from pacts per pyramid
var pyramidGlobalProductionRatio = this.getEffect("pyramidGlobalProductionRatio");
perTick *= 1 + pyramidGlobalProductionRatio;
//pyramid faith ratio
var pyramidFaithRatio = this.getEffect("pyramidFaithRatio");
perTick *= 1 + pyramidFaithRatio;
//policy ratio effects
perTick *= (1 + this.getEffect(res.name + "PolicyRatio"));
perTick += resConsumption;
if (isNaN(perTick)){
return 0;
return perTick;
addGlobalModToStack: function(array, resName){
var game = this;
name: $I("res.stack.necrocracy"),
type: "ratio",
value: game.getEffect("blsProductionBonus") * game.resPool.get("sorrow").value,
name: $I("res.stack.policy"),
type: "ratio",
value: game.getEffect(resName + "PolicyRatio")
name: $I("res.stack.destruction"),
type: "ratio",
value: game.getEffect("pyramidGlobalProductionRatio")
return array;
* Generates a stack of resource modifiers. (TODO: use it with resource per tick calculation logic)
getResourcePerTickStack: function(resName, calcAutomatedEffect, season){
var stack = [];
var res = null;
for (var i in this.resPool.resources){
var _res = this.resPool.resources[i];
if (_res.name == resName){
res = _res;
if (!res){
//console.error("Unable to fetch resource stack for resName '" + resName + "'");
// BUILDING PerTickBase
name: $I("res.stack.production"),
type: "fixed",
value: this.getEffect(res.name + "PerTickBase")
var spaceRatio = 1 + this.getEffect("spaceRatio");
if (this.workshop.get("spaceManufacturing").researched && res.name != "uranium"){
var factory = this.bld.get("factory");
spaceRatio *= (1 + factory.on * factory.effects["craftRatio"] * 0.75);
// +SPACE PerTickBase
var perTickBaseSpaceStack = [];
name: $I("res.stack.spaceProduction"),
type: "fixed",
value: this.getEffect(res.name + "PerTickBaseSpace")
name: $I("res.stack.spaceProductionBonus"),
type: "ratio",
value: spaceRatio - 1
this.addGlobalModToStack(perTickBaseSpaceStack, resName);
name: $I("res.stack.weather"),
type: "ratio",
value: this.calendar.getWeatherMod(res) - 1
var resMapProduction = this.village.getResProduction();
var hgScalingBonus = this.religion.getHGScalingBonus() - 1;
var villageStack = [];
name: $I("res.stack.village"),
type: "fixed",
value: resMapProduction[res.name] || 0
name: $I("res.stack.holyGenocide"),
type: "ratio",
value: hgScalingBonus
name: $I("res.stack.tools"),
type: "ratio",
value: this.getEffect(res.name + "JobRatio")
name: $I("res.stack.upgrades"),
type: "ratio",
value: this.getEffect(res.name + "GlobalRatio")
name: $I("res.stack.buildings"),
type: "ratio",
value: this.getEffect(res.name + "Ratio")
name: $I("res.stack.religion"),
type: "ratio",
value: this.getEffect(res.name + "RatioReligion")
name: $I("res.stack.boost"),
type: "ratio",
value: this.getEffect(res.name + "SuperRatio")
var steamworks = this.bld.get("steamworks");
var swEffectGlobal = steamworks.effects[res.name + "RatioGlobal"];
if (steamworks.on > 0 && swEffectGlobal ){
name: $I("res.stack.steamworks"),
type: "ratio",
value: swEffectGlobal
var paragonProductionRatio = this.prestige.getParagonProductionRatio();
if (resName == "catnip" && this.challenges.isActive("winterIsComing")) {
paragonProductionRatio = 0; //winter has come
name: $I("res.stack.paragon"),
type: "ratio",
value: paragonProductionRatio
if(res.name == "catnip"){
name: $I("res.stack.pollution"),
type: "ratio",
value: this.bld.pollutionEffects["catnipPollutionRatio"]
//ParagonSpaceProductionRatio definition 1/4
var paragonSpaceProductionRatio = 1 + paragonProductionRatio * 0.05;
var rankLeaderBonusConversion = this.getEffect("rankLeaderBonusConversion") * ((this.village.leader) ? this.village.leader.rank : 0);
var buildingAutoprod = [];
// ---->
name: $I("res.stack.convProd"),
type: "fixed",
value: this.getEffect(res.name + "PerTickAutoprod")
name: $I("res.stack.paragon"),
type: "ratio",
value: paragonProductionRatio * 0.05
name: $I("res.stack.rankLeaderBonusConversion"),
type: "ratio",
value: rankLeaderBonusConversion
if (!res.transient && this.bld.get("magneto").on > 0 && res.name != "catnip"){
var steamworks = this.bld.get("steamworks");
var swRatio = steamworks.on > 0 ? (1 + steamworks.effects["magnetoBoostRatio"] * steamworks.on) : 1;
if (res.name != "oil"){
name: $I("res.stack.magnetos"),
type: "ratio",
value: this.getEffect("magnetoRatio") * swRatio
//ParagonSpaceProductionRatio definition 2/4
paragonSpaceProductionRatio += paragonSpaceProductionRatio * this.getEffect("magnetoRatio") * swRatio; //These special cases need to die in a hole
if (!res.transient && res.name != "uranium" && res.name != "catnip") {
name: $I("res.stack.reactors"),
type: "ratio",
value: this.getEffect("productionRatio")
//ParagonSpaceProductionRatio definition 3/4
paragonSpaceProductionRatio += paragonSpaceProductionRatio * this.getEffect("productionRatio");
name: $I("res.stack.solarRevolution"),
type: "ratio",
value: this.religion.getSolarRevolutionRatio()
if((res.name == "wood" || res.name == "catnip") && this.religion.getSolarRevolutionRatio() > 0){
name: $I("res.stack.pollution"),
type: "ratioIndent",
value: this.bld.pollutionEffects["solarRevolutionPollution"]
if (!this.opts.disableCMBR && res.name != "coal") {
name: "CMBR",
type: "ratio",
value: this.getCMBRBonus()
//ParagonSpaceProductionRatio definition 4/4
paragonSpaceProductionRatio *= 1 + this.religion.getSolarRevolutionRatio();
//policy effects:
//necrocracy global effect
//TODO: consider moving it to calculateEffects
name: $I("res.stack.necrocracy"),
type: "ratio",
value: this.getEffect("blsProductionBonus") * this.resPool.get("sorrow").value,
var pyramidGlobalProductionRatio = this.getEffect("pyramidGlobalProductionRatio");
name: $I("res.stack.destruction"),
type: "ratio",
value: pyramidGlobalProductionRatio
var pyramidFaithRatio = this.getEffect("pyramidFaithRatio");
if(res.name == "faith"){
name: $I("res.stack.extermination"),
type: "ratio",
value: pyramidFaithRatio
name: $I("res.stack.policy"),
type: "ratio",
value: this.getEffect(res.name + "PolicyRatio")
name: $I("res.stack.convProd"),
type: "fixed",
value: this.getEffect(res.name + "PerTickProd")
stack.push({ // extra-compare with this.calcResourcePerTick
name: $I("res.stack.convCons"),
type: "fixed",
value: this.getEffect(res.name + "PerTickCon")
var perTickAutoprodSpaceStack = [];
var spaceParagonSubStack = [];
name: $I("res.stack.spaceConvProd"),
type: "fixed",
value: this.getEffect(res.name + "PerTickAutoprodSpace")
this.addGlobalModToStack(perTickAutoprodSpaceStack, resName);
name: $I("res.stack.spaceProdBonus"),
type: "ratio",
value: spaceRatio - 1
name: $I("res.stack.spaceParagon"),
type: "ratio",
value: paragonSpaceProductionRatio - 1
name: $I("res.stack.bonusTransf"),
type: "multiplier",
value: this.getEffect("prodTransferBonus")
var perTickSpace = [];
name: $I("res.stack.spaceConvProd"),
type: "fixed",
value: this.getEffect(res.name + "PerTickSpace")
name: $I("res.stack.spaceProdBonus"),
type: "ratio",
value: spaceRatio - 1
this.addGlobalModToStack(perTickSpace, resName);
// Can't be displayed because it's space building improvements.
