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Helper.cs 25.36 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Mygod 提交于 2017-01-08 16:11 . Deployable on Azure
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Routing;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles;
using Mygod.Net;
using Mygod.Xml.Linq;
namespace Mygod.Skylark
public static partial class Helper
public static string GetRouteString(this RouteData data, string valueName)
return data.GetRequiredString(valueName);
return null;
public static IEnumerable<string> GetSelectedItemsID(this RepeaterItemCollection collection)
return from RepeaterItem item in collection where ((HtmlInputCheckBox) item.FindControl("Check")).Checked
select ((HtmlInputHidden)item.FindControl("Hidden")).Value;
public static string ToChineseString(this DateTime value, bool offset = true)
if (offset)
value = value.AddHours(8);
catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException)
return value.ToString("yyyy.M.d H:mm:ss.fff");
public static string ToChineseString(this DateTime? value, bool offset = true)
return value.HasValue ? value.Value.ToChineseString(offset) : Unknown;
public static string ToChineseString(this TimeSpan? value)
return value.HasValue ? value.Value.ToString("G") : Unknown;
public static bool IsAjaxRequest(this HttpRequest request)
var header = request.Headers["X-Requested-With"];
return header != null && header == "XMLHttpRequest";
public static string GetPassword(this HttpRequest request)
var cookie = request.Cookies["Password"];
return (cookie == null ? null : cookie.Value) ?? string.Empty;
public static User GetUser(this HttpRequest request)
var temp = new Privileges();
var psw = request.GetPassword();
if (temp.Contains(psw)) return temp[psw];
return temp.Contains(User.AnonymousPassword) ? temp[User.AnonymousPassword] : new User();
public static partial class FileHelper
public static string ToCorrectUrl(this string value)
return value.Replace('\\', '/').Trim('/');
public static string GetRelativePath(this RouteData data)
return HttpUtility.UrlDecode(data.GetRouteString("Path") ?? string.Empty).ToCorrectUrl();
public static string GetFilePath(string path)
if (path.Contains("%", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)
|| path.Contains("#", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) throw new FormatException();
return HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/Files/" + path);
public static string GetDataPath(string path)
if (path.Contains("%", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)
|| path.Contains("#", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) throw new FormatException();
return HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/Data/" + path);
public static string GetDataFilePath(string path)
return GetDataPath(path) + ".data";
public static string GetDataDirectoryPath(string path)
return Path.Combine(GetDataPath(path), "Settings.directory");
public static string GetTaskPath(string id)
return GetDataPath(id + ".task");
public static long GetFileSize(string path)
var root = GetElement(GetDataFilePath(path));
if (root != null && root.GetAttributeValue("state") != TaskType.NoTask)
long result;
if (long.TryParse(root.GetAttributeValue("size"), out result)) return result;
return new FileInfo(GetFilePath(path)).Length;
public static string GetDefaultMime(string path)
return GetFileValue(path, "mime");
private static bool CheckFile(string path, bool? overwrite = null)
if (!File.Exists(path) && !Directory.Exists(path)) return true;
if (overwrite.HasValue) return overwrite.Value;
throw new IOException("文件/目录已存在!");
private static void DirectoryCopy(string sourceDirName, string destDirName, bool copySubDirs = true)
var dir = new DirectoryInfo(sourceDirName);
var dirs = dir.GetDirectories();
if (!dir.Exists)
throw new DirectoryNotFoundException("Source directory does not exist or could not be found: " + sourceDirName);
if (!Directory.Exists(destDirName)) Directory.CreateDirectory(destDirName);
var files = dir.GetFiles();
foreach (var file in files)
var path = Path.Combine(destDirName, file.Name);
file.CopyTo(path, false);
if (copySubDirs) foreach (var subdir in dirs)
var temppath = Path.Combine(destDirName, subdir.Name);
DirectoryCopy(subdir.FullName, temppath);
