pipeline {
agent any;
options {
timeout(time: 1, unit: 'HOURS')
environment {
COMMIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL = sh (returnStdout: true, script: "git --no-pager show -s --format='%ae'").trim();
stages {
stage('Build and test') {
parallel {
stage('Local centos7 gcc8') {
agent any;
stages {
stage('Build centos7 gcc8') {
steps {
sh './etc/Build.sh -no-warnings';
stage('Test centos7 gcc8') {
steps {
script {
parallel (
'Unit tests': { sh './test/regression' },
'nangate45 aes': { sh './test/regression aes_nangate45' },
'nangate45 gcd': { sh './test/regression gcd_nangate45' },
'nangate45 tinyRocket': { sh './test/regression tinyRocket_nangate45' },
'sky130hd aes': { sh './test/regression aes_sky130hd' },
'sky130hd gcd': { sh './test/regression gcd_sky130hd' },
'sky130hd ibex': { sh './test/regression ibex_sky130hd' },
'sky130hs aes': { sh './test/regression aes_sky130hs' },
'sky130hs gcd': { sh './test/regression gcd_sky130hs' },
'sky130hs ibex': { sh './test/regression ibex_sky130hs' },
post {
always {
sh "find . -name results -type d -exec tar zcvf {}.tgz {} ';'";
archiveArtifacts artifacts: '**/results.tgz', allowEmptyArchive: true;
stage('Local centos7 gcc8 without GUI') {
agent any;
stages {
stage('Build centos7 gcc8 without GUI') {
steps {
sh './etc/Build.sh -no-warnings -no-gui -dir=build-without-gui';
stage('Docker centos7 gcc8') {
agent any;
stage('Pull centos7') {
steps {
retry(3) {
script {
try {
sh 'docker pull openroad/centos7-dev'
catch (err) {
echo err.getMessage();
sh 'sleep 1m ; exit 1';
stage('Build docker centos7') {
steps {
script {
parallel (
'build gcc8': { sh './etc/DockerHelper.sh create -os=centos7 -target=builder -compiler=gcc' },
'build clang7': { sh './etc/DockerHelper.sh create -os=centos7 -target=builder -compiler=clang' },
stage('Test docker centos7') {
steps {
script {
parallel (
'test gcc8': { sh './etc/DockerHelper.sh test -os=centos7 -target=builder -compiler=gcc' },
'test clang7': { sh './etc/DockerHelper.sh test -os=centos7 -target=builder -compiler=clang' },
stage('Docker ubuntu20 gcc9') {
agent any;
stage('Pull ubuntu20') {
steps {
retry(3) {
script {
try {
sh 'docker pull openroad/ubuntu20-dev'
catch (err) {
echo err.getMessage();
sh 'sleep 1m ; exit 1';
stage('Build docker ubuntu20') {
steps {
script {
parallel (
'build gcc9': { sh './etc/DockerHelper.sh create -os=ubuntu20 -target=builder -compiler=gcc' },
'build clang10': { sh './etc/DockerHelper.sh create -os=ubuntu20 -target=builder -compiler=clang' },
stage('Test docker ubuntu20') {
steps {
script {
parallel (
'test gcc9': { sh './etc/DockerHelper.sh test -os=ubuntu20 -target=builder -compiler=gcc' },
'test clang10': { sh './etc/DockerHelper.sh test -os=ubuntu20 -target=builder -compiler=clang' },
post {
failure {
script {
if ( env.BRANCH_NAME == 'master' ) {
echo('Main development branch: report to stakeholders and commit author.');
} else {
echo('Feature development branch: report only to commit author.');
emailext (
to: "$EMAIL_TO",
replyTo: "$REPLY_TO",
subject: '$DEFAULT_SUBJECT',
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