var effects = {};
effects[res.name] = 1;
var cycleEffect = effects[resName] - 1;
name: $I("res.stack.festival"),
type: "ratio",
value: cycleEffect
var baselineModifiers = [];
name: $I("res.stack.baseline"),
type: "fixed",
value: this.getEffect(res.name + "PerTick")
name: $I("res.stack.baselineRatio"),
type: "ratio",
value: this.getEffect(res.name + "PerTickRatio")
this.addGlobalModToStack(baselineModifiers, resName);
name: $I("res.stack.engineer"),
type: "fixed",
value: this.workshop.getEffectEngineer(res.name, true)
var resMapConsumption = this.village.getResConsumption();
var resConsumption = resMapConsumption[res.name] || 0;
resConsumption *= 1 + this.getEffect(res.name + "DemandRatio");
if (res.name == "catnip" && this.village.sim.kittens.length > 0 && this.village.happiness > 1) {
var hapinnessConsumption = Math.max(this.village.happiness * (1 + this.getEffect("hapinnessConsumptionRatio")) - 1, 0);
if (this.challenges.isActive("anarchy")) {
resConsumption += resConsumption * hapinnessConsumption * (1 + this.getEffect(res.name + "DemandWorkerRatioGlobal"));
} else {
resConsumption += resConsumption * hapinnessConsumption * (1 + this.getEffect(res.name + "DemandWorkerRatioGlobal")) * (1 - this.village.getFreeKittens() / this.village.sim.kittens.length);
name: $I("res.stack.demand"),
type: "fixed",
value: resConsumption
// TIME extra-compare with this.calcResourcePerTick
name: $I("res.stack.time"),
type: "ratio",
value: this.timeAccelerationRatio()
return stack;
getResourcePerDayStack: function(resName){
var stack = [];
var res = null;
for (var i in this.resPool.resources){
var _res = this.resPool.resources[i];
if (_res.name == resName){
res = _res;
if (!res){
//console.error("Unable to fetch resource stack for resName '" + resName + "'");
name: $I("res.stack.buildings"),
type: "perDay",
value: this.getEffect(res.name + "PerDay")
if(resName == "necrocorn"){
var corruptionStack = [];
name: $I("res.stack.corruptionPerDay"),
type: "perDay",
value: this.religion.getCorruptionPerTick() * this.calendar.ticksPerDay
name: $I("res.stack.corruptionPerDayProduction"),
type: "perDay",
value: this.religion.getCorruptionPerTickProduction() * this.calendar.ticksPerDay
name: $I("res.stack.corruptionPerDaySiphoned"),
type: "perDay",
value: - this.religion.pactsManager.getSiphonedCorruption(1)
// TIME extra-compare
name: $I("res.stack.time"),
type: "ratio",
value: this.timeAccelerationRatio()
if(resName == "alicorn"){
name: $I("res.stack.corruptionPerDaySiphoned"),
type: "perDay",
value: this.religion.gesSiphoningAlicornConsumptionPerDay()
return stack;
getResourceOnYearStack: function(resName){
var stack = [];
var res = null;
for (var i in this.resPool.resources){
var _res = this.resPool.resources[i];
if (_res.name == resName){
res = _res;
if (!res){
//console.error("Unable to fetch resource stack for resName '" + resName + "'");
name: $I("res.stack.buildings"),
type: "perYear",
value: this.getEffect(res.name + "Production")
if(resName == "antimatter" && this.resPool.energyProd < this.resPool.energyCons){
name: $I("ui.energy.tooltip"), //kinda hack text
type: "perYear",
value: -this.getEffect(res.name + "Production")
return stack;
getCMBRBonus: function() {
return this.isCMBREnabled ? 0.2 : 0;
getCraftRatio: function(tag) {
return this.getEffect("craftRatio") + this.village.getEffectLeader("engineer", 0) + this.village.getEffectLeader(tag, 0);
getResCraftRatio: function(craftedResName) {
if (craftedResName == "wood") {
var refineRatio = this.getEffect("refineRatio");
return this.ironWill
? ((1 + refineRatio) * (1 + this.getEffect("woodRatio"))) - 1
: refineRatio;
var ratio = this.getCraftRatio(this.resPool.get(craftedResName).tag);
if (craftedResName == "blueprint") {
var bpRatio = this.getEffect("cadBlueprintCraftRatio");
var scienceBldAmt = this.bld.get("library").val + this.bld.get("academy").val + this.bld.get("observatory").val + this.bld.get("biolab").val;
ratio += scienceBldAmt * bpRatio;
if (craftedResName == "kerosene") {
var fRatio = 0.75 * this.getEffect("factoryRefineRatio"); //25% penalty
var amt = this.bld.get("factory").on;
ratio *= 1 + amt * fRatio;
//get resource specific craft ratio (like factory bonus)
ratio += this.getEffect(craftedResName + "CraftRatio") || 0;
ratio *= 1 + this.getEffect(craftedResName + "GlobalCraftRatio") || 0;
return ratio;
* Update all tab managers, resources and UI controls
update: function(){
if (this.ticksBeforeSave == 0){
//hack hack hack
if (this.time.isAccelerated && this.ticks % 2 == 0){
//hack end
if (this.undoChange){
if (this.undoChange.ttl <= 0){
this.undoChange = null;
// Update UI state
getTicksPerSecondUI: function() {
return this.ticksPerSecond * (1 + this.timeAccelerationRatio());
timeAccelerationRatio: function() {
return this.time.isAccelerated ? 0.5 : 0;
* How should it be:
* a) we need to use smaller tick intervals (10 per second instead of 5 per second)
* b) in accelerated time we will update models more often
* c) but we will keep ui update in a old steady rate
* How it works now:
* update method can just kick twice in the accelerated mode
updateModel: function(){
//business logic goes there
//maybe it will be a good idea to move it elsewhere?
//for example, here kitten resources are calculated per effect, this logic could be unified
this.village.maxKittens = Math.floor(this.getEffect("maxKittens"));
/*for (i in this.managers){
if (this.managers[i].update){
//pollution per tick
this.bld.cathPollution += this.bld.cathPollutionPerTick;
if(this.bld.cathPollution < 0) {this.bld.cathPollution = 0;}
//nah, kittens are not a resource anymore (?)
var kittens = this.resPool.get("kittens");
kittens.value = this.village.getKittens(); //just a simple way to display them
kittens.maxValue = this.village.sim.maxKittens; //for HG
huntAll: function(event){
praise: function(event){
* Updates a perTickValue of resource for UI
updateResources: function(){
* Updating per tick value is actually a heavy operation. Why don't we do it per 3 tick and cache values?
for (var i = 0; i < this.resPool.resources.length; i++){
var res = this.resPool.resources[i];
if (res.calculatePerTick) {
res.perTickCached = this.fixFloatPointNumber(this.calcResourcePerTick(res.name));
getResourcePerTick: function(resName, withConversion){
var res = this.resPool.get(resName);
if (res.calculatePerTick) {
return withConversion ? res.perTickCached + this.getResourcePerTickConvertion(res.name) : res.perTickCached;
} else {
return 0;
getResourcePerDay: function(resName){
if(resName == "necrocorn"){
return (this.religion.pactsManager.getNecrocornDeficitConsumptionModifier() * this.getEffect(resName + "PerDay") + this.religion.pactsManager.getSiphonedCorruption(1) +
this.religion.getCorruptionPerTick() * this.calendar.ticksPerDay);
return this.getEffect(resName + "PerDay");
getResourceOnYearProduction: function(resName){
if (resName == "antimatter"){
if(this.resPool.energyProd >= this.resPool.energyCons){
return this.getEffect("antimatterProduction");
return 0;
return this.getEffect(resName + "Production"); //this might need to be changed!
getResourcePerTickConvertion: function(resName) {
return this.fixFloatPointNumber(this.getEffect(resName + "PerTickCon"));
craft: function(resName, value){
this.workshop.craft(resName, value);
craftAll: function(resName){
// some way to protect people from refining all catnip during the winter
if (resName != "wood" || this.getResourcePerTick("catnip", true) > 0) {
} else {
var game = this;
this.ui.confirm($I("kittens.craft.confirmation.title"), $I("kittens.craft.confirmation.msg"), function() {
getRequiredResources: function(bld){
var res = [];
if (bld && bld.prices) {
for (var i = 0; i < bld.prices.length; i++){
return res;
* Attaches onMouseOver/onMouseOut events to a given DOM node in order to display tooltip.
