* 文件名称:H.min.js(压缩版本)
* 文件作者:新生帝(JsonLei)
* 编写日期:2016年03月11日
* 版权所有:中山赢友网络科技有限公司
* 企业官网:http://www.winu.net
* 开源协议:GPL v2 License
* 文件描述:一切从简,只为了更懒!让APICloud再飞一会!
* 讨论群区:一起改变中国IT教育 18863883
* 文档地址:http://www.kancloud.cn/winu/hybrid
* 开源地址:http://git.oschina.net/winu.net/H.js
; !function (factory) { if (typeof require === 'function' && typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object') { var target = module['exports'] || exports; factory(target) } else if (typeof define === 'function' && define['amd']) { define(['exports'], factory) } else { factory(window['H'] = { v: "0.0.1", M: {}, tppl_flag: ['[:', ':]'], trim: function (str) { if (str) { return str.replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g, '') } }, getFileExt: function (fileName) { if (fileName && fileName.length > 2) { return fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf('.') + 1) } else { console.warn("输入文件名有误!") } }, getAgeForBirthDay: function (birthday) { var r = birthday.match(/^(\d{1,4})(-|\/)(\d{1,2})\2(\d{1,2})$/); if (r == null) { return false } var d = new Date(r[1], r[3] - 1, r[4]); if (d.getFullYear() == r[1] && (d.getMonth() + 1) == r[3] && d.getDate() == r[4]) { var Y = new Date().getFullYear(); return (Y - r[1]) } return 0 }, isNumber: function (str) { return !isNaN(str) }, isPlusDecimal: function (str) { return (/^(([0-9]|([1-9][0-9]{0,9}))((\.[0-9]{1,2})?))$/).test(str) }, isDate: function (str) { return (/^(?:(?:1[6-9]|[2-9][0-9])[0-9]{2}([-/.]?)(?:(?:0?[1-9]|1[0-2])\1(?:0?[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-8])|(?:0?[13-9]|1[0-2])\1(?:29|30)|(?:0?[13578]|1[02])\1(?:31))|(?:(?:1[6-9]|[2-9][0-9])(?:0[48]|[2468][048]|[13579][26])|(?:16|[2468][048]|[3579][26])00)([-/.]?)0?2\2(?:29))(\s+([01][0-9]:|2[0-3]:)?[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9])?$/).text(str) }, isNullOrEmpty: function (str) { var that = this; return (str == null || str == undefined || that.trim(str) == "") ? true : false }, getNowDateFormat: function (dateSeparator, timeSeparator, isShowTime, datetime) { var that = this; dateSeparator = that.isNullOrEmpty(dateSeparator) ? "-" : dateSeparator; timeSeparator = that.isNullOrEmpty(timeSeparator) ? ":" : timeSeparator; isShowTime = (typeof arguments[2] != 'boolean') ? true : arguments[2]; var now = datetime ? datetime : new Date(); var year = now.getFullYear(); var month = now.getMonth() + 1; var date = now.getDate(); var hours = now.getHours(); var minutes = now.getMinutes(); var seconds = now.getSeconds(); if (month >= 1 && month <= 9) { month = "0" + month } if (date >= 0 && date <= 9) { date = "0" + date } var _date = year + dateSeparator + month + dateSeparator + date; var _time = hours + timeSeparator + minutes + timeSeparator + seconds; return isShowTime ? (_date + " " + _time) : _date }, transPHPTimestamp: function (timestamp, isShowTime) { var that = this; isShowTime = (typeof arguments[1] != 'boolean') ? true : arguments[1]; var datetime = new Date(timestamp * 1000); that.getNowDateFormat('-', ':', isShowTime, datetime) }, transJsTimestamp: function (timestamp, isShowTime) { var that = this; isShowTime = (typeof arguments[1] != 'boolean') ? true : arguments[1]; var datetime = new Date(timestamp); that.getNowDateFormat('-', ':', isShowTime, datetime) }, isObject: function (obj) { return (typeof obj == "object" && obj != null && obj != undefined) }, cloneObj: function (oldObj) { var that = this; if (typeof (oldObj) != 'object') { return oldObj } if (oldObj == null) { return oldObj } var newObj = new Object(); for (var i in oldObj) { newObj[i] = that.cloneObj(oldObj[i]) } return newObj }, extendObj: function () { var that = this; var args = arguments; if (args.length < 2) { return } var temp = that.cloneObj(args[0]); for (var n = 1; n < args.length; n++) { for (var i in args[n]) { temp[i] = args[n][i] } } return temp }, isFunction: function (obj) { return typeof obj === "function" }, isArray: function (arr) { return toString.apply(arr) === '[object Array]' }, newGUID: function () { function _sub() { return (((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000) | 0).toString(16).substring(1) } return (_sub() + _sub() + "-" + _sub() + "-" + _sub() + "-" + _sub() + "-" + _sub() + _sub() + _sub()) }, unique: function (arr) { var that = this; if (!that.isArray(arr)) { return arr } var result = [], hash = {}; for (var i = 0, elem; (elem = arr[i]) != null; i++) { if (!hash[elem]) { result.push(elem); hash[elem] = true } } return result }, addEventListener: function (callback, name, extra) { var that = this; var o = {}; o.name = name; if (extra) { extra = typeof extra === "object" ? extra : {}; o.extra = extra } api.addEventListener(o, function (ret, err) { if (that.isFunction(callback)) { callback(ret, err) } }) }, batterylow: function (callback) { var that = this; that.addEventListener(callback, "batterylow") }, batterystatus: function (callback) { var that = this; that.addEventListener(callback, "batterystatus") }, keyback: function (callback) { var that = this; that.addEventListener(callback, "keyback") }, keymenu: function (callback) { var that = this; that.addEventListener(callback, "keymenu") }, volumeup: function (callback) { var that = this; that.addEventListener(callback, "volumeup") }, volumedown: function (callback) { var that = this; that.addEventListener(callback, "volumedown") }, offline: function (callback) { var that = this; that.addEventListener(callback, "offline") }, online: function (callback) { var that = this; that.addEventListener(callback, "online") }, pause: function (callback) { var