/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
/* Geodesy tools for an ellipsoidal earth model (c) Chris Veness 2005-2019 */
/* MIT Licence */
/* www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/latlong-convert-coords.html */
/* www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/geodesy-library.html#latlon-ellipsoidal */
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
import Dms from './dms.js';
import Vector3d from './vector3d.js';
* A latitude/longitude point defines a geographic location on or above/below the earth’s surface,
* measured in degrees from the equator & the International Reference Meridian and in metres above
* the ellipsoid, and based on a given datum.
* As so much modern geodesy is based on WGS-84 (as used by GPS), this module includes WGS-84
* ellipsoid parameters, and it has methods for converting geodetic (latitude/longitude) points to/from
* geocentric cartesian points; the latlon-ellipsoidal-datum and latlon-ellipsoidal-referenceframe
* modules provide transformation parameters for converting between historical datums and between
* modern reference frames.
* This module is used for both trigonometric geodesy (eg latlon-ellipsoidal-vincenty) and n-vector
* geodesy (eg latlon-nvector-ellipsoidal), and also for UTM/MGRS mapping.
* @module latlon-ellipsoidal
* Ellipsoid parameters; exposed through static getter below.
* The only ellipsoid defined is WGS84, for use in utm/mgrs, vincenty, nvector.
const ellipsoids = {
WGS84: { a: 6378137, b: 6356752.314245, f: 1/298.257223563 },
* Datums; exposed through static getter below.
* The only datum defined is WGS84, for use in utm/mgrs, vincenty, nvector.
const datums = {
WGS84: { ellipsoid: ellipsoids.WGS84 },
// freeze static properties
/* LatLonEllipsoidal - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
* Latitude/longitude points on an ellipsoidal model earth, with ellipsoid parameters and methods
* for converting points to/from cartesian (ECEF) coordinates.
* This is the core class, which will usually be used via LatLonEllipsoidal_Datum or
* LatLonEllipsoidal_ReferenceFrame.
class LatLonEllipsoidal {
* Creates a geodetic latitude/longitude point on a (WGS84) ellipsoidal model earth.
* @param {number} lat - Latitude (in degrees).
* @param {number} lon - Longitude (in degrees).
* @param {number} [height=0] - Height above ellipsoid in metres.
* @throws {TypeError} Invalid lat/lon/height.
* @example
* import LatLon from '/js/geodesy/latlon-ellipsoidal.js';
* const p = new LatLon(51.47788, -0.00147, 17);
constructor(lat, lon, height=0) {
if (isNaN(lat)) throw new TypeError(`invalid lat ‘${lat}’`);
if (isNaN(lon)) throw new TypeError(`invalid lon ‘${lon}’`);
if (isNaN(height)) throw new TypeError(`invalid height ‘${height}’`);
this._lat = Dms.wrap90(Number(lat));
this._lon = Dms.wrap180(Number(lon));
this._height = Number(height);
* Latitude in degrees north from equator (including aliases lat, latitude): can be set as
* numeric or hexagesimal (deg-min-sec); returned as numeric.
get lat() { return this._lat; }
get latitude() { return this._lat; }
set lat(lat) {
this._lat = isNaN(lat) ? Dms.wrap90(Dms.parse(lat)) : Dms.wrap90(Number(lat));
if (isNaN(this._lat)) throw new TypeError(`invalid lat ‘${lat}’`);
set latitude(lat) {
this._lat = isNaN(lat) ? Dms.wrap90(Dms.parse(lat)) : Dms.wrap90(Number(lat));
if (isNaN(this._lat)) throw new TypeError(`invalid latitude ‘${lat}’`);
* Longitude in degrees east from international reference meridian (including aliases lon, lng,
* longitude): can be set as numeric or hexagesimal (deg-min-sec); returned as numeric.
get lon() { return this._lon; }
get lng() { return this._lon; }
get longitude() { return this._lon; }
set lon(lon) {
this._lon = isNaN(lon) ? Dms.wrap180(Dms.parse(lon)) : Dms.wrap180(Number(lon));
if (isNaN(this._lon)) throw new TypeError(`invalid lon ‘${lon}’`);
set lng(lon) {
this._lon = isNaN(lon) ? Dms.wrap180(Dms.parse(lon)) : Dms.wrap180(Number(lon));
if (isNaN(this._lon)) throw new TypeError(`invalid lng ‘${lon}’`);
set longitude(lon) {
this._lon = isNaN(lon) ? Dms.wrap180(Dms.parse(lon)) : Dms.wrap180(Number(lon));
if (isNaN(this._lon)) throw new TypeError(`invalid longitude ‘${lon}’`);
* Height in metres above ellipsoid.
get height() { return this._height; }
set height(height) { this._height = Number(height); if (isNaN(this._height)) throw new TypeError(`invalid height ‘${height}’`); }
* Datum.
