/*eslint-env node*/
import child_process from "child_process";
import { readFileSync, existsSync, statSync } from "fs";
import { readFile, writeFile } from "fs/promises";
import { EOL } from "os";
import path from "path";
import { createRequire } from "module";
import esbuild from "esbuild";
import { globby } from "globby";
import glslStripComments from "glsl-strip-comments";
import gulp from "gulp";
import rimraf from "rimraf";
import { rollup } from "rollup";
import rollupPluginStripPragma from "rollup-plugin-strip-pragma";
import { terser } from "rollup-plugin-terser";
import rollupCommonjs from "@rollup/plugin-commonjs";
import rollupResolve from "@rollup/plugin-node-resolve";
import streamToPromise from "stream-to-promise";
const require = createRequire(import.meta.url);
const packageJson = require("./package.json");
let version = packageJson.version;
if (/\.0$/.test(version)) {
version = version.substring(0, version.length - 2);
let copyrightHeader = readFileSync(
path.join("Source", "copyrightHeader.js"),
copyrightHeader = copyrightHeader.replace("${version}", version);
function escapeCharacters(token) {
return token.replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, "\\$&");
function constructRegex(pragma, exclusive) {
const prefix = exclusive ? "exclude" : "include";
pragma = escapeCharacters(pragma);
const s =
`[\\t ]*\\/\\/>>\\s?${prefix}Start\\s?\\(\\s?(["'])${pragma}\\1\\s?,\\s?pragmas\\.${pragma}\\s?\\)\\s?;?` +
// multiline code block
`[\\s\\S]*?` +
// end comment
`[\\t ]*\\/\\/>>\\s?${prefix}End\\s?\\(\\s?(["'])${pragma}\\2\\s?\\)\\s?;?\\s?[\\t ]*\\n?`;
return new RegExp(s, "gm");
const pragmas = {
debug: false,
const stripPragmaPlugin = {
name: "strip-pragmas",
setup: (build) => {
build.onLoad({ filter: /\.js$/ }, async (args) => {
let source = await readFile(args.path, { encoding: "utf8" });
try {
for (const key in pragmas) {
if (pragmas.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
source = source.replace(constructRegex(key, pragmas[key]), "");
return { contents: source };
} catch (e) {
return {
errors: {
text: e.message,
// Print an esbuild warning
function printBuildWarning({ location, text }) {
const { column, file, line, lineText, suggestion } = location;
let message = `\n
> ${file}:${line}:${column}: warning: ${text}
if (suggestion && suggestion !== "") {
message += `\n${suggestion}`;
// Ignore `eval` warnings in third-party code we don't have control over
function handleBuildWarnings(result) {
for (const warning of result.warnings) {
if (
!warning.location.file.includes("protobufjs.js") &&
) {
const cssFiles = "Source/**/*.css";
export function esbuildBaseConfig() {
return {
target: "es2020",
legalComments: "inline",
banner: {
js: copyrightHeader,
* Bundles all individual modules, optionally minifying and stripping out debug pragmas.
* @param {Object} options
* @param {String} options.path Directory where build artifacts are output
* @param {Boolean} [options.minify=false] true if the output should be minified
* @param {Boolean} [options.removePragmas=false] true if the output should have debug pragmas stripped out
* @param {Boolean} [options.sourcemap=false] true if an external sourcemap should be generated
* @param {Boolean} [options.iife=false] true if an IIFE style module should be built
* @param {Boolean} [options.node=false] true if a CJS style node module should be built
* @param {Boolean} [options.incremental=false] true if build output should be cached for repeated builds
* @param {Boolean} [options.write=true] true if build output should be written to disk. If false, the files that would have been written as in-memory buffers
* @returns {Promise.<Array>}
export async function buildCesiumJs(options) {
const css = await globby(cssFiles);
const buildConfig = esbuildBaseConfig();
buildConfig.entryPoints = ["Source/Cesium.js"];
buildConfig.bundle = true;
buildConfig.minify = options.minify;
buildConfig.sourcemap = options.sourcemap;
buildConfig.external = ["https", "http", "url", "zlib"];
buildConfig.plugins = options.removePragmas ? [stripPragmaPlugin] : undefined;
buildConfig.incremental = options.incremental;
buildConfig.write = options.write;
// print errors immediately, and collect warnings so we can filter out known ones
buildConfig.logLevel = "error";
// Build ESM
const result = await esbuild.build({
format: "esm",
outfile: path.join(options.path, "index.js"),
const results = [result];
// Copy and minify non-bundled CSS and JS
const cssAndThirdPartyConfig = esbuildBaseConfig();
cssAndThirdPartyConfig.entryPoints = [
...css, // Load and optionally minify css
cssAndThirdPartyConfig.bundle = true;
cssAndThirdPartyConfig.minify = options.minify;
cssAndThirdPartyConfig.loader = {
".gif": "text",
".png": "text",
cssAndThirdPartyConfig.sourcemap = options.sourcemap;
cssAndThirdPartyConfig.outdir = options.path;
await esbuild.build(cssAndThirdPartyConfig);
// Build IIFE
if (options.iife) {
const result = await esbuild.build({
format: "iife",
globalName: "Cesium",
outfile: path.join(options.path, "Cesium.js"),
if (options.node) {
const result = await esbuild.build({
format: "cjs",
platform: "node",
sourcemap: false,
define: {
// TransformStream is a browser-only implementation depended on by zip.js
TransformStream: "null",
outfile: path.join(options.path, "index.cjs"),
return results;
function filePathToModuleId(moduleId) {
return moduleId.substring(0, moduleId.lastIndexOf(".")).replace(/\\/g, "/");
const sourceFiles = [
* Creates a single entry point file, Cesium.js, which imports all individual modules exported from the Cesium API.