public static void CreateDirectory(string path)
public static void Move(string source, string target, bool? overwrite = null)
var filePath = GetFilePath(source);
var isFile = IsFile(filePath);
string dataPath = isFile ? GetDataFilePath(source) : GetDataPath(source), targetFile = GetFilePath(target);
if (!CheckFile(targetFile, overwrite)) return;
if (isFile)
File.Move(GetFilePath(source), GetFilePath(target));
File.Move(dataPath, GetDataFilePath(target));
Directory.Move(GetFilePath(source), GetFilePath(target));
Directory.Move(dataPath, GetDataPath(target));
public static void Copy(string source, string target, bool? overwrite = null)
var filePath = GetFilePath(source);
var isFile = IsFile(filePath);
string dataPath = isFile ? GetDataFilePath(source) : GetDataPath(source),
targetFile = GetFilePath(target);
if (!CheckFile(targetFile, overwrite)) return;
if (isFile)
File.Copy(GetFilePath(source), GetFilePath(target));
File.Copy(dataPath, GetDataFilePath(target));
DirectoryCopy(GetFilePath(source), GetFilePath(target));
DirectoryCopy(dataPath, GetDataPath(target));
public abstract partial class CloudTask
public void Start()
protected abstract void StartCore();
public TaskStatus Status
return PID > 0
? EndTime.HasValue
? TaskStatus.Done
: string.IsNullOrEmpty(ErrorMessage)
? IsBackgroundRunnerKilled(PID) ? TaskStatus.Terminated : TaskStatus.Working
: TaskStatus.Error
: TaskStatus.Starting;
public static bool IsBackgroundRunnerKilled(int pid)
return !HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/plugins/BackgroundRunner.exe").Equals
(Process.GetProcessById(pid).Modules[0].FileName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
return true;
public double? SpeedFileLength
get { return SpentTime.HasValue ? (double?)ProcessedFileLength / SpentTime.Value.TotalSeconds : null; }
public TimeSpan? SpentTime
return Status == TaskStatus.Working ? DateTime.UtcNow - StartTime
: EndTime.HasValue ? EndTime.Value - StartTime : null;
public TimeSpan? PredictedRemainingTime
return EndTime.HasValue
? new TimeSpan()
: Percentage > 0 && SpentTime.HasValue
? (TimeSpan?)new TimeSpan((long)((100 - Percentage) / Percentage * SpentTime.Value.Ticks))
: null;
public DateTime? PredictedEndTime
return EndTime.HasValue ? EndTime.Value : DateTime.UtcNow + PredictedRemainingTime;
catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException)
return DateTime.MaxValue;
private static readonly Regex ChineseSpaceTrimmer = new Regex(@"([\u4e00-\u9fa5]) +([\u4e00-\u9fa5])",
public string GetStatus(string type = null, Action never = null)
switch (Status)
case TaskStatus.Terminated:
if (never != null) never();
return "已被终止(请删除后重新开始任务)";
case TaskStatus.Working:
return ChineseSpaceTrimmer.Replace("正在 " + (type ?? "进行") + " 中", "$1$2");
case TaskStatus.Error:
if (never != null) never();
var result = "发生错误";
if (never != null) result += ",具体信息:<br /><pre>" + ErrorMessage + "</pre>";
return result;
case TaskStatus.Starting:
return "正在开始";
case TaskStatus.Done:
return type + " 完毕";
return Helper.Unknown;
public abstract partial class GenerateFileTask
public static GenerateFileTask Create(string relativePath)
switch (FileHelper.GetState(FileHelper.GetDataFilePath(relativePath)).ToLowerInvariant())
case TaskType.UploadTask:
return new UploadTask(relativePath);
case TaskType.OfflineDownloadTask:
return new OfflineDownloadTask(relativePath);
case TaskType.CompressTask:
return new CompressTask(relativePath);
case TaskType.ConvertTask:
return new ConvertTask(relativePath);
return null;
protected override void StartCore()
TaskHelper.StartRunner(Type + '\n' + RelativePath);
public abstract partial class GeneralTask
public static GeneralTask Create(string id)
switch (XHelper.Load(FileHelper.GetTaskPath(id)).Root.Name.LocalName.ToLowerInvariant())
case TaskType.FtpUploadTask:
return new FtpUploadTask(id);
case TaskType.CrossAppCopyTask:
return new CrossAppCopyTask(id);
case TaskType.DecompressTask:
return new DecompressTask(id);
return null;
protected override void StartCore()
TaskHelper.StartRunner(Type + '\n' + ID);
public sealed partial class OfflineDownloadTask
public static void Create(string url, string relativePath)
TaskHelper.StartRunner(string.Format("{2}\n{0}\n{1}", LinkConverter.Decode(url), relativePath,
