Fetch the repository succeeded.
const importAxe = import("axe")
const importCask = import("cask")
const importBottle = import("bottle")
const importUtil = import("util")
const importPath = import("path")
const importUpdate = import("update")
const importSetup = import("_setup")
// 先默认 axe 为 cask
// const emojiAxe = '🍓'
const emojiAxe = '🍏'
const emojiBottle = '🍉'
const emojiCask = '🍏'
const emojiMelon = '🍉'
const colorfulOk = function(word) {
const okGreen = '\033[92m'
const endc = '\033[0m'
const f = '{}{}{}'.format(okGreen, word, endc)
return f
const colorfulError = function(word) {
const errorRed = '\033[91m'
const endc = '\033[0m'
const f = '{}{}{}'.format(errorRed, word, endc)
return f
const beautifierBottleGet = function(token) {
const r = importBottle.get(token)
if (not r) {
log(colorfulError('install aborted'))
} else {
const num = 3
const emoji = importUtil.guaStringMultiply(emojiBottle, num)
log('{} [cli] {} install successfully'.format(emoji, colorfulOk(token)))
log('{} store.axe bin path: {} '.format(emoji, colorfulOk(importPath.pathBottleBin())))
log('{} store.axe lib path: {} '.format(emoji, colorfulOk(importPath.pathLib())))
const beautifierCaskGet = function(token) {
const r = importCask.get(token)
if (not r) {
} else {
const num = 3
const emoji = importUtil.guaStringMultiply(emojiCask, num)
log('{} [app] {} install successfully'.format(emoji, colorfulOk(token)))
const beautifierCaskGetFailed = function(token) {
const num = 3
const emoji = importUtil.guaStringMultiply("!", num)
log('{} [app] {} install failed.check your network, or maybe this software can not download in China.'.format(emoji, colorfulError(token)))
const beautifierSearchOutput = function(items) {
const hintAxe = ' [axe] '
const hintBottle = ' [cli] '
const hintCask = ' [app] '
const showConfigMap = {
// 'axe': [emojiAxe, hintAxe],
// 先默认 axe 为 cask
'axe': [emojiCask, hintCask],
'bottle': [emojiBottle, hintBottle],
'cask': [emojiCask, hintCask],
var emoji = emojiBottle
var outputs = []
for (var i = 0; i < items.length(); i += 1) {
const item = items[i]
const token = item['token']
const num = i + 1
const name = item['name']
const version = item['version']
const type = item['type']
const showConfig = showConfigMap[type]
const emoji = showConfig[0]
const hint = showConfig[1]
const template = emoji + hint + '[{}] {} {}@{}'
const s = template.format(colorfulOk(num), token, name, version)
const ss = outputs.join('\n')
const newVersionHint = function() {
const version = async_result_check_version()
if (version != null) {
const hintVersion = 'new version of store found, please update(store.axe update)'
const colorfulVersion = colorfulOk(hintVersion)
const selectNumFromInput = function(maxNum) {
const hintMsg = 'type number to install, Enter to exit:'
var strNum = input()
strNum = strNum.strip(' ')
if (strNum == '') {
return -1
const num = importUtil.guaStringToInt(strNum)
const errMsg = colorfulError("please select correct number")
if (num == null) {
return null
} else if (num > 0 and num <= maxNum) {
return num
} else {
return null
const promptSearch = function(funcSearch, token) {
const out = funcSearch(token)
const funcMap = {
'axe': beautifierAxeGet,
'bottle': beautifierBottleGet,
'cask': beautifierCaskGet,
const maxNum = out.length()
if (maxNum == 0) {
const error = colorfulError("can not find any items.")