* All tooltips will reuse the same container.
attachResourceTooltip: function(container, resRef){
UIUtils.attachTooltip(this, container, 0, 100, function() {
if (this.getResourcePerTick(resRef.name, false) != 0
|| this.getResourcePerTickConvertion(resRef.name) != 0
|| this.workshop.getEffectEngineer(resRef.name) != 0
|| this.getResourcePerDay(resRef.name) != 0
|| (this.getResourceOnYearProduction(resRef.name) != 0 || resRef.name == "antimatter")
|| (resRef.name == "kittens" && this.village.sim.kittens.length < this.village.sim.maxKittens)
return this.getDetailedResMap(resRef);
return '';
dojo.connect(container, "onmouseover", this, function(){
dojo.style(container, "fontWeight", "bold");
dojo.connect(container, "onmouseout", this, function(){
dojo.style(container, "fontWeight", "normal");
* Returns a flat map of resource production
getDetailedResMap: function(res){
var resStack = this.getResourcePerDayStack(res.name),
resString = this.processResourcePerTickStack(resStack, res, 0), //processResourcePerTickStack can work with perDay stack
resPerDay = this.getResourcePerDay(res.name);
if (this.opts.usePercentageResourceValues){
resString += "<br> " + $I("res.netGain") + ": " + this.getDisplayValueExt(resPerDay, true, true);
if (resPerDay < 0) {
var toZero = this.calendar.ticksPerDay * res.value / (-resPerDay * this.getTicksPerSecondUI() * (1 + this.timeAccelerationRatio()));
resString += "<br>" + $I("res.toZero") + ": " + this.toDisplaySeconds(toZero.toFixed());
if(res.name == "necrocorn"){
var toNextNecrocorn = (1 - this.religion.corruption)/(this.religion.getCorruptionPerTick() * 5 * (1 + this.timeAccelerationRatio()));
if(toNextNecrocorn > 0){
resString += "<br>" + $I("res.toNextNecrocorn") + ": " + this.toDisplaySeconds(toNextNecrocorn.toFixed());
return resString;
}else if(res.calculateOnYear){
var resStack = this.getResourceOnYearStack(res.name),
resString = this.processResourcePerTickStack(resStack, res, 0), //processResourcePerTickStack can work with perDay stack
resPerYear = this.getResourceOnYearProduction(res.name);
if (this.opts.usePercentageResourceValues){
resString += "<br> " + $I("res.netGain") + ": " + this.getDisplayValueExt(resPerYear, true, true);
if(res.name == "antimatter" && resPerYear && this.resPool.energyWinterProd < this.resPool.energyCons){
resString += "<br> " + $I("effectsMgr.winterEnergy.warning.title");
return resString;
if(res.name == "kittens"){
var nextKittenProgress = this.village.sim.nextKittenProgress;
var kittensPerTick = this.village.calculateKittensPerTick();
var resString = " [" + ( nextKittenProgress * 100 ).toFixed() + "%]";
resString += "<br>" + $I("res.toNextKitten") + " " + this.toDisplaySeconds((1 - nextKittenProgress) * 0.2 /kittensPerTick);
return resString;
var resStack = this.getResourcePerTickStack(res.name),
resString = this.processResourcePerTickStack(resStack, res, 0),
resPerTick = this.getResourcePerTick(res.name, true);
if (this.opts.usePercentageResourceValues){
resString += "<br> " + $I("res.netGain") + ": " + this.getDisplayValueExt(resPerTick, true, true);
if (resPerTick < 0) {
var toZero = res.value / (-resPerTick * this.getTicksPerSecondUI());
resString += "<br>" + $I("res.toZero") + ": " + this.toDisplaySeconds(toZero.toFixed());
} else {
if (res.maxValue && res.value < res.maxValue) {
var toCap = (res.maxValue - res.value) / (resPerTick * this.getTicksPerSecondUI());
if (toCap){
resString += "<br>" + $I("res.toCap") + ": " + this.toDisplaySeconds(toCap.toFixed());
//TODO: redo this logic to decrease repetition
if (res.calculatePerTickAndDay && res.name == "alicorn"){
var resStackDay = this.getResourcePerDayStack(res.name),
resStringDay = this.processResourcePerTickStack(resStackDay, res, 0), //processResourcePerTickStack can work with perDay stack
resPerDay = this.getResourcePerDay(res.name);
if (this.opts.usePercentageResourceValues){
resStringDay += "<br> " + $I("res.netGain") + ": " + this.getDisplayValueExt(resPerDay, true, true);
return resString + resStringDay;
return resString;
processResourcePerTickStack: function(resStack, res, depth, hasFixed) {
var resString = "";
if (depth < 2) {
hasFixed = false;
for (var i = 0; i < resStack.length; i++) {
var stackElem = resStack[i];
if (stackElem.length) {
var subStack = this.processResourcePerTickStack(stackElem, res, depth + 1, hasFixed);
if (subStack.length) {
resString += subStack;
hasFixed = true;
if (!stackElem.value || (stackElem.type != "fixed" && stackElem.type != "perDay" &&
stackElem.type != "perYear" && !hasFixed)) {
var indent = i == 0 ? depth - 1 : depth;
for (var j = 0; j < indent - 1; j++) {
resString += "<span style='visibility: hidden;'>|-> </span>";
if (indent > 0) {
resString += "|-> ";
resString += this.getStackElemString(stackElem, res);
if (stackElem.type == "fixed" || stackElem.type == "perDay") {
hasFixed = true;
return resString;
getStackElemString: function(stackElem, res){
var resString = stackElem.name + ":&nbsp;<div style=\"float: right;\">";
if (stackElem.type == "fixed") {
resString += this.getDisplayValueExt(stackElem.value, true, true);
} else if (stackElem.type == "ratio") {
resString += this.getDisplayValueExt((stackElem.value * 100).toFixed(), true) + "%";
} else if (stackElem.type == "multiplier") {
resString += "×" + this.getDisplayValueExt((stackElem.value * 100).toFixed()) + "%";
} else if (stackElem.type == "ratioIndent") {
resString = "|->" + resString + this.getDisplayValueExt((stackElem.value * 100).toFixed(), true) + "%";
} else if (stackElem.type == "perDay") {
if (stackElem.value>0){
resString += "+";
resString += this.getDisplayValueExt((stackElem.value)) + "/" + $I("res.per.day");
} else if(stackElem.type == "perYear"){
if (stackElem.value > 0){
resString += "+";
resString += this.getDisplayValueExt((stackElem.value)) + "/" + $I("res.per.year");
resString += "</div><br>";
return resString;
toDisplaySeconds : function (secondsRaw) {
var sec_num = parseInt(secondsRaw, 10); // don't forget the second param
var year_secs = 86400 * 365;
var years = Math.floor(sec_num / year_secs);
var days = Math.floor((sec_num - (years * year_secs)) / 86400);
var hours = Math.floor((sec_num - (years * year_secs) - (days * 86400)) / 3600);
var minutes = Math.floor((sec_num - (years * year_secs) - (days * 86400 + hours * 3600)) / 60);