that = this; that.addEventListener(callback, "pause") }, resume: function (callback) { var that = this; that.addEventListener(callback, "resume") }, scrolltobottom: function (callback, threshold) { var that = this; threshold = Math.abs(typeof threshold === "number" ? threshold : 0); that.addEventListener(callback, "scrolltobottom", { threshold: threshold }) }, shake: function (callback) { var that = this; that.addEventListener(callback, "shake") }, swipedown: function (callback) { var that = this; that.addEventListener(callback, "swipedown") }, swipeleft: function (callback) { var that = this; that.addEventListener(callback, "swipeleft") }, swiperight: function (callback) { var that = this; that.addEventListener(callback, "swiperight") }, swipeup: function (callback) { var that = this; that.addEventListener(callback, "swipeup") }, tap: function (callback) { var that = this; that.addEventListener(callback, "tap") }, longpress: function (callback) { var that = this; that.addEventListener(callback, "longpress") }, viewappear: function (callback) { var that = this; that.addEventListener(callback, "viewappear") }, viewdisappear: function (callback) { var that = this; that.addEventListener(callback, "viewdisappear") }, noticeclicked: function (callback) { var that = this; that.addEventListener(callback, "noticeclicked") }, appintent: function (callback) { var that = this; that.addEventListener(callback, "appintent") }, smartupdatefinish: function (callback) { var that = this; that.addEventListener(callback, "smartupdatefinish") }, DEFAULT_CONFIG: { openWin_CONFIG: { bounces: false, bgColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0)", scrollToTop: true, vScrollBarEnabled: false, hScrollBarEnabled: false, scaleEnabled: false, slidBackEnabled: true, slidBackType: "edge", delay: 0, reload: false, allowEdit: false, softInputMode: "auto" }, closeWin_CONFIG: {}, closeToWin_CONFIG: {}, setWinAttr_CONFIG: {}, openFrame_CONFIG: { bounces: true, bgColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0)", scrollToTop: true, vScrollBarEnabled: false, hScrollBarEnabled: false, scaleEnabled: false, rect: { x: 0, y: 0, w: 'auto', h: 'auto', marginLeft: 0, marginTop: 0, marginBottom: 0, marginRight: 0 }, reload: false, allowEdit: false, softInputMode: 'auto' }, setFrameAttr_CONFIG: {}, animation_CONFIG: { delay: 0, duration: 0, curve: "ease_in_out", repeatCount: 0, autoreverse: false }, openFrameGroup_CONFIG: { scrollEnabled: true, rect: { x: 0, y: 0, w: 'auto', h: 'auto', marginLeft: 0, marginTop: 0, marginBottom: 0, marginRight: 0 }, index: 0, preload: 1 }, setFrameGroupAttr_CONFIG: {}, setFrameGroupIndex_CONFIG: {}, openPopoverWin_CONFIG: { width: 540, height: 620, bgColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)', scrollToTop: true, bounces: true, vScrollBarEnabled: false, hScrollBarEnabled: false, scaleEnabled: false, showProgress: false, allowEdit: false, softInputMode: 'auto' }, openSlidLayout_CONFIG: { type: "left" }, openDrawerLayout_CONFIG: { bounces: false, bgColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0)", scrollToTop: true, vScrollBarEnabled: false, hScrollBarEnabled: false, scaleEnabled: false, slidBackEnabled: true, slidBackType: "edge", showProgress: false, delay: 0, reload: false, allowEdit: false, softInputMode: "auto" }, removeLaunchView_CONFIG: {}, openApp_CONFIG: { androidPkg: "android.intent.action.VIEW", mimeType: "text/html" }, openWidget_CONFIG: {}, closeWidget_CONFIG: { silent: false }, ajax_CONFIG: { method: "get", cache: false, timeout: 30, dataType: "json", charset: "utf-8", report: true, returnAll: false }, download_CONFIG: { report: true, cache: true, allowResume: true }, imageCache_CONFIG: { policy: "cache_else_network", thumbnail: true }, notification_CONFIG: { vibrate: [500, 500], sound: "default", light: false }, startLocation_CONFIG: { accuracy: "100m", filter: 1.0, autoStop: true }, alert_CONFIG: { buttons: ["确定"] }, showProgress_CONFIG: { style: 'default', animationType: 'zoom', title: '加载中', text: '请稍后...', modal: false }, setRefreshHeaderInfo_CONFIG: { visible: true, loadingImg: 'widget://image/refresh.png', bgColor: '#f1f1f1', textColor: '#999', textDown: '下拉可以刷新...', textUp: '松开可以刷新...', textLoading: '加载中...', showTime: true }, getPicture_CONFIG: { sourceType: "library", encodingType: "png", mediaValue: "pic", destinationType: "url", allowEdit: false, quality: 50, videoQuality: "medium", saveToPhotoAlbum: false } }, openWin: function (winName, winUrl, winPageParam, options) { var that = this; var o = {}; o.name = winName; o.url = winUrl; o.pageParam = ((typeof winPageParam === "object") && winPageParam) ? winPageParam : {}; options = options || {}; var opt = that.extendObj(that.DEFAULT_CONFIG.openWin_CONFIG, o, options); api.openWin(opt) }, closeWin: function (winName, options) { var that = this; var o = {}; if (winName) { o.name = winName } options = options || {}; var opt = that.extendObj(that.DEFAULT_CONFIG.closeWin_CONFIG, o, options); api.closeWin(opt) }, closeToWin: function (winName, options) { var that = this; var o = {}; winName = (!winName) ? "root" : winName; o.name = winName; options = options || {}; var opt = that.extendObj(that.DEFAULT_CONFIG.closeToWin_CONFIG, o, options); api.closeToWin(opt) }, setWinAttr: function (options) { var that = this; options = options || {}; var opt = that.extendObj(that.DEFAULT_CONFIG.setWinAttr_CONFIG, options); api.setWinAttr(opt) }, openFrame: function (frameName, frameUrl, framePageParam, options) { var that = this; var o = {}; o.name = frameName; o.url = frameUrl; o.pageParam = ((typeof framePageParam === "object") && framePageParam) ? framePageParam : {}; options = options || {}; var opt = that.extendObj(that.DEFAULT_CONFIG.openFrame_CONFIG, o, options); api.openFrame(opt) }, closeFrame: function (frameName) { var o = {}; if (frameName) { o.name = frameName } api.closeFrame(o) }, setFrameAttr: function (frameName, hidden, options) { var that = this; var o = {}; o.name = frameName; if (typeof hidden === "boolean") { o.hidden = hidden } options = options || {}; var opt = that.extendObj(that.DEFAULT_CONFIG.setFrameAttr_CONFIG, o, options); api.setFrameAttr(opt) }, bringFrameToFront: function (fromFrameName, toFrameName) { var o = {}; o.from = fromFrameName; if (toFrameName) { o.to = toFrameName } api.bringFrameToFront(o) }, sendFrameToBack: function (fromFrameName, toFrameName) { var o = {}; o.from = fromFrameName; if (toFrameName) { o.to = toFrameName } api.sendFrameToBack(o) }, setFrameClient: function (callback, frameName) { var that = this; api.setFrameClient({ frameName: frameName }, function (ret, err) { if (that.isFunction(callback)) { callback(ret, err) } }) }, animation: function (callback, frameName, options) { var that = this; var o = {}; if (frameName) { o.name = frameName } options = options || {}; var opt = that.extendObj(that.DEFAULT_CONFIG.animation_CONFIG, o, options); api.animation(opt, function (ret, err) { if (that.isFunction(callback)) { callback(ret, err) } }) }, openFrameGroup: function (callback, groupName, frames, index, options) { var that = this; var o = {}; o.name = groupName; o.index = Math.abs(typeof index === "number" ? index : 0); if (!that.isArray(frames)) { console.error("只接收frame对象数组") } if (frames.length == 0) { console.error("frame对象数组至少要有一个frame对象") } var _frames = []; for (var i = 0; i < frames.length; i++) { var _frame = frames[i]; var tempFrame = that.extendObj(that.DEFAULT_CONFIG.openFrame_CONFIG, _frame); delete tempFrame['rect']; _frames.push(tempFrame) } o.frames = _frames; options = options || {}; var opt = that.extendObj(that.DEFAULT_CONFIG.openFrameGroup_CONFIG, o, options); api.openFrameGroup(opt, function (ret, err) { if (that.isFunction(callback)) { callback(ret, err) } }) }, closeFrameGroup: function (groupName) { api.closeFrameGroup({ name: groupName }) }, setFrameGroupAttr: function (groupName, hidden, options) { var that = this; var o = {}; o.name = groupName; if (typeof hidden === "boolean") { o.hidden = hidden } options = options || {}; var opt = that.extendObj(that.DEFAULT_CONFIG.setFrameGroupAttr_CONFIG, o, options); api.setFrameGroupAttr(opt) }, setFrameGroupIndex: function (groupName, index, isScroll, options) { var that = this; var o = {}; o.name = groupName; o.index = Math.abs(typeof index === "number" ? index : 0); if (typeof isScroll === "boolean") { o.scroll = isScroll } options = options || {}; var opt = that.extendObj(that.DEFAULT_CONFIG.setFrameGroupIndex_CONFIG, o, options); api.setFrameGroupIndex(opt) }, openPopoverWin: function (popoverWinName, popoverWinUrl, popoverWinpageParam, options) { var that = this; var o = {}; o.name = popoverWinName; o.url = popoverWinUrl; o.pageParam = ((typeof popoverWinpageParam === "object") && popoverWinpageParam) ? popoverWinpageParam : {}; options = options || {}; var opt = that.extendObj(that.DEFAULT_CONFIG.openPopoverWin_CONFIG, o, options); api.openPopoverWin(opt) }, closePopoverWin: function () { api.closePopoverWin() }, openSlidLayout: function (callback, fixedPane, slidPane, options) { var that = this; var o = {}; if (!(typeof fixedPane === "object" && fixedPane)) { console.error("fixedPane必须是frame对象") } if (!(typeof slidPane === "object" && slidPane)) { console.error("slidPane必须是frame对象") } var _fixedPane = that.extendObj(that.DEFAULT_CONFIG.openFrame_CONFIG, fixedPane); delete _fixedPane['rect']; o.fixedPane = _fixedPane; var _slidPane = that.extendObj(that.DEFAULT_CONFIG.openFrame_CONFIG, slidPane); delete _slidPane['rect']; o.slidPane = _slidPane; options = options || {}; var opt = that.extendObj(that.DEFAULT_CONFIG.openSlidLayout_CONFIG, o, options); api.openSlidLayout(opt, function (ret, err) { if (that.isFunction(callback)) { callback(ret, err) } }) }, openSlidPane: function (type) { var typeArr = ["left", "right", "all"]; type = typeof type === "string" ? type : "left"; type = typeArr.indexOf(type) > -1 ? type : "left"; api.openSlidPane({ type: type }) }, closeSlidPane: function () { api.closeSlidPane() }, lockSlidPane: function () { api.lockSlidPane() }, unlockSlidPane: function () { api.unlockSlidPane() }, openDrawerLayout: function (drawerName, drawerUrl, leftPane, rightPane, drawerPageParam, options) { var that = this; var o = {}; o.name = drawerName; o.url = drawerUrl; if (leftPane) { if (!(typeof leftPane === "object")) { console.error("leftPane必须是frame对象") } var _leftPane = that.extendObj(that.DEFAULT_CONFIG.openFrame_CONFIG, leftPane); delete _leftPane['rect']; o.leftPane = _leftPane } if (rightPane) { if (!(typeof rightPane === "object")) { console.error("leftPane必须是frame对象") } var _rightPane = that.extendObj(that.DEFAULT_CONFIG.openFrame_CONFIG, rightPane); delete _rightPane['rect']; o.rightPane = _rightPane } o.pageParam = ((typeof drawerPageParam === "object") && drawerPageParam) ? drawerPageParam : {}; options = options || {}; var opt = that.extendObj(that.DEFAULT_CONFIG.openDrawerLayout_CONFIG, o, options); api.openDrawerLayout(opt) }, openDrawerPane: function (type) { var typeArr = ["left", "right"]; type = typeof type === "string" ? type : "left"; type = typeArr.indexOf(type) > -1 ? type : "left"; api.openDrawerPane({ type: type }) }, closeDrawerPane: function () { api.closeDrawerPane() }, execScript: function (winName, frameName, script) { script = ((typeof script !