* Note this is replicated within LatLonEllipsoidal in order that a LatLonEllipsoidal object can
* be monkey-patched to look like a LatLonEllipsoidal_Datum, for Vincenty calculations on
* different ellipsoids.
* @private
get datum() { return this._datum; }
set datum(datum) { this._datum = datum; }
* Ellipsoids with their parameters; this module only defines WGS84 parameters a = 6378137, b =
* 6356752.314245, f = 1/298.257223563.
* @example
* const a = LatLon.ellipsoids.WGS84.a; // 6378137
static get ellipsoids() {
return ellipsoids;
* Datums; this module only defines WGS84 datum, hence no datum transformations.
* @example
* const a = LatLon.datums.WGS84.ellipsoid.a; // 6377563.396
static get datums() {
return datums;
* Parses a latitude/longitude point from a variety of formats.
* Latitude & longitude (in degrees) can be supplied as two separate parameters, as a single
* comma-separated lat/lon string, or as a single object with { lat, lon } or GeoJSON properties.
* The latitude/longitude values may be numeric or strings; they may be signed decimal or
* deg-min-sec (hexagesimal) suffixed by compass direction (NSEW); a variety of separators are
* accepted. Examples -3.62, '3 37 12W', '3°37′12″W'.
* Thousands/decimal separators must be comma/dot; use Dms.fromLocale to convert locale-specific
* thousands/decimal separators.
* @param {number|string|Object} lat|latlon - Latitude (in degrees), or comma-separated lat/lon, or lat/lon object.
* @param {number} [lon] - Longitude (in degrees).
* @param {number} [height=0] - Height above ellipsoid in metres.
* @returns {LatLon} Latitude/longitude point on WGS84 ellipsoidal model earth.
* @throws {TypeError} Invalid coordinate.
* @example
* const p1 = LatLon.parse(51.47788, -0.00147); // numeric pair
* const p2 = LatLon.parse('51°28′40″N, 000°00′05″W', 17); // dms string + height
* const p3 = LatLon.parse({ lat: 52.205, lon: 0.119 }, 17); // { lat, lon } object numeric + height
static parse(...args) {
if (args.length == 0) throw new TypeError('invalid (empty) point');
let lat=undefined, lon=undefined, height=undefined;
// single { lat, lon } object
if (typeof args[0]=='object' && (args.length==1 || !isNaN(parseFloat(args[1])))) {
const ll = args[0];
if (ll.type == 'Point' && Array.isArray(ll.coordinates)) { // GeoJSON
[ lon, lat, height ] = ll.coordinates;
height = height || 0;
} else { // regular { lat, lon } object
if (ll.latitude != undefined) lat = ll.latitude;
if (ll.lat != undefined) lat = ll.lat;
if (ll.longitude != undefined) lon = ll.longitude;
if (ll.lng != undefined) lon = ll.lng;
if (ll.lon != undefined) lon = ll.lon;
if (ll.height != undefined) height = ll.height;
lat = Dms.wrap90(Dms.parse(lat));
lon = Dms.wrap180(Dms.parse(lon));
if (args[1] != undefined) height = args[1];
if (isNaN(lat) || isNaN(lon)) throw new TypeError(`invalid point ‘${JSON.stringify(args[0])}’`);
// single comma-separated lat/lon
if (typeof args[0] == 'string' && args[0].split(',').length == 2) {
[ lat, lon ] = args[0].split(',');
lat = Dms.wrap90(Dms.parse(lat));
lon = Dms.wrap180(Dms.parse(lon));
height = args[1] || 0;
if (isNaN(lat) || isNaN(lon)) throw new TypeError(`invalid point ‘${args[0]}’`);
// regular (lat, lon) arguments
if (lat==undefined && lon==undefined) {
[ lat, lon ] = args;
lat = Dms.wrap90(Dms.parse(lat));
lon = Dms.wrap180(Dms.parse(lon));
height = args[2] || 0;
if (isNaN(lat) || isNaN(lon)) throw new TypeError(`invalid point ‘${args.toString()}’`);
return new this(lat, lon, height); // 'new this' as may return subclassed types
* Converts ‘this’ point from (geodetic) latitude/longitude coordinates to (geocentric)
* cartesian (x/y/z) coordinates.