var seconds = sec_num - (years * year_secs) - (days * 86400) - (hours * 3600) - (minutes * 60);
if (years > 0){
years = this.getDisplayValueExt(years);
var timeFormated = "";
if ( years ) { timeFormated = years + $I("unit.y") + " "; }
if ( days ) { timeFormated += days + $I("unit.d") + " "; }
if ( !years ){
if ( hours ) { timeFormated += hours + $I("unit.h") + " "; }
if ( minutes) { timeFormated += minutes + $I("unit.m") + " "; }
if ( seconds ) { timeFormated += seconds + $I("unit.s") + " "; }
return timeFormated;
* The same as toDisplaySeconds, but converts ingame days into xYears xDays
* Just for aestetical pleasness
toDisplayDays: function(daysRaw){
var daysNum = parseInt(daysRaw, 10); // don't forget the second param
var daysPerYear = this.calendar.daysPerSeason * this.calendar.seasonsPerYear;
var years = Math.floor(daysNum / daysPerYear);
var days = daysNum - years * daysPerYear;
if (years > 0){
years = this.getDisplayValueExt(years);
var timeFormated = "";
if ( years ) { timeFormated = years + $I("unit.y") + " "; }
if ( days ) { timeFormated += days + $I("unit.d") + " "; }
return timeFormated;
toDisplayPercentage: function(percentage, precision, precisionFixed) {
percentage *= 100;
if (precisionFixed) {
// Prevent 100% whereas it's not really reached
percentage -= 1 / Math.pow(10, precision);
if (percentage < 0) {
percentage = 0;
} else {
percentage = this.fixFloatPointNumber(percentage);
// Seek optimal precision
if (percentage - Math.floor(percentage) != 0) {
precision = 1;
if (percentage * 10 - Math.floor(percentage * 10) != 0) {
precision = 2;
if (percentage * 100 - Math.floor(percentage * 100) != 0) {
precision = 3;
if (percentage * 1000 - Math.floor(percentage * 1000) != 0) {
precision = 4;
if (percentage * 10000 - Math.floor(percentage * 10000) != 0) {
precision = 5;
if (percentage * 100000 - Math.floor(percentage * 100000) != 0) {
precision = 6;
if (percentage * 1000000 - Math.floor(percentage * 1000000) != 0) {
precision = 7;
if (percentage * 10000000 - Math.floor(percentage * 10000000) != 0) {
precision = 8;
return percentage.toFixed(precision);
//shamelessly copied from Sandcastle Builder code
postfixes: [
{limit:1e210,divisor:1e210,postfix:["Q"," Quita"]},
{limit:1e42,divisor:1e42,postfix:["W"," Wololo"]},
{limit:1e39,divisor:1e39,postfix:["L"," Lotta"]},
{limit:1e36,divisor:1e36,postfix:["F"," Ferro"]},
{limit:1e33,divisor:1e33,postfix:["H"," Helo"]}, //or Ballard
{limit:1e30,divisor:1e30,postfix:["S"," Squilli"]},
{limit:1e27,divisor:1e27,postfix:["U"," Umpty"]},
{limit:1e24,divisor:1e24,postfix:["Y"," Yotta"]},
{limit:1e21,divisor:1e21,postfix:["Z"," Zeta"]},
{limit:1e18,divisor:1e18,postfix:["E"," Exa"]},
{limit:1e15,divisor:1e15,postfix:["P"," Peta"]},
{limit:1e12,divisor:1e12,postfix:["T"," Tera"]},
{limit:1e9,divisor:1e9,postfix:["G"," Giga"]},
{limit:1e6,divisor:1e6,postfix:["M"," Mega"]},
{limit:9e3,divisor:1e3,postfix:["K"," Kilo"]} //WHAT
* Determines the display name & display value (formatting it as per second, or as a percentage, etc.) of a given effect.
* @param effectName The internal name of the effect.
* @param effectValue The value of the effect.
* @param showIfZero Boolean. Determines whether we still show an effect with zero value, or if that effect remains hidden.
* I added it just in case someone wants to use it in the future.
* If the effect would be hidden for any other reason, then this flag doesn't do anything.
* @return null if the effect shouldn't be displayed (because it's hidden or because it's zero).
* Otherwise, returns a table with the following keys:
* displayEffectName = the localized title;
* displayEffectValue = the value of the effect, formatted & localized properly
getEffectDisplayParams: function(effectName, effectValue, showIfZero) {
var effectMeta = this.getEffectMeta(effectName);
if (effectMeta.type === "hidden") {
return null; //Don't display because it's a hidden effect.
if (effectMeta.resName && !this.resPool.get(effectMeta.resName).unlocked) {
return null; //hide resource-related effects if we did not unlocked this effect yet
if (!effectValue && !showIfZero) {
return null; //Don't display because the size of the value is zero & the flag is set to hide things that are zero.
var displayEffectName = effectMeta.title;
var displayEffectValue = "";
//This code was copy-pasted from core.js with minor changes.
//display resMax values with global ratios like Refrigeration and Paragon
if (effectName.substr(-3) === "Max" ) {
var res = this.resPool.get(effectMeta.resName || effectName.slice(0, -3));
if (res) { // If res is a resource and not just a variable
effectValue = this.resPool.addResMaxRatios(res, effectValue);
if (effectName.substr(-12) === "MaxChallenge") {
var res = this.resPool.get(effectMeta.resName || effectName.slice(0, -12));
if (res) { // If res is a resource and not just a variable
//This is the code used in resources.js to apply LDR to how Challenges affect resource storage.
var maxValue = this.resPool.addResMaxRatios(res, this.getEffect(res.name + "Max") || 0);
effectValue = this.getLimitedDR(this.resPool.addResMaxRatios(res, effectValue), maxValue - 1 - this.bld.effectsBase[res.name +'Max']||0);
if (effectMeta.type === "perTick" && this.opts.usePerSecondValues) {
// avoid mantisa if we can, later on this can be changed to show scaled up values, e.g. minutes, hours
var tempVal = Math.abs(effectValue * this.ticksPerSecond), precision;
if (tempVal >= 0.001) {
precision = tempVal < 0.01 ? 3 : 2;
displayEffectValue = this.getDisplayValueExt(
effectValue * this.ticksPerSecond, false, false, precision) + "/" + $I("unit.sec");
} else {
displayEffectValue = this.getDisplayValueExt(
effectValue * this.ticksPerSecond * 3600, false, false, 2) + "/" + $I("unit.h");
} else if (effectMeta.type === "perDay"){
displayEffectValue = this.getDisplayValueExt(effectValue) + "/" + $I("unit.day");
} else if (effectMeta.type === "perYear"){
displayEffectValue = this.getDisplayValueExt(effectValue) + "/" + $I("unit.year");
} else if ( effectMeta.type === "ratio" ) {
displayEffectValue = this.toDisplayPercentage(effectValue, 2 , false) + "%";
} else if ( effectMeta.type === "integerRatio" ){
displayEffectValue = this.getDisplayValueExt(effectValue) + "%";
} else if ( effectMeta.type === "energy" ){
//Multiply the displayed values of energy production & consumption by relevant multipliers.