== "string") && (!script)) ? "();" : script; if (winName) { if (frameName) { api.execScript({ name: winName, frameName: frameName, script: script }) } else { api.execScript({ name: winName, script: script }) } } else { api.execScript({ frameName: frameName, script: script }) } }, historyBack: function (callback, frameName) { var that = this; api.historyBack({ frameName: frameName }, function (ret, err) { if (that.isFunction(callback)) { callback(ret, err) } }) }, historyForward: function (callback, frameName) { var that = this; api.historyForward({ frameName: frameName }, function (ret, err) { if (that.isFunction(callback)) { callback(ret, err) } }) }, pageUp: function (callback, isTop) { var that = this; isTop = typeof isTop === "boolean" ? isTop : false; api.pageUp({ top: isTop }, function (ret, err) { if (that.isFunction(callback)) { callback(ret, err) } }) }, pageDown: function (callback, isBottom) { var that = this; isBottom = typeof isBottom === "boolean" ? isBottom : false; api.pageUp({ bottom: isBottom }, function (ret, err) { if (that.isFunction(callback)) { callback(ret, err) } }) }, removeLaunchView: function (options) { var that = this; options = options || {}; var opt = that.extendObj(that.DEFAULT_CONFIG.removeLaunchView_CONFIG, options); api.removeLaunchView(opt) }, parseTapmode: function () { api.parseTapmode() }, installApp: function (appUri) { api.installApp({ appUri: appUri }) }, appInstalled: function (callback, appBundle) { var that = this; api.appInstalled({ appBundle: appBundle }, function (ret, err) { if (that.isFunction(callback)) { callback(ret, err) } }) }, openApp: function (callback, url, appParam, options) { var that = this; var o = {}; if (that.systemType == "ios") { if (url) { o.iosUrl = url } if (appParam && typeof appParam === "object") { o.appParam = appParam } } else { if (url) { o.uri = url } } options = options || {}; var opt = that.extendObj(that.DEFAULT_CONFIG.openApp_CONFIG, o, options); api.openApp(opt, function (ret, err) { if (that.isFunction(callback)) { callback(ret, err) } }) }, rebootApp: function () { api.rebootApp() }, openWidget: function (callback, wgtID, wgtParam, options) { var that = this; var o = {}; o.id = wgtID; if (wgtParam && typeof wgtParam === "object") { o.wgtParam = wgtParam } options = options || {}; var opt = that.extendObj(that.DEFAULT_CONFIG.openWidget_CONFIG, o, options); api.openWidget(opt, function (ret, err) { if (that.isFunction(callback)) { callback(ret, err) } }) }, closeWidget: function (wgtID, returnData, options) { var that = this; var o = {}; if (wgtID) { o.id = wgtID } if (returnData && typeof returnData === "object") { o.retData = returnData } options = options || {}; var opt = that.extendObj(that.DEFAULT_CONFIG.closeWidget_CONFIG, o, options); api.closeWidget(opt) }, ajax: function (callback, url, method, data, dataType, options) { var that = this; var o = {}; o.url = url; o.method = method ? method : "get"; o.dataType = dataType ? dataType : "json"; if (data && typeof data === "object" && o.method == "post") { o.data = data } options = options || {}; var opt = that.extendObj(that.DEFAULT_CONFIG.ajax_CONFIG, o, options); api.ajax(opt, function (ret, err) { if (that.isFunction(callback)) { callback(ret, err) } }) }, cancelAjax: function (tag) { api.cancelAjax({ tag: tag }) }, download: function (callback, url, savePath, options) { var that = this; var o = {}; o.url = url; if (savePath) { o.savePath = savePath } options = options || {}; var opt = that.extendObj(that.DEFAULT_CONFIG.download_CONFIG, o, options); api.download(opt, function (ret, err) { if (that.isFunction(callback)) { callback(ret, err) } }) }, cancelDownload: function (url) { api.cancelDownload({ url: url }) }, imageCache: function (callback, url, options) { var that = this; var o = {}; o.url = url; options = options || {}; var opt = that.extendObj(that.DEFAULT_CONFIG.imageCache_CONFIG, o, options); api.imageCache(opt, function (ret, err) { if (that.isFunction(callback)) { callback(ret, err) } }) }, readFile: function (callback, path) { var that = this; api.readFile({ path: path }, function (ret, err) { if (that.isFunction(callback)) { callback(ret, err) } }) }, writeFile: function (callback, path, data, isAppend) { var that = this; isAppend = typeof isAppend === "boolean" ? isAppend : false; if (typeof data === "object") { data = JSON.stringify(data) } api.writeFile({ path: path, data: data, append: isAppend }, function (ret, err) { if (that.isFunction(callback)) { callback(ret, err) } }) }, setPrefs: function (callback, key, value) { var that = this; if (typeof value === "object") { value = JSON.stringify(value) } api.setPrefs({ key: key, value: value }, function (ret, err) { if (that.isFunction(callback)) { callback(ret, err) } }) }, getPrefs: function (callback, key) { var that = this; api.getPrefs({ key: key }, function (ret, err) { if (that.isFunction(callback)) { callback(ret, err) } }) }, removePrefs: function (callback, key) { var that = this; api.removePrefs({ key: key }, function (ret, err) { if (that.isFunction(callback)) { callback(ret, err) } }) }, clearCache: function (callback, timeThreshold) { var that = this; timeThreshold = Math.abs(typeof timeThreshold === "number" ? timeThreshold : 0); api.clearCache({ timeThreshold: timeThreshold }, function (ret, err) { if (that.isFunction(callback)) { callback(ret, err) } }) }, getCacheSize: function (callback) { var