* @returns {Cartesian} Cartesian point equivalent to lat/lon point, with x, y, z in metres from
* earth centre.
toCartesian() {
// x = (ν+h)⋅cosφ⋅cosλ, y = (ν+h)⋅cosφ⋅sinλ, z = (ν⋅(1-e²)+h)⋅sinφ
// where ν = a/√(1−e²⋅sinφ⋅sinφ), e² = (a²-b²)/a² or (better conditioned) 2⋅f-f²
const ellipsoid = this.datum
? this.datum.ellipsoid
: this.referenceFrame ? this.referenceFrame.ellipsoid : ellipsoids.WGS84;
const φ = this.lat.toRadians();
const λ = this.lon.toRadians();
const h = this.height;
const { a, f } = ellipsoid;
const sinφ = Math.sin(φ), cosφ = Math.cos(φ);
const sinλ = Math.sin(λ), cosλ = Math.cos(λ);
const eSq = 2*f - f*f; // 1st eccentricity squared ≡ (a²-b²)/a²
const ν = a / Math.sqrt(1 - eSq*sinφ*sinφ); // radius of curvature in prime vertical
const x = (ν+h) * cosφ * cosλ;
const y = (ν+h) * cosφ * sinλ;
const z = (ν*(1-eSq)+h) * sinφ;
return new Cartesian(x, y, z);
* Checks if another point is equal to ‘this’ point.
* @param {LatLon} point - Point to be compared against this point.
* @returns {bool} True if points have identical latitude, longitude, height, and datum/referenceFrame.
* @throws {TypeError} Invalid point.
* @example
* const p1 = new LatLon(52.205, 0.119);
* const p2 = new LatLon(52.205, 0.119);
* const equal = p1.equals(p2); // true
equals(point) {
if (!(point instanceof LatLonEllipsoidal)) throw new TypeError(`invalid point ‘${point}’`);
if (Math.abs(this.lat - point.lat) > Number.EPSILON) return false;
if (Math.abs(this.lon - point.lon) > Number.EPSILON) return false;
if (Math.abs(this.height - point.height) > Number.EPSILON) return false;
if (this.datum != point.datum) return false;
if (this.referenceFrame != point.referenceFrame) return false;
if (this.epoch != point.epoch) return false;
return true;
* Returns a string representation of ‘this’ point, formatted as degrees, degrees+minutes, or
* degrees+minutes+seconds.
* @param {string} [format=d] - Format point as 'd', 'dm', 'dms', or 'n' for signed numeric.
* @param {number} [dp=4|2|0] - Number of decimal places to use: default 4 for d, 2 for dm, 0 for dms.
* @param {number} [dpHeight=null] - Number of decimal places to use for height; default is no height display.
* @returns {string} Comma-separated formatted latitude/longitude.
* @throws {RangeError} Invalid format.
* @example
* const greenwich = new LatLon(51.47788, -0.00147, 46);
* const d = greenwich.toString(); // 51.4779°N, 000.0015°W
* const dms = greenwich.toString('dms', 2); // 51°28′40″N, 000°00′05″W
* const [lat, lon] = greenwich.toString('n').split(','); // 51.4779, -0.0015
* const dmsh = greenwich.toString('dms', 0, 0); // 51°28′40″N, 000°00′06″W +46m
toString(format='d', dp=undefined, dpHeight=null) {
// note: explicitly set dp to undefined for passing through to toLat/toLon
if (![ 'd', 'dm', 'dms', 'n' ].includes(format)) throw new RangeError(`invalid format ‘${format}’`);
const height = (this.height>=0 ? ' +' : ' ') + this.height.toFixed(dpHeight) + 'm';
if (format == 'n') { // signed numeric degrees
if (dp == undefined) dp = 4;
const lat = this.lat.toFixed(dp);
const lon = this.lon.toFixed(dp);
return `${lat}, ${lon}${dpHeight==null ? '' : height}`;
const lat = Dms.toLat(this.lat, format, dp);
const lon = Dms.toLon(this.lon, format, dp);
return `${lat}, ${lon}${dpHeight==null ? '' : height}`;
/* Cartesian - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
* ECEF (earth-centered earth-fixed) geocentric cartesian coordinates.