if (effectName === "energyProduction") {
effectValue *= this.resPool.getEnergyProductionRatio();
} else if (effectName === "energyConsumption") {
effectValue *= this.resPool.getEnergyConsumptionRatio();
displayEffectValue = this.getDisplayValueExt(effectValue) + $I("unit.watt");
} else {
displayEffectValue = this.getDisplayValueExt(effectValue);
return {
displayEffectName: displayEffectName,
displayEffectValue: displayEffectValue
* Converts raw resource value (e.g. 12345.67890) to a formatted representation (i.e. 12.34K)
* If 'prefix' flag is true, positive value will be prefixed with '+', e.g. ("+12.34K")
getDisplayValueExt: function(value, prefix, usePerTickHack, precision, postfix){
if(!value){ return "0"; }
if (value === Infinity) {
return "";
usePerTickHack &= this.opts.usePerSecondValues;
if (usePerTickHack) {
value = value * this.ticksPerSecond;
postfix = postfix || "";
switch (this.opts.notation) {
case "e":
var l = Math.floor(Math.log10(value));
if (l >= 4) {
value /= Math.pow(10, l);
postfix = "e" + l;
case "sie":
var l = Math.floor(Math.log10(value));
if (value < 9000) {
postfix = "";
} else if (9000 <= value && l < 6) {
value /= 1000;
postfix = "K";
} else if (6 <= l && l < 9) {
value /= 1000 * 1000;
postfix = "M";
} else if (9 <= l && l < 12) {
value /= 1000 * 1000 * 1000;
postfix = "G";
} else if (12 <= l && l < 15) {
value /= 1000 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000;
postfix = "T";
} else {
value = value / Math.pow(10, l);
postfix = "e" + l;
case "si":
var absValue = Math.abs(value);
for(var i = 0; i < this.postfixes.length; i++) {
var p = this.postfixes[i];
if(absValue >= p.limit && absValue != Infinity){
if (usePerTickHack) { // Prevent recursive * this.ticksPerSecond;
value = value / this.ticksPerSecond;
return this.getDisplayValueExt(value / p.divisor, prefix, usePerTickHack, precision, postfix + p.postfix[0]);
var _value = this.getDisplayValue(value, prefix, precision);
return _value + postfix + (usePerTickHack ? "/" + $I("unit.sec") : "");
* Formats float value to x.xx or x if value is integer
getDisplayValue: function(floatVal, plusPrefix, precision){
var plusSign = "+";
if (floatVal <= 0 || !plusPrefix){
plusSign = "";
if (!floatVal.toFixed){
return plusSign + floatVal;
if (precision === undefined){
precision = this.opts.forceHighPrecision ? 3 : 2;
var mantisa = "";
if (floatVal != 0) {
var absVal = Math.abs(floatVal);
if (absVal < 0.01 && precision == 2 || absVal < 0.001 && precision == 3) {
mantisa = "(...)";
if (floatVal % 1 === 0){
var toFixed = floatVal.toFixed();
return plusSign + toFixed;
} else {
var toFixed = floatVal.toFixed(precision);
return plusSign + toFixed + mantisa;
fixFloatPointNumber: function(number) {
// Adjust value because of floating-point error
var numberAdjusted = Math.floor(number * 10000000) / 10000000;
if (Math.round((number - numberAdjusted) * 10000000)) {
numberAdjusted = Math.floor((number + 0.000000000000010) * 10000000) / 10000000;
return numberAdjusted;
addTab: function(tab){
tab.game = this;
getTabById: function(tabId){
for (var i in this.tabs){
if (this.tabs[i].id == tabId){
return this.tabs[i];
isWebWorkerSupported: function(){
//return false;
return !dojo.isIE && window.Worker;
timestamp: function() {
return window.performance && window.performance.now ? window.performance.now() : new Date().getTime();
start: function(){
if (this.isWebWorkerSupported() && this.useWorkers){ //IE10 has a nasty security issue with running blob workers
console.log("starting web worker...");
var blob = new Blob([
"onmessage = function(e) { setInterval(function(){ postMessage('tick'); }, 1000 / " + this.ticksPerSecond + "); }"]); //no shitty external js
var blobURL = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
this.worker = new Worker(blobURL);
this.worker.addEventListener("message", dojo.hitch(this, function(e) {
} else {
console.log("starting js timer...");
//some older browser, perhaps IE. Have a nice idling.
// setInterval function set a fixed interval and if the event was delayed due some browser activity, e.g. rendering/scrolling then two or more events will be put into a queue
// The problem is that UI looks unresponsive and there are glitches.
// We have 2 options:
// 1. Skip events which are really close
// 2. Use setTimeout function and reset the interval
// In both cases it will result to drop of number of ticks.
// One way is to handle it on UI by queuing the update requests.
Would still work bad during the scroll
this._mainTimer = setInterval(dojo.hitch(this, this.tick), (1000 / this.ticksPerSecond));
this._lastFrameTimestamp = this.timestamp();
* Here is a magic
* Don't even try to understand it, madness lies here
frame: function(){
var now = this.timestamp(),
delta = now - this._lastFrameTimestamp;
if (delta > (1000 / this.ticksPerSecond)) {
/*dojo.hitch(this, this.tick)();*/
tick: function(){
* Even if the game is paused, scheduler should still be able to obtain a focus to handle cases like save/load/reset
//var fpsElement;
if (this.isPaused){
var timestampStart = new Date().getTime();
var timestampEnd = new Date().getTime();
if (this.isLocalhost) { //always collect fps metrics
var tsDiff = timestampEnd - timestampStart;
this.totalUpdateTime[this.totalUpdateTimeCurrent] += tsDiff;
this.totalUpdateTimeCurrent = this.totalUpdateTimeCurrent == 4 ? 0 : this.totalUpdateTimeCurrent + 1;
var avg = (this.totalUpdateTime[0] + this.totalUpdateTime[1] + this.totalUpdateTime[2] + this.totalUpdateTime[3] + this.totalUpdateTime[4]) / this.totalUpdateTimeTicks;
var avg0 = this.totalUpdateTime[0] / Math.floor((this.totalUpdateTimeTicks - 1) / 5);
var avg1 = this.totalUpdateTime[1] / Math.floor((this.totalUpdateTimeTicks - 2) / 5);
var avg2 = this.totalUpdateTime[2] / Math.floor((this.totalUpdateTimeTicks - 3) / 5);
var avg3 = this.totalUpdateTime[3] / Math.floor((this.totalUpdateTimeTicks - 4) / 5);
var avg4 = this.totalUpdateTime[4] / Math.floor((this.totalUpdateTimeTicks - 5) / 5);
if (tsDiff < 10) {
tsDiff = 10;
this.fps = {
ms: tsDiff,
avg: avg,
avg0: avg0,
avg1: avg1,
avg2: avg2,
avg3: avg3,
avg4: avg4
//collect fps info every minute or so
if (this.ticks % (this.ticksPerSecond * 60) == 0 && this.telemetry) {
var memory = null;
if (window.performance && window.performance.memory) {
memory = performance.memory.usedJSHeapSize;
this.telemetry.logEvent("fps", {
ms: this.fps.ms,
avg: this.fps.avg,
memory: memory
restartFPSCounters: function() {
this.totalUpdateTime[0] = 0;
this.totalUpdateTime[1] = 0;
this.totalUpdateTime[2] = 0;
this.totalUpdateTime[3] = 0;
this.totalUpdateTime[4] = 0;
this.totalUpdateTimeCurrent = 0;
this.totalUpdateTimeTicks = 5;
reset: function(){
var msg = $I("reset.confirmation.title") + "\n\n"
+ $I("reset.confirmation.msgbase");
if (this.resPool.get("kittens").value > 70) {
msg += " " + $I("reset.confirmation.msg70");
} else if (this.resPool.get("kittens").value > 60) {
msg += " " + $I("reset.confirmation.msg60");
} else if (this.resPool.get("kittens").value <= 35) {
msg += " " + $I("reset.confirmation.msg35");
var game = this;
game.ui.confirm($I("reset.confirmation.title"), msg, function() {
if (game.opts.autoSaveReset) {
if (window.indexedDB) {
var request = indexedDB.open('kittens', 1);
var saves = game.compressLZData(localStorage['com.nuclearunicorn.kittengame.savedata']);
var first;
request.onupgradeneeded = function (event) {
var db = event.target.result;
if (!db.objectStoreNames.contains('save')) {
var objStore = db.createObjectStore("save", { autoIncrement : true});
first = true;
request.addEventListener('success', e => {
if (!first) {
var Result = request.result;
var deleteDB = Result.transaction(["save"], "readwrite").objectStore("save").clear();
deleteDB.onsuccess = function(event) {
var transaction = Result.transaction(["save"], "readwrite");
var objectStore = transaction.objectStore("save");
if (game.challenges.isActive("atheism") && game.time.getVSU("cryochambers").on > 0) {
game.challenges.getChallenge("atheism").researched = true;
if (game.ironWill) {
if (game.calendar.day < 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < game.challenges.challenges.length; i++){
game.challenges.challenges[i].pending = false;
resetAutomatic: function() {
this.timer.scheduleEvent(dojo.hitch(this, function(){
this.mobileSaveOnPause = false;
discardParagon: function() {
var game = this;
var confirmDiscard = false;
this.ui.confirm("", $I("discardParagon.confirmation.msg1"), function() {
if (game.resPool.get("paragon").value <= 100) {
confirmDiscard = true;
} else {
game.ui.confirm("", $I("discardParagon.confirmation.msg2"), function() {
