const readFile = function(path_file) {
var c = 'cat "{}"'.format(path_file)
var result = call(c)
return result
const guaListGetReverse = function(list, i) {
var l = list.length()
var index = l + i
var e = list[index]
return e
const guaListSortByKey = function(list, key, reverse=false) {
// 这里使用了最简单的排序, O(N*N)
const newList = []
// 先复制一份数据
for (var i = 0; i < list.length(); i += 1) {
const v = list[i]
const n = newList.length()
for (var i = 1; i < n; i += 1) {
const v = newList[i]
const valueOfKey = v[key]
var j = i
if (reverse) {
while (i > 0 and newList[i-1][key] < valueOfKey) {
newList[i] = newList[i-1]
i -= 1
} else {
while (i > 0 and newList[i-1][key] > valueOfKey) {
newList[i] = newList[i-1]
i -= 1
newList[i] = v
return newList
const guaStringIn = function(str, subStr) {
var index = str.find(subStr)
return index != -1
const guaStringToInt = function(str) {
const s = str
var i = 0
var n = 0
while (i < s.length()) {
var integer = '0123456789'.find(s[i])
// 不是 int
if (integer < 0) {
return null
n = n * 10 + integer
i += 1
return n
const guaStringMultiply = function(str, num) {
var newStr = ''
for (var i = 0; i < num; i += 1) {
newStr += str
return newStr
const guaStringLower = function(str) {
var alpha = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'
var newStr = ''
var i = 0
var l = str.length()
while (i < l) {
var char = str[i]
var index = alpha.find(char)
if (index != -1) {
if (index >= 26) {
var lowerIndex = index - 26
newStr += alpha[lowerIndex]
} else {
newStr += char
} else {
newStr += char
i += 1
return newStr
const guaStringFindReverse = function(str, subStr) {
var index = 0
var skipedLen = 0
var found = false
while (true) {
str = str.cut(index)
var newIndex = str.find(subStr)
if (newIndex != -1) {
found = true
index = newIndex + 1
skipedLen += index
} else {
if (found) {
return skipedLen - 1
} else {
return -1
const guaStringStrip = function(str) {
var i = 0
var l = str.length()
var start = 0
while (i < l) {
var char = str[i]
if (char != ' ') {
} else {
i += 1
start = i
l = str.length()
var end = l
while (l > 1) {
var char = str[l-1]
if (char != ' ') {
} else {
l -= 1
end = l
if (end <= start) {
return ''
} else {
var striped = str.cut(start, end)
return striped
const guaStringEndwith = function(str, subStr) {
var l1 = str.length()
var l2 = subStr.length()
var start = l1 - l2
var end = l1
var s = str.cut(start, end)
var e = s == subStr
return e
const guaStringStartwith = function(str, subStr) {
var l1 = str.length()
var l2 = subStr.length()
var start = 0
var end = l2
var s = str.cut(start, end)
var e = s == subStr
return e
const guaStringMatchScore = function(searchedStr, originalStr) {
const l1 = searchedStr.lower()
const l2 = originalStr.lower()
if (searchedStr == originalStr) {
return 100
} else if (l1 == l2) {
return 90
} else if (originalStr.has(searchedStr)) {
return 80
} else if (l2.has(l1)) {
return 70
} else {
return 0
const guaStringJoin = function(s, list) {
const l = list.length()
if (l == 0) {
return ''
} else {
var i = 1
var str = list[0]
while (i < l) {
const e = list[i]
const f = '{}{}'.format(s, e)
str += f
i += 1
return str
const guaFilesInDirectory = function(path, needDirectory=true, needFile=true) {
var c = 'ls "{}"'.format(path)
var r = call(c)
if (r == null or r == '') {
return []
var lines = r.split('\n')
var i = 0
var l = lines.length()
var files = []
while (i < l) {
var line = lines[i]
var stripedLine = guaStringStrip(line)
if (stripedLine != '') {
var absPath = '{}/{}'.format(path, line)
if (needDirectory) {
if (guaFileIsDirectory(absPath)) {
if (needFile) {
if (not guaFileIsDirectory(absPath)) {
i += 1
return files
const guaFileType = function(filePath) {
var c = 'file "{}"'.format(filePath)
var r = call(c)
r = r.cut(filePath.length())
return r
const guaFileSha256 = function(path) {
const c = 'shasum -a 256 "{}"'.format(path)
const r = call(c)
const _sha256 = r.strip(' ').split(' ')[0]
return _sha256
const guaFilePermissionWriteAdd = function(path) {
// todo 这里要测试和之前逻辑是否一致
const c = 'chmod -R +w {}'.format(path)
return call(c)
const guaFileIsDirectory = function(path) {
var typeStr = guaFileType(path)