protected override void StartCore()
throw new NotSupportedException();
public sealed class UploadTask : GenerateFileTask
public UploadTask(string relativePath) : base(relativePath)
public UploadTask(string relativePath, string identifier, int totalParts, long length)
: base(relativePath, TaskType.UploadTask)
Identifier = identifier;
TotalParts = totalParts;
FileLength = length;
public string Identifier
get { return TaskXml == null ? null : TaskXml.GetAttributeValue("identifier"); }
set { TaskXml.SetAttributeValue("identifier", value); }
public int TotalParts
get { return TaskXml == null ? 0 : TaskXml.GetAttributeValue<int>("totalParts"); }
set { TaskXml.SetAttributeValue("totalParts", value); }
public int FinishedParts
return Directory.EnumerateFiles(FileHelper.GetDataPath(Path.GetDirectoryName(RelativePath)),
Path.GetFileName(RelativePath) + ".complete.part*").Count();
public override long ProcessedFileLength
{ get { throw new NotSupportedException(); } set { throw new NotSupportedException(); } }
public override double? Percentage { get { return 100.0 * FinishedParts / TotalParts; } }
public static class TaskHelper
private static readonly Dictionary<string, string> Mappings = new Dictionary<string, string>
{ { TaskType.OfflineDownloadTask, "离线下载" }, { TaskType.CompressTask, "压缩" },
{ TaskType.ConvertTask, "转换媒体格式" }, { TaskType.CrossAppCopyTask, "跨云雀复制" },
{ TaskType.DecompressTask, "解压" }, { TaskType.FtpUploadTask, "FTP 上传" },
{ TaskType.UploadTask, "上传" } };
public static string GetName(string id)
return Mappings.ContainsKey(id) ? Mappings[id] : "处理";
public static long CurrentWorkers
var runnerPath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/plugins/BackgroundRunner.exe");
return Process.GetProcessesByName("BackgroundRunner").Where(process =>
return process.Modules.Count > 0 && runnerPath.Equals(process.Modules[0].FileName,
catch (SystemException)
var buffer = new StringBuilder(1024);
var p = NativeMethods.OpenProcess(0x1000, false, process.Id);
if (!p.IsInvalid)
var size = buffer.Capacity;
if (NativeMethods.QueryFullProcessImageName(p, 0, buffer, ref size))
return runnerPath.Equals(buffer.ToString());
catch { } // ignore errors and return false
return false;
public static void StartRunner(string args)
var process = new Process
StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/plugins/BackgroundRunner.exe"))
WorkingDirectory = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/"),
RedirectStandardInput = true,
UseShellExecute = false
public static partial class FFmpeg
public struct Codec
public Codec(string input)
DecodingSupported = input[1] == 'D';
EncodingSupported = input[2] == 'E';
switch (input[3])
case 'V':
Type = CodecType.Video;
case 'A':
Type = CodecType.Audio;
case 'S':
Type = CodecType.Subtitle;
Type = CodecType.Unknown;
IntraFrameOnlyCodec = input[4] == 'I';
LossyCompression = input[5] == 'L';
LosslessCompression = input[6] == 'S';
Name = input.Substring(8, 21).TrimEnd();
Description = input.Substring(29);
public readonly bool DecodingSupported, EncodingSupported, IntraFrameOnlyCodec, LossyCompression,
public readonly CodecType Type;
public readonly string Name, Description;
public override string ToString()
var result = Description;
if (IntraFrameOnlyCodec) result += " (Intra frame-only codec)";
if (LossyCompression) result += " (Lossy compression)";
if (LosslessCompression) result += " (Lossless compression)";
return result;
public XElement ToElement()
var element = new XElement("codec");
element.SetAttributeValueWithDefault("name", Name);
element.SetAttributeValueWithDefault("description", Description);
element.SetAttributeValueWithDefault("decodingSupported", DecodingSupported);
element.SetAttributeValueWithDefault("encodingSupported", EncodingSupported);
element.SetAttributeValueWithDefault("type", Type);
element.SetAttributeValueWithDefault("intraFrameOnlyCodec", IntraFrameOnlyCodec);
element.SetAttributeValueWithDefault("lossyCompression", LossyCompression);
element.SetAttributeValueWithDefault("losslessCompression", LosslessCompression);
return element;
public enum CodecType
Unknown, Video, Audio, Subtitle
public static readonly List<Codec> Codecs = new List<Codec>();
static FFmpeg()
lock (Codecs)
if (Root != null) return;