if (!game.ironWill || game.achievements.get("spaceOddity").starUnlocked) {
confirmDiscard = true;
} else {
game.ui.confirm("", $I("discardParagon.confirmation.msgIW"), function() {
confirmDiscard = true;
if (confirmDiscard) {
this.resPool.get("burnedParagon").value += this.resPool.get("paragon").value;
this.resPool.get("paragon").value = 0;
this.ironWill &= this.achievements.get("spaceOddity").starUnlocked;
//TODO: add some special hidden effect for this mechanics
_getKarmaKittens: function(kittens){
var karmaKittens = 0;
if (this.challenges.getChallenge("anarchy").researched) {
kittens = kittens * 2;
if (kittens > 35){
karmaKittens += (kittens - 35);
if (kittens > 60){
karmaKittens += (kittens - 60) * 3;
if (kittens > 100){
karmaKittens += (kittens - 100) * 4;
if (kittens > 150){
karmaKittens += (kittens - 150) * 5;
if (kittens > 300){
karmaKittens += (kittens - 300) * 10;
if (kittens > 750){
karmaKittens += (kittens - 750) * 15;
return karmaKittens;
_getBonusZebras: function(){
var totalScience = 0;
var bonusZebras = 0;
var anachronomancy = this.prestige.getPerk("anachronomancy");
if (this.science.get("archery").researched && this.karmaZebras < 10){
bonusZebras = 1;
for (var i = 0; i < this.science.techs.length; i++){
var tech = this.science.techs[i];
if (tech.name == "chronophysics" && anachronomancy.researched){
if (tech.researched){
for (var j in tech.prices){
if (tech.prices[j].name == "science"){
totalScience += tech.prices[j].val;
bonusZebras += Math.floor(this.getLimitedDR(totalScience / 10000, 100));
return bonusZebras;
getResetPrestige: function(){
var kittens = Math.round(
this.resPool.get("kittens").value * (1 + this.getEffect("simScalingRatio"))
//this.resPool.get("kittens").value * ((this.village.maxKittensRatioApplied)?(1 + this.getEffect("simScalingRatio")):1)
var karmaKittens = this.karmaKittens;
if (kittens > 35){
karmaKittens += this._getKarmaKittens(kittens);
var paragonPoints = 0;
if (kittens > 70){
paragonPoints = (kittens - 70);
return {
karmaKittens: karmaKittens,
paragonPoints: paragonPoints
_resetInternal: function(){
var _prestige = this.getResetPrestige();
var karmaKittens = _prestige.karmaKittens,
paragonPoints = _prestige.paragonPoints;
var addRes = {
"paragon": paragonPoints
var karmaZebras = parseInt(this.karmaZebras); //hack
//that's all folks
var addStats = {
"totalParagon": paragonPoints,
"totalResets": 1
this.telemetry.logEvent("reset", this.stats.getStat("totalResets").val + 1);
var stats = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this.stats.stats.length; i++){
var stat = this.stats.stats[i];
var val = stat.val;
if (addStats[stat.name] > 0){
val += addStats[stat.name];
name: stat.name,
val: val
var statsCurrent = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this.stats.statsCurrent.length; i++){
name: this.stats.statsCurrent[i].name,
val: 0
//-------------------------- very confusing and convoluted stuff related to karma zebras ---------------
if (this.resPool.get("zebras").value > 0 && this.ironWill){
var bonusZebras = this._getBonusZebras();
karmaZebras += bonusZebras;
//pre-reset faith so people who forgot to do it properly would not be screwed
var faithRatio = this.religion.faithRatio;
if (this.religion.getRU("apocripha").on) {
faithRatio += this.religion.getApocryphaResetBonus(1);
// Trigger a save to make sure we're working with most recent data
var lsData = this._parseLSSaveData();
if (!lsData){
lsData = {
game: {},
stats: {},
statsCurrent: {},
achievements: {}
var saveRatio = this.bld.get("chronosphere").val > 0 ? this.getEffect("resStasisRatio") : 0; // resStasisRatio excepted when challenge
dojo.mixin(lsData.game, {
karmaKittens: karmaKittens,
karmaZebras: karmaZebras,
ironWill : (saveRatio > 0 || this.time.getVSU("cryochambers").on > 0) ? false : true, //chronospheres or cryochaimbers will disable IW. Post Apocalypse allows cryochaimbers to work without chronospheres working.
deadKittens: 0,
isCMBREnabled: false
//------------ we can now carry some of the resources through reset ------------
var newResources = [];
var anachronomancy = this.prestige.getPerk("anachronomancy");
var fluxCondensator = this.workshop.get("fluxCondensator");
for (var i in this.resPool.resources) {
var res = this.resPool.resources[i];
// undefined is NOT falsy here
if (res.persists === false
|| (res.craftable && res.name != "wood" && !fluxCondensator.researched)) {
continue; //>:
var value = 0;
if (res.name == "timeCrystal") {
if (anachronomancy.researched) {
value = res.value;
} else if (res.persists) {
value = res.value;
} else {
if (!res.craftable || res.name == "wood") {
value = res.value * saveRatio;
if (res.name == "void") {
value = Math.floor(value);
} else if (res.value > 0) {
value = Math.sqrt(res.value) * saveRatio * 100;
if (addRes[res.name] > 0) {
value += addRes[res.name];
if (value > 0) {
var newRes = this.resPool.createResource(res.name);
newRes.value = value;
var newKittens = [];
var cryochambers = this.time.getVSU("cryochambers").on;
var cathPollution = 0;
if (cryochambers > 0) {
newKittens = this.village.sim.kittens.slice(-cryochambers);
for (var i in newKittens) {
delete newKittens[i].job;
delete newKittens[i].engineerSpeciality;
var usedCryochambers_reset = this.time.filterMetadata([this.time.getVSU("usedCryochambers")], ["name", "val", "on"]);
usedCryochambers_reset[0]["val"] = cryochambers;
usedCryochambers_reset[0]["on"] = cryochambers;
var usedCryochambers_reset = this.time.filterMetadata([this.time.getVSU("usedCryochambers")], ["name", "val", "on"]);
usedCryochambers_reset[0]["val"] = 0;
usedCryochambers_reset[0]["on"] = 0;
if(newKittens.length > 0){
var catnip = this.resPool.get("catnip");
if (!catnip){
catnip = this.resPool.createResource("catnip");
catnip.value = newKittens.length * 1000 * (1 + this.resPool.get("karma").value/100);
cathPollution = (this.challenges.getChallenge("postApocalypse").on + newKittens.length) * 1e+8 + 1e+11;
if (newKittens.length > 0) {
var usedCryochambers_reset = this.time.filterMetadata([this.time.getVSU("usedCryochambers")], ["name", "val", "on"]);
usedCryochambers_reset[0]["val"] = newKittens.length;
usedCryochambers_reset[0]["on"] = newKittens.length;
} else {
var usedCryochambers_reset = this.time.filterMetadata([this.time.getVSU("usedCryochambers")], ["name", "val", "on"]);
usedCryochambers_reset[0]["val"] = 0;
usedCryochambers_reset[0]["on"] = 0;
// Set the challenge for after reset
for (var i = 0; i < this.challenges.challenges.length; i++){
var challenge = this.challenges.challenges[i];
if (challenge.pending){
challenge.pending = false;
challenge.active = true;
challenge.active = false;
var reservesSaveData = this.challenges.reserves.getSaveData();
var saveData = {
saveVersion: this.saveVersion,
game : lsData.game,
resources: newResources,
buildings: [],
calendar: {
cryptoPrice: this.calendar.cryptoPrice
challenges: {
challenges: this.challenges.challenges,
reserves: reservesSaveData
diplomacy: {
races: []
prestige: {
perks: this.prestige.perks
religion: {
transcendenceTier: this.religion.transcendenceTier,
faithRatio: faithRatio,
activeHolyGenocide: this.religion.getTU("holyGenocide").on,
zu: [],
ru: [],
tu: this.religion.filterMetadata(this.religion.transcendenceUpgrades, ["name", "val", "on", "unlocked"])
science: {
hideResearched: this.science.hideResearched,
policyToggleResearched: this.science.policyToggleResearched,
policyToggleBlocked: this.science.policyToggleBlocked,
techs: [],
policies: []
space: {
hideResearched: this.space.hideResearched,
programs: [],
planets: []
time: {
cfu: [{
name: "temporalImpedance",
unlocked: this.time.getCFU("temporalImpedance").unlocked
vsu: [],
usedCryochambers: usedCryochambers_reset,
timestamp: Date.now(),
testShatter: this.time.testShatter
village :{
kittens: newKittens,
jobs: [],
traits: [],
hadKittenHunters: false,
workshop: {
hideResearched: this.workshop.hideResearched,
upgrades: [],
crafts: [],
zebraUpgrades: []
achievements: lsData.achievements,
ach: lsData.ach,
stats: stats,
statsCurrent: statsCurrent,
telemetry: {
guid: this.telemetry.guid
cathPollution: cathPollution
if (anachronomancy.researched){
var preparedSaveData = this._prepareSaveData(saveData);
var saveDataString = this._saveDataToString(preparedSaveData);
LCstorage["com.nuclearunicorn.kittengame.savedata"] = saveDataString;
// Hack to prevent an autosave from occurring before the reload completes
this.isPaused = true;
return saveData;
rand: function(ratio){
return this.math.uniformRandomInteger(0, ratio);
//Karma has no menu. You get served what you deserve.
