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Onesimu 提交于 2024-11-12 05:43 . conv
var _global = typeof window === 'object' && window.window === window
? window : typeof self === 'object' && self.self === self
? self : typeof global === 'object' && global.global === global
? global : typeof globalThis === 'object' && globalThis.globalThis === globalThis
? globalThis
: this
_global.g = _global
// var root = (typeof self == 'object' && self.self == self && self) ||
// (typeof global == 'object' && global.global == global && global) ||
// this;
g.o = (console.log).bind(console)
g.oo = i => (console.log(i), i)
// o.o = (console.table || console.log).bind(console)
const _u = function(i, t, e) {
const s = typeof i
if (s != 'object') return s
return Object.prototype.toString.call(i).slice(8, -1).toLowerCase()
g.u = function(i, t, e) { return _u(i, t, e) }
// u.set = Object.assign
u.en = function(i, t, e) {
if (t === 0 && u(i) === 'object') return Object.keys(i, t, e)
if (t === 1 && u(i) === 'object') return Object.values(i, t, e)
if (t === -1 && u(i) === 'object') return Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(i, t, e).t(([a, b]) => [b, a]))
if (u(i) === 'array') return Object.fromEntries(i, t, e)
return Object.entries(i, t, e)
// u.i = Object.getPrototypeOf
// u.t = JSON.stringify
u.t = function(i, t, e) {
if (i === void 0) return ''
if (i === null) return ''
if (i === '') return ''
if (['function', 'regexp'].includes(u(i))) return i.toString()
if (u(i) === 'string') return JSON.parse(i, t, e)
if (u(i) === 'date') return u.tm(i, t, e)
return JSON.stringify(i, t, e)
// json to csv
u.i = function(i, t, e) {
if (u(i) == 'object') {
const hd = t && t.t(',') || ''
return hd + '\n' + u.t(i).e('"', '').e(',', '\n').e(':', ',').e('{', '').e('}', '')
const h = u.en(i[0], 0).t(',') + '\n'
const b = i.t(i => u.en(i, 1).t(',')).t('\n')
return h + b
// u.e = Object.assign
u.e = function(i, t, e) {
if (u(i) == 'array' && u(i[0]) == 'object') {
return i.t(n => u.e(n, t, e))
// remove unused keys, according to another object
if (u(t) == 'object' && e === 1) return u.en(u.en(t).n(it => u.en(i, 0).includes(it[0])))
if (u(t) == 'object') return Object.assign(i, t, e)
// delete certain keys in string array
if (u(t) == 'array') return t.e(n => u.e(i, n)), i
// delete certain key
if (u(t) == 'string' && e === void 0) return (delete i[t]), i
// update key name
if (u(t) == 'string' && u(e) == 'string') return (i[e] = i[t]), (delete i[t]), i
// update certain value with function
if (u(t) == 'string' && u(e) == 'function') return (i[t] = e(i[t])), i
u.n = function(i, t, e) {
if (typeof i == 'number') return Array.from(Array(i).keys())
if (u(i) === 'array') return Array.from(new Set(i));
if (i.length) return Array.from(i)
// u.n0 = n => Array.from(Array(n).keys())
// u.n1 = n => u.n0(n + 1).slice(1)
Function.prototype.n = function(...i) { return new this(...i) }
Number.prototype.t = function(i, t, e) {
if (i === void 0) return String.fromCharCode(this)
return this.toFixed(i)
u.va = v => ['string', 'boolean', 'number'].includes(typeof v)
String.prototype.i = function(i, t, e) {
if (i === void 0) return this.length
if (typeof i == 'number') return i < 0 ? this[this.length + i] : this[i]
if (u(i) == 'regexp') return i.test(this)
if (t === 0) return this.startsWith(i)
if (t === -1) return this.endsWith(i)
// return this.slice(0, this.indexOf(i))
return this.includes(i)
String.prototype.e = function(i, t, e) {
if (i === void 0) return this.toLowerCase()
if (typeof i == 'number') return this.split('').e(i, t, e).join('')
if (u(i) == 'object') {
const en = u.en(i)
var tmp = this
const opt = t && t.e('b', '') || 'g'
for (var [k, v] of en) {
const re = t?.i('b') && '\\b' + k + '\\b' || k
tmp = tmp.replace(new RegExp(re, opt), v)
return tmp
if (t === void 0) return this.concat(i)
if (e === 1) return this.replace(i, t)
return this.replace(u(i) == 'regexp' ? i : new RegExp(i, 'g'), t)