that = this; api.getCacheSize(function (ret, err) { if (that.isFunction(callback)) { callback(ret, err) } }) }, getFreeDiskSpace: function (callback) { var that = this; api.getFreeDiskSpace(function (ret, err) { if (that.isFunction(callback)) { callback(ret, err) } }) }, loadSecureValue: function (callback, key) { var that = this; api.loadSecureValue({ key: key }, function (ret, err) { if (that.isFunction(callback)) { callback(ret, err) } }) }, removeEventListener: function (name) { api.removeEventListener({ name: name }) }, sendEvent: function (name, extra) { if (extra) { extra = (typeof extra === "object") && (extra) ? extra : {} } api.sendEvent({ name: name, extra: extra }) }, accessNative: function (callback, name, extra) { var that = this; if (extra) { extra = (typeof extra === "object") && (extra) ? extra : {} } api.accessNative({ name: name, extra: extra }, function (ret, err) { if (that.isFunction(callback)) { callback(ret, err) } }) }, notification: function (callback, notify, alarm) { var that = this; var o = {}; if (notify) { if (!(typeof notify === "object" && notify)) { console.error("notify必须是Json对象") } o.notify = notify } if (alarm) { if (!(typeof alarm === "object" && alarm)) { console.error("alarm必须是Json对象") } o.alarm = alarm } options = options || {}; var opt = that.extendObj(that.DEFAULT_CONFIG.notification_CONFIG, o, options); api.notification(opt, function (ret, err) { if (that.isFunction(callback)) { callback(ret, err) } }) }, cancelNotification: function (id) { api.cancelNotification({ id: id }) }, startLocation: function (callback, isAutoStop) { var that = this; isAutoStop = typeof isAutoStop === "boolean" ? isAutoStop : true; var o = {}; o.autoStop = isAutoStop; options = options || {}; var opt = that.extendObj(that.DEFAULT_CONFIG.startLocation_CONFIG, o, options); api.startLocation(opt, function (ret, err) { if (that.isFunction(callback)) { callback(ret, err) } }) }, stopLocation: function () { api.stopLocation() }, getLocation: function (callback) { var that = this; api.getLocation(function (ret, err) { if (that.isFunction(callback)) { callback(ret, err) } }) }, startSensor: function (callback, type) { api.startSensor({ type: type }, function (ret, err) { if (that.isFunction(callback)) { callback(ret, err) } }) }, stopSensor: function (type) { api.stopSensor({ type: type }) }, call: function (type, number) { type = ((typeof type === "string") && (type)) ? type : "tel_prompt"; api.call({ type: type, number: number }) }, sms: function (callback, numbers, text, silent) { var that = this; silent = typeof silent === "boolean" ? silent : false; if (!that.isArray(numbers)) { console.error("只接收字符串数组") } if (numbers.length == 0) { console.error("字符串数组至少要有一个字符串号码") } api.sms({ numbers: numbers, text: text, silent: silent }, function (ret, err) { if (that.isFunction(callback)) { callback(ret, err) } }) }, mail: function (callback, recipients, subject, body, attachments) { var that = this; var o = {}; o.recipients = recipients; o.subject = subject; o.body = body; if (attachments) { if (!that.isArray(numbers)) { console.error("只接收字符串数组") } if (numbers.length == 0) { console.error("字符串数组至少要有一个附件路径") } o.attachments = attachments } api.mail(o, function (ret, err) { if (that.isFunction(callback)) { callback(ret, err) } }) }, openContacts: function (callback) { var that = this; api.openContacts(function (ret, err) { if (that.isFunction(callback)) { callback(ret, err) } }) }, setFullScreen: function (isFullScreen) { isFullScreen = typeof isFullScreen === "boolean" ? isFullScreen : true; api.setFullScreen({ fullScreen: isFullScreen }) }, setStatusBarStyle: function (iosStyle, androidColor) { var that = this; var o = {}; if (that.systemType == "ios" && iosStyle) { o.style = iosStyle } if (that.systemType == "android" && androidColor) { o.color = androidColor } api.setStatusBarStyle(o) }, setScreenOrientation: function (orientation) { api.setScreenOrientation({ orientation: orientation }) }, setKeepScreenOn: function (isKeepOn) { isKeepOn = typeof isKeepOn === "boolean" ? isKeepOn : true; api.setKeepScreenOn({ keepOn: isKeepOn }) }, toLauncher: function () { api.toLauncher() }, setScreenSecure: function (isSecure) { isSecure = typeof isSecure === "boolean" ? isSecure : true; api.setScreenSecure({ secure: isSecure }) }, setAppIconBadge: function (badge) { badge = Math.abs(typeof badge === "number" ? badge : 0); api.setAppIconBadge({ badge: badge }) }, alert: function (callback, msg, title, buttons) { var that = this; if ((!that.isFunction(arguments[0])) && (arguments[0])) { msg = arguments[0] } msg = typeof msg == "object" ? (JSON.stringify(msg)) : msg; title = title ? title : that.appName; if (buttons) { if (!that.isArray(buttons)) { if (typeof buttons == "string") { buttons = [].push(buttons) } else { buttons = ["确定"] } } else { buttons = [].push(buttons[0]) } } else { buttons = ["确定"] } api.alert({ title: title, msg: msg, buttons: buttons }, function (ret, err) { if (that.isFunction(callback)) { callback(ret, err) } }) }, confirm: function (callback, title, msg, buttons) { var that = this; msg = typeof msg == "object" ? (JSON.stringify(msg)) : msg; title = title ? title : "你确定要执行此操作吗?"; if (buttons) { if (!that.isArray(buttons)) { if (typeof buttons == "string") { buttons = ["取消"].push(buttons) } else { buttons = ["取消", "确定"] } } else { var _buttons = []; if (buttons.length == 0) { _buttons = ["取消", "确定"] } else if (buttons.length == 1) { _buttons.push("取消"); _buttons.push(buttons[0]) } else if (buttons.length == 2) { _buttons.push(buttons[0]); _buttons.push(buttons[1]) } else { _buttons.push(buttons[0]); _buttons.push(buttons[1]); _buttons.push(buttons[2]) } buttons = _buttons } } else { buttons = ["取消", "确定"] } api.confirm({ title: title, msg: msg, buttons: buttons }, function (ret, err) { if (that.isFunction(callback)) { callback(ret, err) } }) }, prompt: function (callback, title, msg, text, type, buttons) { var that = this; msg = typeof msg == "object" ? (JSON.stringify(msg)) : msg; title = title ? title : "请输入数据后再操作"; type = type ? type : "text"; if (buttons) { if (!that.isArray(buttons)) { if (typeof buttons == "string") { buttons = ["取消"].push(buttons) } else { buttons = ["取消", "确定"] } } else { var _buttons = []; if (buttons.length == 0) { _buttons = ["取消", "确定"] } else if (buttons.length == 1) { _buttons.push("取消"); _buttons.push(buttons[0]) } else if (buttons.length == 2) { _buttons.push(buttons[0]); _buttons.push(buttons[1]) } else { _buttons.push(buttons[0]); _buttons.push(buttons[1]); _buttons.push(buttons[2]) } buttons = _buttons } } else { buttons = ["取消", "确定"] } api.prompt({ title: title, msg: msg, text: text, type: type, buttons: buttons }, function (ret, err) { if (that.isFunction(callback)) { callback(ret, err) } }) }, actionSheet: function (callback, title, buttons, cancelTitle, destructiveTitle, style) { var that = this; var o = {}; o.title = title ? title : "请选择你要操作的项"; o.cancelTitle = cancelTitle ? cancelTitle : "取消"; if (destructiveTitle) { o.destructiveTitle = destructiveTitle } if (style && typeof style === "object") { o.style = style } if (buttons) { if (!that.isArray(buttons)) { if (typeof buttons == "string") { buttons = [].push(buttons) } else { buttons = ["确定"] } } else { if (buttons.length == 0) { buttons = ["确定"] } } } else { buttons = ["确定"] } o.buttons = buttons; api.actionSheet(o, function (ret, err) { if (that.isFunction(callback)) { callback(ret, err) } }) }, showProgress: function (title, text, isModal, options) { var that = this; var o = {}; o.modal = typeof isModal === "boolean" ? isModal : false; if (title) { o.title = title } if (text) { o.text = text } options = options || {}; var opt = that.extendObj(that.DEFAULT_CONFIG.showProgress_CONFIG, o, options); api.showProgress(opt) }, hideProgress: function () { api.hideProgress() }, toast: function (callback, msg, duration, location) { var that = this; if ((!that.isFunction(arguments[0])) && (arguments[0])) { msg = arguments[0] } msg = typeof msg == "object" ? (JSON.stringify(msg)) : msg; duration = Math.abs(typeof duration === "number" ? duration : 2000); var locationArr = ["top", "middle", "bottom"]; location = location ? location : "bottom"; location = locationArr.indexOf(location) > -1 ? location : "bottom"; api.toast({ msg: msg, duration: duration, location: location }); if (that.isFunction(callback)) { setTimeout(function () { callback() }, duration) } }, openPicker: function (callback, type, date, title) { var that = this; var o = {}; var typeArr = ["date", "time", "date_time"]; type = type ? type : "date_time"; o.type = typeArr.indexOf(type) > -1 ? type : "date"; o.title = typeof title == "string" ? title : "选择时间"; if (date) { o.date = date } api.openPicker(o, function (ret, err) { if (that.isFunction(callback)) { callback(ret, err) } }) }, setRefreshHeaderInfo: function (callback, options) { var that = this; options = options || {}; var opt = that.extendObj(that.DEFAULT_CONFIG.setRefreshHeaderInfo_CONFIG, options); api.setRefreshHeaderInfo(opt, function (ret, err) { if (that.isFunction(callback)) { callback(ret, err) } }) }, setCustomRefreshHeaderInfo: function (callback, options) { var that = this; options = options || {}; api.setCustomRefreshHeaderInfo(options, function (ret, err) { if (that.isFunction(callback)) { callback(ret, err) } }) }, refreshHeaderLoading: function () { api.refreshHeaderLoading() }, refreshHeaderLoadDone: function () { api.refreshHeaderLoadDone() }, showFloatBox: function (iconPath, duration) { iconPath = iconPath ? iconPath : 'widget://image/icon.png'; duration = Math.abs(typeof duration === "number" ? duration : 5000); api.showFloatBox({ iconPath: iconPath, duration: duration }) }, getPicture: function (callback, sourceType, mediaValue, destinationType, options) { var that = this; var o = {}; var sourceTypeArr = ["library", "camera", "album"]; sourceType = sourceType ? sourceType : "library"; o.sourceType = sourceTypeArr.indexOf(sourceType) > -1 ? sourceType : "library"; var mediaValueArr = ["pic", "video", "all"]; mediaValue = mediaValue ? mediaValue : "pic"; o.mediaValue = mediaValueArr.indexOf(mediaValue) > -1 ? mediaValue : "pic"; var destinationTypeArr = ["base64", "url"]; destinationType = destinationType ? destinationType : "url"; o.destinationType = destinationTypeArr.indexOf(destinationType) > -1 ? destinationType : "url"; options = options || {}; var opt = that.extendObj(that.DEFAULT_CONFIG.getPicture_CONFIG, o, options); api.getPicture(opt, function (ret, err) { if (that.isFunction(callback)) { callback(ret, err) } }) }, saveMediaToAlbum: function (callback, path) { var that = this; api.saveMediaToAlbum({ path: path }, function (ret, err) { if (that.isFunction(callback)) { callback(ret, err) } }) }, startRecord: function (path) { api.startRecord({ path: path }) }, stopRecord: function (callback) { var that = this; api.stopRecord(function (ret, err) { if (that.isFunction(callback)) { callback(ret, err) } }) }, startPlay: function (path) { var that = this; api.startPlay({ path: path }, function (ret, err) { if (that.isFunction(callback)) { callback(ret, err) } }) }, stopPlay: function () { api.stopPlay() }, openVideo: function (url) { api.openVideo({ url: url }) }, ready: function (callback) { var that = this; apiready = function () { if (that.isFunction(callback)) { callback() } } }, require: function (modules) { var that = this; if (that.isArray(modules)) { if (modules.