updateKarma: function(){
var stripe = 5; //initial amount of kittens per stripe
var karma = this.getUnlimitedDR(this.karmaKittens, stripe);
this.resPool.get("karma").value = karma;
if (this.karmaZebras){
this.resPool.get("zebras").maxValue = this.karmaZebras + 1;
// Unlimited Diminishing Return
getUnlimitedDR: function(value, stripe) {
return (Math.sqrt(1 + 8 * value / stripe) - 1) / 2;
getInverseUnlimitedDR: function(value, stripe) {
return value * (value + 1) * stripe / 2;
getTab: function(name) {
switch(name) {
case "science":
return this.libraryTab;
case "village":
return this.villageTab;
case "workshop":
return this.workshopTab;
case "space":
return this.spaceTab;
case "stats":
return this.statsTab;
case "time":
return this.timeTab;
case "challenges":
return this.challengesTab;
calculateAllEffects: function() {
// TODO: delegate this to managers? Can't be done in load unfortunately.
tech: this.science.techs.map(function(item){return item.name;}),
policies: this.science.policies.map(function(item){return item.name;}),
perks: this.prestige.perks.map(function(item){return item.name;}),
jobs: this.village.jobs.map(function(item){return item.name;}),
crafts: this.workshop.crafts.map(function(item){return item.name;}),
upgrades: this.workshop.upgrades.map(function(item){return item.name;}),
buildings: this.bld.buildingsData.map(function(item){return item.name;}),
spaceMission: this.space.programs.map(function(item){return item.name;}),
spaceBuilding: this.space.spaceBuildingsMap,
planet: this.space.planets.map(function(item){return item.name;}),
chronoforge: this.time.chronoforgeUpgrades.map(function(item){return item.name;}),
voidSpace: this.time.voidspaceUpgrades.map(function(item){return item.name;}),
zigguratUpgrades: this.religion.zigguratUpgrades.map(function(item){return item.name;}),
religion: this.religion.religionUpgrades.map(function(item){return item.name;}),
transcendenceUpgrades: this.religion.transcendenceUpgrades.map(function(item){return item.name;}),
pacts: this.religion.pactsManager.pacts.map(function(item){return item.name;}),
challenges: this.challenges.challenges.map(function(item){return item.name;})
//this.upgrade({policies: ["authocracy"]});
getUnlockByName: function(unlockId, type){
switch(type) {
case "tech":
return this.science.get(unlockId);
case "policies":
return this.science.getPolicy(unlockId);
case "perks":
return this.prestige.getPerk(unlockId);
case "jobs":
return this.village.getJob(unlockId);
case "crafts":
return this.workshop.getCraft(unlockId);
case "upgrades":
return this.workshop.get(unlockId);
case "zebraUpgrades":
return this.workshop.getZebraUpgrade(unlockId);
case "tabs":
return this.getTab(unlockId);
case "buildings":
return this.bld.get(unlockId);
case "spaceMission":
return this.space.getProgram(unlockId);
case "spaceBuilding":
return this.space.getBuilding(unlockId);
case "planet":
return this.space.getPlanet(unlockId);
case "chronoforge":
return this.time.getCFU(unlockId);
case "voidSpace":
return this.time.getVSU(unlockId);
case "stages":
return this.bld.get(unlockId.bld);
case "zigguratUpgrades":
return this.religion.getZU(unlockId);
case "religion":
return this.religion.getRU(unlockId);
case "transcendenceUpgrades":
return this.religion.getTU(unlockId);
case "pacts":
return this.religion.getPact(unlockId);
case "challenges":
return this.challenges.getChallenge(unlockId);
case "schemes":
return unlockId;
case "biomes":
return this.village.getBiome(unlockId);
* Unlock a set of metadata elements based on the meta type and item id
* e.g:
* {
* buildings: [...],
* space: [...]
* }
* See #getUnlockByName for a full list of types
* @param {*} list
* TODO: clarify `unlockable` vs unlocked for buildings vs other stuff
unlock: function(list) {
var game = this;
for (var type in list) {
if (list[type].length == 0) {
for (var i = list[type].length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var unlockId = list[type][i];
var newUnlock = this.getUnlockByName(unlockId, type);
* Multi-unlock mechanism:
* Source provides _SIGNAL_ throught the .unlocks property
* e.g.:
* meta1 -> game.unlock() -> target meta
* meta2 -> game.unlock() /
* by default any unlock() signal from source should mark target meta as unlocked
* in case there are complex unlock conditions (say policies),
* target meta should evaluate the signal through the evaluateLocks()
* and return cancel if not all unlock conditions are satisfied
if (!newUnlock){
console.error("unable to evaluate locks for unlockId", unlockId, "type", type);
if (newUnlock.evaluateLocks && !newUnlock.evaluateLocks(game)){
if (type == "tabs") {
newUnlock.visible = true;
} else if (type == "buildings") {
newUnlock.unlockable = true;
} else if (type == "stages") {
newUnlock.stages[unlockId.stage].stageUnlocked = true;
} else {
if (!newUnlock){
console.warn("unable to evaluate unlock '", unlockId, "', skipping");
newUnlock.unlocked = true;
upgrade: function(list){
for (var type in list) {
if (list[type].length == 0) {
for (var i = list[type].length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var item = this.getUnlockByName(list[type][i], type);
if (!item){
console.error("unable to get unlock by [id]", list[type][i], "[type]", type);
if (item.calculateEffects){
item.calculateEffects(item, this);
if (type == "spaceBuilding") {
this.calendar.cycleEffectsBasics(item.effects, item.name);
if (item.unlockScheme && item.val >= item.unlockScheme.threshold) {
toggleFilters: function(){
var filtersDiv = $("#logFilters");
$("#filterIcon")[0].innerHTML = filtersDiv.is(":visible") ? "-" : "+";
registerUndoChange: function(){
var undoChange = new classes.game.UndoChange();
undoChange.ttl = undoChange._static.DEFAULT_TTL * this.ticksPerSecond;
this.undoChange = undoChange;
return undoChange;
undo: function(){
if (!this.undoChange) {
* I am too tired to write proper logic, let it be simple hashmap of references
var managers = {
"workshop": this.workshop,
"building": this.bld,
"religion": this.religion
for (var i in this.undoChange.events){
var event = this.undoChange.events[i];
var mgr = managers[event.managerId];
if (mgr && mgr.undo){
this.undoChange = null;
//TODO: use me on mobile version
checkEldermass: function(){
if (this.isEldermass()){
if (this.resPool.get("elderBox").value == 0){
this.msg($I("gift.get"), "important");
} else {
if (this.resPool.get("elderBox").value > 0 && this.resPool.get("elderBox").value < 1) {
this.resPool.get("elderBox").value = 1;
this.msg($I("gift.repaired"), "important");
redeemGift: function(){
if (this.resPool.get("elderBox").value == 0) {
var gift = "Karma";
if(this.resPool.get("paragon").value >= 100) {
gift = "Paragon";
if(this.resPool.get("timeCrystal").value && this.prestige.getPerk("anachronomancy").researched && this.workshop.get("stasisChambers").researched) {