String.prototype.t = function(i, t, e) {
if (i === void 0) return this.trim()
if (typeof i == 'number') return this.slice(i, t, e)
// if (u(i) == 'regexp') return this.split(i)
if (t === 1 && e === 1) return [this.slice(0, this.indexOf(i)), this.slice(this.indexOf(i) + 1)]
if (t === 1) return this.slice(0, this.indexOf(i))
return this.split(i)
String.prototype.n = function(i, t, e) {
// if (i === void 0) return String.raw({ raw: this })
if (typeof i == 'number') return this.repeat(i, t, e)
// padStart
if (t === 1 && u(i) == 'regexp') return this.search(i)
if (u(i) == 'regexp') return this.match(i)
// if (t === !0) return this.lastIndexOf(i)
return this.indexOf(i, t)
Array.prototype.t = function(i, t, e) {
if (i === void 0) return this.filter(Boolean)
// if (i === void 0) return Object.fromEntries(this)
// if (i === void 0) return this.flat()
if (typeof i == 'number' && i > -1) return this.slice(i, t, e)
if (u(i) == 'array' && t === 1) return this.map((ii, tt) => [ii, i[tt]])
if (u(i) == 'array') return this.map((ii, tt) => u(ii) === 'array' && ii.concat(i[tt]) || [ii].concat(i[tt]))
// if (i === -1) return this.reduce((a, b) => a.t(b), [])
// if (i === -1) return this.reduce((a, b) => a.t(b))
if (i === -1) {
if (this.length == 1) return this[0].map(it => [it])
return this.reduce((a, b) => a.t(b))
if (typeof i == 'function') return this.map(i, t, e)
return this.join(i)
Array.prototype.n = function(i, t, e) {
// if (i === void 0) return Array.from(this.entries())
if (i === void 0) return this.flat()
// if (typeof i == 'number') return this.fill(i, t, e)
if (t === 1) {
const ix = this.findIndex(i, t, e)
return ix === -1 && -1 || this[ix]
if (typeof i == 'function') return this.filter(i, t, e)
return this.indexOf(i, t)
Array.prototype.e = function(i, t, e) {
if (i === void 0) return this.pop(), this
if (typeof i == 'number' && i > -1) {
if (e === void 0) return this.splice(i, t), this
return this.splice(i, t, e), this
if (u(i) == 'array' && t === 1) return this.concat(i)
if (t === !0) return this.sort(i)
if (i === !1 || i === -1) return this.reverse()
if (t === 0) return this.unshift(i), this
// if (t === 1) return this.shift(), this
if (typeof i == 'function') return this.forEach(i, t, e), this
return this.push(i), this
Array.prototype.i = function(i, t, e) {
// if(!this.length) return this
if (i === void 0) return this.length
if (typeof i == 'number') return i < 0 ? this[this.length + i] : this[i]
if (typeof i == 'function') return t !== void 0 && this.reduce(i, t) || this.reduce(i)
// if (t === 0) return this.some(i)
// if (t === 1) return this.every(i)
return this.includes(i)
;['i', 't', 'e', 'n'].forEach(i => Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, i, { enumerable: false }))
// u.eq = function(i, t, e) {return i == t}
// u.ee = function(i, t, e) {return i === t} Object.is
function tm(i, t, e) {
if (t === 1) return new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, i))
if (typeof i == 'function') return setTimeout(i, t || 1000)
if (typeof i == 'string') return new Date(i).getTime()
const d = new Date(i || Date.now())
return d.toJSON().t(0, 11).e('T', ' ') + d.toString().t(16, 24)
u.tm = tm
u.e(u.tm, {
ms: 1,
s: 1000, // second
m: 1000 * 60, // minute
h: 1000 * 60 * 60, // hour
d: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 // day
u.mt = function(i, t, e) {
if (i === void 0) return Math.random()
return Math.floor(i)
u.e(u.mt, {
a: (a, b) => a + b, // add
s: (a, b) => a - b, // substract
m: (a, b) => a * b, // multiply
d: (a, b) => a / b, // divide
e: (a, b) => a % b // rem mod
u.qs = function qs(i) {
if (!i) return ''
if (u(i) == 'string') return Object.fromEntries(i.split('&').map(it => it.split('=').map(decodeURIComponent)))
return Object.entries(i).filter(i => u.va(i[1])).map(it => it.map(encodeURIComponent).join('=')).join('&')
Promise.prototype.t = Promise.prototype.then
Promise.prototype.e = Promise.prototype.catch
马建仓 AI 助手