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < modules.length; i++) { if (modules) { (that.M)[modules[i]] = api.require(modules[i]) } } } } else if (typeof modules === "string") { if (modules.indexOf(",") > -1) { var tempAttr = modules.split(","); for (var i = 0; i < tempAttr.length; i++) { if (tempAttr) { (that.M)[tempAttr[i]] = api.require(tempAttr[i]) } } } else { (that.M)[modules] = api.require(modules) } } }, D: function (cssSelector) { return document.querySelector(cssSelector) }, Ds: function (cssSelector, parentSelector) { var that = this; var parent = parentSelector ? that.D(parentSelector) : document; return document.querySelectorAll(cssSelector) }, cssText: function (cssSelector, cssString) { var that = this; var selectors = that.Ds(cssSelector); if (selectors.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < selectors.length; i++) { selectors[i].style.cssText = cssString } } }, siblings: function (cssSelector) { var that = this; var elem = that.D(cssSelector); var r = []; var n = elem.parentNode.firstChild; for (; n; n = n.nextSibling) { if (n.nodeType === 1 && n !== elem) { r.push(n) } } return r }, addClass: function (elements, classs) { var that = this; if (that.isArray(elements)) { if (elements.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { if (classs.indexOf(',') > -1) { var _classArr = classs.split(","); for (var i = 0; i < _classArr.length; i++) { if (_classArr != "") { elements[i].classList.add(_classArr[i]) } } } else { if (classs.indexOf(' ') > -1) { var _classArr = classs.split(" "); for (var i = 0; i < _classArr.length; i++) { if (_classArr != "") { elements[i].classList.add(_classArr[i]) } } } else { elements[i].classList.add(classs) } } } } } else { elements.classList.add(classs) } }, removeClass: function (elements, classs) { var that = this; if (that.isArray(elements)) { if (elements.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { if (classs.indexOf(',') > -1) { var _classArr = classs.split(","); for (var i = 0; i < _classArr.length; i++) { if (_classArr != "") { elements[i].classList.remove(_classArr[i]) } } } else { if (classs.indexOf(' ') > -1) { var _classArr = classs.split(" "); for (var i = 0; i < _classArr.length; i++) { if (_classArr != "") { elements[i].classList.remove(_classArr[i]) } } } else { elements[i].classList.remove(classs) } } } } } else { elements.classList.remove(classs) } }, hasClass: function (element, _class) { return element.classList.contains(_class) }, getIndex: function (ele) { var a = []; if (ele && ele.nodeType && ele.nodeType == 1) { var oParent = ele.parentNode; var oChilds = oParent.childNodes; var _childs = []; for (var i = 0; i < oChilds.length; i++) { if (oChilds[i] && oChilds[i].nodeType && oChilds[i].nodeType == 1) { _childs.push(oChilds[i]) } } for (var i = 0; i < _childs.length; i++) { if (_childs[i] == ele) { return i } } } else { return -1 } }, isElement: function (obj) { return !!(obj && obj.nodeType == 1) }, offsetByDom: function (element) { var that = this; 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if ((/android/gi).test(navigator.appVersion)) { ls = os.localStorage() } return ls }, setStorage: function (key, value) { var that = this; if (arguments.length === 2) { var v = value; if (typeof v == 'object') { v = JSON.stringify(v); v = 'obj-' + v } else { v = 'str-' + v } var ls = that.uzStorage(); if (ls) { ls.setItem(key, v) } } }, getStorage: function (key) { var that = this; var ls = that.uzStorage(); if (ls) { var v = ls.getItem(key); if (!v) { return } if (v.indexOf('obj-') === 0) { v = v.slice(4); return JSON.parse(v) } else if (v.indexOf('str-') === 0) { return v.slice(4) } } }, rmStorage: function (key) { var that = this; var ls = that.uzStorage(); if (ls && key) { ls.removeItem(key) } }, clearStorage: function () { var that = this; var ls = that.uzStorage(); if (ls) { ls.clear() } }, fixIos7Bar: function (cssSelector) { var that = this; var element = that.D(cssSelector); if (!that.isElement(element)) { console.warn('没有找到DOM元素') } var strDM = that.systemType; if (strDM == 'ios') { var strSV = that.systemVersion; var numSV = parseInt(strSV, 10); var fullScreen = that.fullScreen; var iOS7StatusBarAppearance = that.iOS7StatusBarAppearance; if (numSV >= 7 && !fullScreen && iOS7StatusBarAppearance) { element.style.paddingTop = '20px' } } }, fixStatusBar: function (callback, cssSelector) { var that = this; var element = that.D(cssSelector); if (!that.isElement(element)) { console.error('没有找到DOM元素') } var sysType = that.systemType; if (sysType == 'ios') { that.fixIos7Bar(cssSelector) } else if (sysType == 'android') { var ver = that.systemVersion; ver = parseFloat(ver); if (ver >= 4.4) { element.style.paddingTop = '25px' } } var _offset = that.offset(cssSelector); if (that.isFunction(callback)) { callback(_offset) } }, openFrameNavOrFoot: function (frameName, frameUrl, headerSelector, framePageParam, footerSelector, options) { var that = this; var footerOffset = that.offset(footerSelector); that.fixStatusBar(function (offset) { var _options = { rect: { x: 0, y: offset.h, h: that.winHeight - offset.h - footerOffset.h, w: that.winWidth } }; options = options || {}; var opt = that.extendObj(_options, options); that.openFrame(frameName, frameUrl, framePageParam, opt) }, headerSelector) }, openFrameGroupNavOrFoot: function (callback, groupName, frames, index, headerSelector, footerSelector, options) { var that = this; var footerOffset = that.offset(footerSelector); that.fixStatusBar(function (offset) { options = options || {}; options.rect = { x: 0, y: offset.h, h: that.winHeight - offset.h - footerOffset.h, w: that.winWidth }; that.openFrameGroup(callback, groupName, frames, index, options) }, headerSelector) }, scrollToDocButton: function () { var that = this; that.D("body").scrollTop = that.D("body").scrollHeight }, openBrowser: function (url, appParam) { var that = this; that.openApp(null, url, appParam) }, dblclickToCloseApp: function (callback) { var that = this; var mkeyTime = new Date().getTime(); that.keyback(function (ret, err) { if ((new Date().getTime() - mkeyTime) > 2000) { mkeyTime = new Date().getTime(); that.toast(null, '再按一次退出' + that.appName, 2000) } else { if (that.isFunction(callback)) { callback() } setTimeout(function () { that.closeWidget(null, null, { silent: true }) }, 300) } }) }, openFrameIndexByClick: function (framesOption, headerToggleClass, footerSelector, triggerSelector, triggerActiveClass) { var that = this; window.___currentFrameName___ = ""; window.___currentTriggerIndex___ = -1; window.___frameNameList___ = []; if (!that.isArray(framesOption)) { console.error("必须传入frame配置数组对象!") } else { if (!(framesOption.length > 0 && framesOption.length == that.Ds(triggerSelector, footerSelector).length)) { console.error("传入的frame配置数组个数必须大于0并且个数等于触发按钮的个数!") } else { var items = that.Ds(triggerSelector, footerSelector); for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { items[i].onclick = function (e) { var item = this; var index = that.getIndex(item); var frameObj = framesOption[index]; var opt = that.extendObj(that.DEFAULT_CONFIG.openFrame_CONFIG, frameObj); delete opt.name; delete opt.url; delete opt.header; delete opt.rect; if (window.___currentFrameName___ && window.___currentFrameName___ != frameObj.name) { H.setFrameAttr(window.___currentFrameName___, true) } if (window.___currentTriggerIndex___ != index && window.___currentTriggerIndex___ != -1) { var currentItem = that.D(footerSelector + " " + triggerSelector + ":nth-child(" + (___currentTriggerIndex___ + 1) + ")"); currentItem.classList.remove(triggerActiveClass); that.D(framesOption[___currentTriggerIndex___].header).classList.add(headerToggleClass) } that.D(framesOption[index].header).classList.remove(headerToggleClass); if (window.___frameNameList___.indexOf(frameObj.name) > -1) { H.setFrameAttr(frameObj.name, false) } else { H.openFrameNavOrFoot(frameObj.name, frameObj.url, frameObj.header, that.pageParam, footerSelector, opt); window.___frameNameList___.push(frameObj.name) } item.classList.add(triggerActiveClass); window.___currentFrameName___ = frameObj.name; window.___currentTriggerIndex___ = index } } } } that.D(footerSelector + " " + triggerSelector + ":nth-child(1)").onclick() }, openFrameGroupIndexByClick: function (callback, groupName, framesOption, index, isScroll, headerToggleClass, footerSelector, triggerSelector, triggerActiveClass, options) { var that = this; window.___currentTriggerGroupIndex___ = -1; index = Math.abs(typeof index === "number" ? index : 0); if (!that.isArray(framesOption)) { console.error("必须传入frame配置数组对象!") } else { if (!(framesOption.length > 0 && framesOption.length == that.Ds(triggerSelector, footerSelector).length)) { console.error("传入的frame配置数组个数必须大于0并且个数等于触发按钮的个数!") } else { if (index > framesOption.length - 1) { index = framesOption.length } var items = that.Ds(triggerSelector, footerSelector); for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { items[i].onclick = function (e) { var item = this; var index = that.getIndex(item); that.setFrameGroupIndex(groupName, index, isScroll) } } that.openFrameGroupNavOrFoot(function (ret, err) { var frameName = ret.name; var index = ret.index; if (window.___currentTriggerGroupIndex___ != index && window.___currentTriggerGroupIndex___ != -1) { var currentItem = that.D(footerSelector + " " + triggerSelector + ":nth-child(" + (window.___currentTriggerGroupIndex___ + 1) + ")"); currentItem.classList.remove(triggerActiveClass); that.D(framesOption[___currentTriggerGroupIndex___].header).classList.add(headerToggleClass) } that.D(framesOption[index].header).classList.remove(headerToggleClass); that.fixStatusBar(function (offset) { that.setFrameGroupAttr(groupName, false, { x: 0, y: offset.h, h: that.winHeight - offset.h - that.offset(footerSelector).h, w: that.winWidth }) }, framesOption[index].header); var item = that.D(footerSelector + " " + triggerSelector + ":nth-child(" + (index + 1) + ")"); item.classList.add(triggerActiveClass); window.___currentTriggerGroupIndex___ = index; if (that.isFunction(callback)) { callback(ret, err) } }, groupName, framesOption, index, framesOption[index].header, footerSelector, options) } } }, tppl: function (tpl, data) { var that = this; var fn = function (d) { var i, k = [], v = []; for (i in d) { k.push(i); v.push(d[i]) }; return (new Function(k, fn.$)).apply(d, v) }; if (!fn.$) { var tpls = tpl.replace(/[\r\n]/g, "").split(that.tppl_flag[0]); fn.$ = "var $=''"; for (var t in tpls) { var p = tpls[t].split(that.tppl_flag[1]); if (t != 0) { fn.$ += '=' == p[0].charAt(0) ? "+(" + p[0].substr(1) + ")" : ";" + p[0] + "$=$" } fn.$ += "+'" + p[p.length - 1].replace(/\'/g, "\\'") + "'" } fn.$ += ";return $;" } return data ? fn(data) : fn } }) } }(function (HExports) { var H = typeof HExports !== 'undefined' ? 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