* @extends Vector3d
class Cartesian extends Vector3d {
* Creates cartesian coordinate representing ECEF (earth-centric earth-fixed) point.
* @param {number} x - X coordinate in metres (=> 0°N,0°E).
* @param {number} y - Y coordinate in metres (=> 0°N,90°E).
* @param {number} z - Z coordinate in metres (=> 90°N).
* @example
* import { Cartesian } from '/js/geodesy/latlon-ellipsoidal.js';
* const coord = new Cartesian(3980581.210, -111.159, 4966824.522);
constructor(x, y, z) {
super(x, y, z); // arguably redundant constructor, but specifies units & axes
* Converts ‘this’ (geocentric) cartesian (x/y/z) coordinate to (geodetic) latitude/longitude
* point on specified ellipsoid.
* Uses Bowring’s (1985) formulation for μm precision in concise form; ‘The accuracy of geodetic
* latitude and height equations’, B R Bowring, Survey Review vol 28, 218, Oct 1985.
* @param {LatLon.ellipsoids} [ellipsoid=WGS84] - Ellipsoid to use when converting point.
* @returns {LatLon} Latitude/longitude point defined by cartesian coordinates, on given ellipsoid.
* @throws {TypeError} Invalid ellipsoid.
* @example
* const c = new Cartesian(4027893.924, 307041.993, 4919474.294);
* const p = c.toLatLon(); // 50.7978°N, 004.3592°E
toLatLon(ellipsoid=ellipsoids.WGS84) {
// note ellipsoid is available as a parameter for when toLatLon gets subclassed to
// Ellipsoidal_Datum / Ellipsoidal_Referenceframe.
if (!ellipsoid || !ellipsoid.a) throw new TypeError(`invalid ellipsoid ‘${ellipsoid}’`);
const { x, y, z } = this;
const { a, b, f } = ellipsoid;
const e2 = 2*f - f*f; // 1st eccentricity squared ≡ (a²−b²)/a²
const ε2 = e2 / (1-e2); // 2nd eccentricity squared ≡ (a²−b²)/b²
const p = Math.sqrt(x*x + y*y); // distance from minor axis
const R = Math.sqrt(p*p + z*z); // polar radius
// parametric latitude (Bowring eqn.17, replacing tanβ = z·a / p·b)
const tanβ = (b*z)/(a*p) * (1+ε2*b/R);
const sinβ = tanβ / Math.sqrt(1+tanβ*tanβ);
const cosβ = sinβ / tanβ;
// geodetic latitude (Bowring eqn.18: tanφ = z+ε²⋅b⋅sin³β / p−e²⋅cos³β)
const φ = isNaN(cosβ) ? 0 : Math.atan2(z + ε2*b*sinβ*sinβ*sinβ, p - e2*a*cosβ*cosβ*cosβ);
// longitude
const λ = Math.atan2(y, x);
// height above ellipsoid (Bowring eqn.7)
const sinφ = Math.sin(φ), cosφ = Math.cos(φ);
const ν = a / Math.sqrt(1-e2*sinφ*sinφ); // length of the normal terminated by the minor axis
const h = p*cosφ + z*sinφ - (a*a/ν);
const point = new LatLonEllipsoidal(φ.toDegrees(), λ.toDegrees(), h);
return point;
* Returns a string representation of ‘this’ cartesian point.
* @param {number} [dp=0] - Number of decimal places to use.
* @returns {string} Comma-separated latitude/longitude.
toString(dp=0) {
const x = this.x.toFixed(dp), y = this.y.toFixed(dp), z = this.z.toFixed(dp);
return `[${x},${y},${z}]`;
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
export { LatLonEllipsoidal as default, Cartesian, Vector3d, Dms };
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