Root = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/");
var dirPath = Path.Combine(Root, "plugins/ffmpeg");
Ffprobe = Path.Combine(dirPath, "ffprobe.exe");
var process = CreateProcess(Path.Combine(dirPath, "ffmpeg.exe"), "-codecs");
while (!process.StandardOutput.ReadLine().Contains("-------", StringComparison.Ordinal))
while (!process.StandardOutput.EndOfStream) Codecs.Add(new Codec(process.StandardOutput.ReadLine()));
public sealed class User
private static char Tf(bool tf)
return tf ? 'T' : 'F';
public User()
Password = AnonymousPassword;
Comment = "游客";
Browse = Download = OperateFiles = OperateTasks = Admin = true;
public User(XElement user)
user.GetAttributeValue(out Password, "password");
user.GetAttributeValue(out Comment, "comment");
user.GetAttributeValueWithDefault(out Browse, "browse");
user.GetAttributeValueWithDefault(out Download, "download");
OperateTasks = (OperateFiles = user.GetAttributeValueWithDefault<bool>("operateFiles"))
&& user.GetAttributeValueWithDefault<bool>("operateTasks");
user.GetAttributeValueWithDefault(out Admin, "admin");
public User(string value)
var columns = value.Split(',');
Password = columns[0];
Comment = Rbase64.Decode(columns[1]);
Browse = columns[2][0] == 'T';
Download = columns[2][1] == 'T';
OperateTasks = (OperateFiles = columns[2][2] == 'T') && columns[2][3] == 'T';
Admin = columns[2][4] == 'T';
public readonly string Password, Comment;
public bool Browse, Download, OperateFiles, OperateTasks, Admin;
public override string ToString()
return string.Format("{0},{1},{2}{3}{4}{5}{6}", Password, Rbase64.Encode(Comment),
Tf(Browse), Tf(Download), Tf(OperateFiles), Tf(OperateTasks), Tf(Admin));
public XElement ToElement()
return new XElement("user", new XAttribute("password", Password), new XAttribute("comment", Comment),
new XAttribute("browse", Browse), new XAttribute("download", Download),
new XAttribute("operateFiles", OperateFiles),
new XAttribute("operateTasks", OperateTasks), new XAttribute("admin", Admin));
public static readonly string AnonymousPassword = "ba3253876aed6bc22d4a6ff53d8406c6ad864195ed144ab5c87621b6c233b548baeae6956df346ec8c17f5ea10f35ee3cbc514797ed7ddd3145464e2a0bab413";
public sealed class Privileges : KeyedCollection<string, User>
private static readonly string Path = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/Data/Site.privileges");
private Privileges()
public Privileges(XContainer root)
if (root == null) Add(new User()); // creates default config
else foreach (var user in root.ElementsCaseInsensitive("user").Select(e => new User(e))
.Where(user => !Contains(user.Password))) Add(user);
public Privileges(string path = null) : this(LoadOrDefault(path))
private static XElement LoadOrDefault(string path = null)
if (path == null) path = Path;
return (File.Exists(path) ? XHelper.Load(path).Root : null);
public static Privileges Parse(string value)
var result = new Privileges();
foreach (var user in value.Split(new[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
.Select(line => new User(line)).Where(user => !result.Contains(user.Password))) result.Add(user);
return result;
protected override string GetKeyForItem(User item)
return item.Password;
public override string ToString()
return string.Join(";", this);
public XElement ToElement()
return new XElement("privileges", this.Select(user => user.ToElement()));
public void Save()
public sealed class Config
private static readonly string ConfigPath = FileHelper.GetDataPath("Site.config");
private readonly XElement element;
public Config()
element = File.Exists(ConfigPath) ? FileHelper.GetElement(ConfigPath)
: new XElement("config", new XAttribute("root", "/Browse/")); // creates default
public string Root
get { return element.GetAttributeValue("root"); }
set { element.SetAttributeValue("root", value); }
public void Save()
public static class NativeMethods
public static extern SafeFileHandle OpenProcess(int dwDesiredAccess,
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] bool bInheritHandle,
int dwProcessId);
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
public static extern bool QueryFullProcessImageName([In] SafeFileHandle hProcess, [In] int dwFlags,
[Out] StringBuilder lpExeName, ref int lpdwSize);
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