var d = 'directory\n'
var i = guaStringEndwith(typeStr, d)
return i
const guaFileIsScript = function(path) {
const r = guaFileType(path)
const scriptStr = 'script'
const i = r.has(scriptStr)
return i
const guaFileIsExecutable = function(path) {
if (guaFileIsDirectory(path)) {
return false
const c = 'find "{}" -perm +111'.format(path)
const r = call(c)
if (r == null) {
return false
} else {
if (r == '') {
return false
} else {
return true
const guaFileExist = function(path, isDirectory=false) {
if (isDirectory) {
return guaFileIsDirectory(path)
} else {
const typeStr = guaFileType(path)
const d = '(No such file or directory)\n'
const notExist = typeStr.endswith(d)
const exist = not notExist
return exist
const guaFileDirectoriesByName = function(basePath, directoryName) {
const c = 'find {} -type d -name "{}"'.format(basePath, directoryName)
const r = call(c)
if (r == null or r == '') {
return []
} else {
const newR = r.strip('\n')
const dirs = newR.split('\n')
return dirs
const guaFileAllExeInDirectory = function(path) {
const c = 'find "{}" -type f -perm +111'.format(path)
const r = call(c)
if (r == null or r == '') {
return []
} else {
const newR = r.strip('\n')
const files = newR.split('\n')
const newFiles = []
for (var i = 0; i < files.length(); i += 1) {
const file = files[i]
if (file.endswith('dll') or file.endswith('exe')) {
return newFiles
const guaFileMkdir = function(path) {
const e = guaFileExist(path)
if (not e) {
const c = 'mkdir -p "{}"'.format(path)
return callWithoutOutput(c)
} else {
return true
const guaFileCp = function(source, dest) {
var c = 'cp -r "{}" "{}"'.format(source, dest)
var r = callWithoutOutput(c)
return r
const guaFileMv = function(source, dest) {
var c = 'mv "{}" "{}"'.format(source, dest)
var r = callWithoutOutput(c)
return r
const guaFileRm = function(source) {
const c = 'rm -rf "{}"'.format(source)
var r = callWithoutOutput(c)
return r
const guaFileSymbolicLink = function(source, dest, needLog=false) {
const c = 'ln -sf "{}" "{}"'.format(source, dest)
if (needLog) {
const r = callWithoutOutput(c)
return r
const guaCharIsAlpha = function(char) {
var alpha = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'
var _in = guaStringIn(alpha, char)
return _in
const guaArrayHas = function(array, element) {
for (var i = 0; i < array.length(); i+=1) {
const e = array[i]
if (e == element) {
return true
return false
const guaUuid = function() {
const c = 'uuidgen'
var result = os.systemWithOutput(c)
result = result.cut(0, result.length() - 1)
return result
const guaJsonFromFile = function(file) {
var s = stringFromFile(file)
var j = json.loads(s)
return j
const guaTimestamp = function() {
const c = 'date +%s'
var _t = call(c)
_t = _t.cut(0, _t.length() - 1)
const t = guaStringToInt(_t)
return t
const _generatedUuid = guaUuid()
const call = function(c) {
const fileName = '.gualang_{}.output'.format(_generatedUuid)
var outputTmpFile = '/usr/local/axe/meta/{}'.format(fileName)
var newCommand = '{} > {}'.format(c, outputTmpFile)
var result = os.system(newCommand)
if (result == 0) {
var r = stringFromFile(outputTmpFile)
return r
} else {
log('call failed <{}>'.format(newCommand))
return null
const callWithoutOutput = function(c) {
var result = os.system(c)
if (result == 0) {
return true
} else {
log('call failed <{}>'.format(c))
return false
const cleanTmpFiles = function() {
// 如果文件不存在
// 则删除
// 如果存在
// 则比较
// 删除成功最后更新时间
var needClean = false
const timestampFile = '/usr/local/axe/meta/{}'.format('.clean.timestamp')
const now = guaTimestamp()
if (guaFileExist(timestampFile)) {
const valueStr = stringFromFile(timestampFile)
const value = guaStringToInt(valueStr)
const diff = now - value
if (diff > 3600) {
needClean = true
} else {
needClean = false
} else {
needClean = true
if (needClean) {
const pattern = '.gualang*'
var outputTmpFiles = '/usr/local/axe/meta/{}'.format(pattern)
const c = 'rm -rf {}'.format(outputTmpFiles)
const nowStr = '{}'.format(now)
const ensure = function(condition, message) {
if (not condition) {
log('*** 测试失败:', message)
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