log("find items:")
while (true) {
const selected = selectNumFromInput(maxNum)
if (selected == -1) {
} else if (selected == null) {
} else {
const item = out[selected - 1]
const type = item['install_type']
const token = item['token']
const func = funcMap[type]
return func(token)
const comboSearch = function(name) {
const a = importAxe.search(name)
const b = importBottle.search(name)
const c = importCask.search(name)
var l = [
[b, 'bottle'],
[c, 'cask'],
var combo = []
for (var i = 0; i < a.length(); i += 1) {
var item = a[i]
if (item['type'] == 'bottle') {
item['install_type'] = 'axe'
for (var i = 0; i < b.length(); i += 1) {
var item = b[i]
item['install_type'] = 'bottle'
item['type'] = 'bottle'
for (var i = 0; i < a.length(); i += 1) {
var item = a[i]
if (item['type'] == 'cask') {
item['install_type'] = 'axe'
for (var i = 0; i < c.length(); i += 1) {
var item = c[i]
item['install_type'] = 'cask'
item['type'] = 'cask'
return combo
const beautifierAxeGet = function(token) {
const r = importAxe.get(token)
if (not r) {
log(colorfulError('install failed'))
} else {
const num = 3
var software = importAxe.axeSoftFromName(token)
var emoji = null
if (software['type'] == 'bottle') {
emoji = importUtil.guaStringMultiply(emojiBottle, num)
} else {
emoji = importUtil.guaStringMultiply(emojiCask, num)
log('{} [axe] {} install successfully'.format(emoji, colorfulOk(token)))
const promptGet = function(token) {
const ae = importAxe.tokenExist(token)
const be = importBottle.tokenExist(token)
const ce = importCask.tokenExist(token)
const result = {
'axe': [ae, beautifierAxeGet],
'bottle': [be, beautifierBottleGet],
'cask': [ce, beautifierCaskGet],
var foundNum = 0
var foundType = null
const keys = result.keys()
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length(); i += 1) {
const key = keys[i]
const v = result[key]
const found = v[0]
if (found) {
foundNum += 1
foundType = key
if (foundNum == 0) {
log(colorfulError('token not exist'))
} else if (foundNum == 1) {
const software = result[foundType]
const func = software[1]
} else {
promptSearch(comboSearch, token)
// todo axelib
const promptHelp = function() {
log('{} usage: {}'.format(emojiMelon, colorfulOk('store.axe get/sou qq')))
log('{} update store: {}'.format(emojiMelon, colorfulOk('store.axe update')))
log('{} remove app: {}'.format(emojiMelon, colorfulOk('store.axe rm qqmusic')))
// log('{} create axelib: {}'.format(emojiMelon, colorfulOk("store axe sdl2")))
log('{} store.axe bin path: {}'.format(emojiMelon, colorfulOk(importPath.pathBottleBin())))
log('{} store.axe lib path: {}'.format(emojiMelon, colorfulOk(importPath.pathLib())))
log('{} store.axe opt path: {}'.format(emojiMelon, colorfulOk(importPath.pathOpt())))
// log('{} store.axe axelib path: {}'.format(emojiMelon, colorfulOk(importPath.pathAxelib())))
log('{} store.axe config path: {}'.format(emojiMelon, colorfulOk(importPath.pathConfigFile())))
const promptUpdate = function(result) {
const num = 3
const emoji = importUtil.guaStringMultiply(emojiMelon, num)
log('{} your store is up-to-date'.format(emoji))
const promptRm = function(token) {
const e = importCask.tokenExist(token)
if (e) {
const r = importCask.remove(token)
if (r) {
const hint = 'rm {} successfully'.format(colorfulOk(token))
} else {
log(colorfulError('rm failed'))
} else {
log(colorfulError('token not exist'))
const macValid = function() {
const name = importBottle.macosName()
return name != null
const prepare = function() {
// axelib.prepare()
const async_call_check_version = function() {
const pathMetaBin = importPath.pathMetaBin()
const gua = '{}/async_check.gua'.format(pathMetaBin)
const c = '(/usr/local/axe/meta/gualang {} > /dev/null 2>&1 &)'.format(gua)
const async_result_check_version = function() {
const pathOutput = importPath.pathAsyncOutput()
const e = importUtil.guaFileExist(pathOutput)
if (not e) {
return null
const s = stringFromFile(pathOutput)
if (s == '') {
return null
} else {
return s
const showVersion = function() {
const p = importPath.pathMetaBin()
const v = '{}/{}'.format(p, 'version')
const s = stringFromFile(v)
const list = []
for (var i = 0; i < s.length(); i += 1) {
const c = s[i]
const version = list.join('.')
log('axe.store version: {}'.format(version))
const patchExec = function() {
const cuser = 'whoami'
var user = importUtil.call(cuser)
user = user.cut(0, user.length() - 1)
const r = importSetup.addToShells(user)
return r
const __main = function() {
const pathResult = patchExec()
if (not macValid()) {
log(colorfulError("store.axe do not provide support for your MacOS version. We provice support for MacOS 10.14 and 10.15."))
const args = os.args
const l = args.length()
if (l < 2) {
return promptHelp()
const inst = args[1]
if (inst == 'sou') {
if (l < 3) {
return promptHelp()
const token = args[2]
promptSearch(comboSearch, token)
} else if (inst == 'get') {
if (l < 3) {
return promptHelp()
const token = args[2]
} else if (inst == 'update') {
const r = importUpdate.updateStore()
} else if (inst == 'rm') {
const token = args[2]
} else {
if (pathResult) {
const c = 'exec $SHELL'
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