gift = "TimeCrystal";
if(this.resPool.get("sorrow").value / this.resPool.get("sorrow").maxValue < 0.25 && this.prestige.getPerk("megalomania").researched && this.religion.getZU("blackPyramid").val < 3) {
gift = "BLS";
if(this.religion.getRU("apocripha").on) {
gift = "Apocrypha";
if (this.religion.getRU("transcendence").on && this.religion.transcendenceTier <= 10) {
gift = "Transcendence";
if(this.prestige.getPerk("engeneering").researched && !this.prestige.getPerk("renaissance").researched) {
gift = "Metaphysics";
if(this.bld.get("chronosphere").on) {
gift = "Compendiums";
if(this.diplomacy.get("leviathans").energy == this.diplomacy.getMarkerCap()){
gift = "BurnedParagon";
var ucfirst = function (string) { return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1); };
switch (gift) {
case "Karma":
if(this.resPool.get("karma").value > 50) {
var amt = 25 * Math.min(this.karmaKittens, 25000);
} else {
var amt = 5000;
var karmaGained = this.getUnlimitedDR(this.karmaKittens + amt, 5) - this.getUnlimitedDR(this.karmaKittens, 5);
var msg = $I("gift.resources", [this.getDisplayValueExt(karmaGained), ucfirst($I("resources.karma.title"))]);
this.karmaKittens += amt;
case "Paragon":
if(this.resPool.get("paragon").value > 500) {
var amt = Math.min(this.resPool.get("paragon").value, 1000);
} else {
var amt = 100;
var msg = $I("gift.resources", [this.getDisplayValueExt(amt), ucfirst($I("resources.paragon.title"))]);
this.resPool.addResEvent("paragon", amt);
case "TimeCrystal":
if(this.resPool.get("timeCrystal").value > 100) {
var amt = Math.min(this.resPool.get("timeCrystal").value, 2000);
} else {
var amt = 50;
var msg = $I("gift.resources", [this.getDisplayValueExt(amt), ucfirst($I("resources.timeCrystal.title"))]);
this.resPool.addResEvent("timeCrystal", amt);
case "BLS" :
amt = this.resPool.get("sorrow").maxValue - this.resPool.get("sorrow").value;
var msg = $I("gift.resources", [this.getDisplayValueExt(amt), ucfirst($I("resources.sorrow.full"))]);
this.resPool.addResEvent("sorrow", amt);
case "Apocrypha":
if(this.religion.faithRatio > 10) {
var amt = 4 * Math.min(this.religion.faithRatio, 1000);
} else {
var amt = 5;
var pre = this.religion.getApocryphaBonus();
this.religion.faithRatio += amt;
var post = this.religion.getApocryphaBonus();
var apocryphaGained = (post - pre) * 100;
var msg = $I("gift.apocrypha", [this.getDisplayValueExt(apocryphaGained)]);
case "Transcendence":
this.religion.transcendenceTier += 4;
var msg = $I("gift.transcendence");
case "Metaphysics":
if(!this.prestige.getPerk("goldenRatio").researched) {
this.prestige.getPerk("goldenRatio").researched = true;
var perk = $I("prestige.goldenRatio.label");
else if (!this.prestige.getPerk("divineProportion").researched) {
this.prestige.getPerk("divineProportion").researched = true;
var perk = $I("prestige.divineProportion.label");
else if (!this.prestige.getPerk("vitruvianFeline").researched) {
this.prestige.getPerk("vitruvianFeline").researched = true;
var perk = $I("prestige.vitruvianFeline.label");
else if (!this.prestige.getPerk("renaissance").researched) {
this.prestige.getPerk("renaissance").researched = true;
var perk = $I("prestige.renaissance.label");
var msg = $I("gift.metaphysics", [perk]);
case "Compendiums":
if(this.resPool.get("compedium").value > 500000) {
var amt = 4 * this.resPool.get("compedium").value;
} else {
var amt = 100000;
var unicornGraveyard = this.religion.getZU("unicornGraveyard");
var unicornNecropolis = this.religion.getZU("unicornNecropolis");
var getSumOfPrices = function(item, resName){ //this function should return how much of one resource was spent on a stackable
var priceRatio = item.priceRatio;
var resPrice = 0;
var num = item.val;
for (var i in item.prices){
if (item.prices[i].name == resName){
resPrice = item.prices[i].val;
return resPrice * (Math.pow(priceRatio, num) - 1)/(priceRatio - 1);
var amt1 = Math.max(getSumOfPrices(unicornGraveyard, "necrocorn") + getSumOfPrices(unicornNecropolis, "necrocorn"),
Math.max(this.resPool.get("necrocorn").value, 10));
var msg = $I("gift.resources", [this.getDisplayValueExt(amt), ucfirst($I("resources.compedium.title"))]);
msg += $I("gift.resources", [this.getDisplayValueExt(amt1), ucfirst($I("resources.necrocorn.title"))]);
this.resPool.addResEvent("compedium", amt);
this.resPool.addResEvent("necrocorn", amt1);
case "BurnedParagon":
if(this.resPool.get("burnedParagon").value > 500){
var amt = Math.min(this.resPool.get("burnedParagon").value, 1500);
} else {
var amt = 150;
var msg = $I("gift.resources", [this.getDisplayValueExt(amt), ucfirst($I("resources.burnedParagon.title"))]);
this.resPool.addResEvent("burnedParagon", amt);
this.resPool.addResEvent("elderBox", -1);
this.resPool.addResEvent("wrappingPaper", 1);
unlockAll: function(){
for (var i in this.tabs){
this.tabs[i].visible = true;
this.resPool.get("paragon").value = 1;
isEldermass: function(){
var boolean = false;
// var date = new Date();
// if (date.getMonth() == 11 && date.getDate() >= 15 && date.getDate() <= 31) {
// var LS = (localStorage["time"]) ? new Date(localStorage["time"]) : false;
// if (LS) {
// if (LS.getFullYear() == date.getFullYear() && LS.getMonth() == 11 && LS.getDate() >= 15 && LS.getDate() <= 31) {
// boolean = true;
// } else {
// delete localStorage["time"];
// }
// } else {
// $.ajax({
// cache: false,
// type: "GET",
// dataType: "JSON",
// crossDomain: true,
// url: "https://worldtimeapi.org/api/ip/"
// }).done(function(resp) {
// if (resp) {
// var time = new Date(resp.datetime);
// localStorage["time"] = time.getMonth() + 1 + " " + time.getDate() + "," + time.getFullYear();
// if (time.getMonth() == 11 && time.getDate() >= 15 && time.getDate() <= 31) {
// boolean = true;
// }
// }
// });
// }
// }
return boolean;
createRandomName: function(lenConst, charPool) {
if(!charPool) {
charPool = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■◆◆åœ∑ß≈ç∂´®ƒ√∫©†¥˙˜µ∆¨ˆ˚µ≤¬øπ≥…π“æ÷櫧¡™£¢∞§¶•ªº≠"; //◆
var nameLength = Math.floor(Math.random() * 6 + 5);
if(lenConst) {
nameLength = lenConst - 1;
var name = "";
for (var i = 0; i <= nameLength; i++){
name += charPool[Math.floor(Math.random() * charPool.length)];
return name;
createRandomVarietyAndColor: function(ch1, ch2){
if(ch1 == null) {
ch1 = 10;
if(ch2 == null) {
ch2 = 10;
function rand(ratio){
return (Math.floor(Math.random() * ratio));
var color = 0;
var variety = 0;
//10% of chance to generate one of 6 primary colors (rare colors TBD)
if (rand(100) <= ch1){
color = rand(6) + 1;
//10% of chance of colored cat to be one of 5 rare varieties (dual, tabby, torbie, calico, spots)
if (rand(100) <= ch2){
variety = rand(4) + 1;
return [color, variety];
马建仓 AI 助手
猫国建设者(Kittens Game)