* @returns {Buffer} contents
export async function createCesiumJs() {
let contents = `export const VERSION = '${version}';\n`;
const files = await globby(sourceFiles);
files.forEach(function (file) {
file = path.relative("Source", file);
let moduleId = file;
moduleId = filePathToModuleId(moduleId);
let assignmentName = path.basename(file, path.extname(file));
if (moduleId.indexOf("Shaders/") === 0) {
assignmentName = `_shaders${assignmentName}`;
assignmentName = assignmentName.replace(/(\.|-)/g, "_");
contents += `export { default as ${assignmentName} } from './${moduleId}.js';${EOL}`;
await writeFile("Source/Cesium.js", contents, { encoding: "utf-8" });
return contents;
* Creates a single entry point file, SpecList.js, which imports all individual spec files.
* @returns {Buffer} contents
export async function createSpecList() {
const files = await globby(["Specs/**/*Spec.js"]);
let contents = "";
files.forEach(function (file) {
contents += `import './${filePathToModuleId(file).replace(
await writeFile(path.join("Specs", "SpecList.js"), contents, {
encoding: "utf-8",
return contents;
function rollupWarning(message) {
// Ignore eval warnings in third-party code we don't have control over
if (message.code === "EVAL" && /protobufjs/.test(message.loc.file)) {
* Bundles the workers and outputs the result to the specified directory
* @param {Object} options
* @param {boolean} [options.minify=false] true if the worker output should be minified
* @param {boolean} [options.removePragmas=false] true if debug pragma should be removed
* @param {boolean} [options.sourcemap=false] true if an external sourcemap should be generated
* @param {String} options.path output directory
* @returns {Promise.<*>}
export async function buildWorkers(options) {
// Copy existing workers
const workers = await globby([
const workerConfig = esbuildBaseConfig();
workerConfig.entryPoints = workers;
workerConfig.outdir = options.path;
workerConfig.outbase = "Source"; // Maintain existing file paths
workerConfig.minify = options.minify;
await esbuild.build(workerConfig);
// Use rollup to build the workers:
// 1) They can be built as AMD style modules
// 2) They can be built using code-splitting, resulting in smaller modules
const files = await globby(["Source/WorkersES6/*.js"]);
const plugins = [rollupResolve({ preferBuiltins: true }), rollupCommonjs()];
if (options.removePragmas) {
pragmas: ["debug"],
if (options.minify) {
const bundle = await rollup({
input: files,
plugins: plugins,
onwarn: rollupWarning,
return bundle.write({
dir: path.join(options.path, "Workers"),
format: "amd",
// Rollup cannot generate a sourcemap when pragmas are removed
sourcemap: options.sourcemap && !options.removePragmas,
banner: copyrightHeader,
const shaderFiles = [
export async function glslToJavaScript(minify, minifyStateFilePath) {
await writeFile(minifyStateFilePath, minify.toString());
const minifyStateFileLastModified = existsSync(minifyStateFilePath)
? statSync(minifyStateFilePath).mtime.getTime()
: 0;
// collect all currently existing JS files into a set, later we will remove the ones
// we still are using from the set, then delete any files remaining in the set.
const leftOverJsFiles = {};
const files = await globby([
files.forEach(function (file) {
leftOverJsFiles[path.normalize(file)] = true;
const builtinFunctions = [];
const builtinConstants = [];
const builtinStructs = [];
const glslFiles = await globby(shaderFiles);
await Promise.all(
glslFiles.map(async function (glslFile) {
glslFile = path.normalize(glslFile);
const baseName = path.basename(glslFile, ".glsl");
const jsFile = `${path.join(path.dirname(glslFile), baseName)}.js`;
// identify built in functions, structs, and constants
const baseDir = path.join("Source", "Shaders", "Builtin");
if (
glslFile.indexOf(path.normalize(path.join(baseDir, "Functions"))) === 0
) {
} else if (
glslFile.indexOf(path.normalize(path.join(baseDir, "Constants"))) === 0
) {
} else if (
glslFile.indexOf(path.normalize(path.join(baseDir, "Structs"))) === 0
) {
delete leftOverJsFiles[jsFile];
const jsFileExists = existsSync(jsFile);
const jsFileModified = jsFileExists
? statSync(jsFile).mtime.getTime()
: 0;
const glslFileModified = statSync(glslFile).mtime.getTime();
if (
jsFileExists &&
jsFileModified > glslFileModified &&
jsFileModified > minifyStateFileLastModified
) {
let contents = await readFile(glslFile, { encoding: "utf8" });
contents = contents.replace(/\r\n/gm, "\n");
let copyrightComments = "";
const extractedCopyrightComments = contents.match(
if (extractedCopyrightComments) {
copyrightComments = `${extractedCopyrightComments.join("\n")}\n`;
if (minify) {
contents = glslStripComments(contents);
contents = contents
.replace(/\s+$/gm, "")
.replace(/^\s+/gm, "")
.replace(/\n+/gm, "\n");
contents += "\n";
contents = contents.split('"').join('\\"').replace(/\n/gm, "\\n\\\n");
contents = `${copyrightComments}\
//This file is automatically rebuilt by the Cesium build process.\n\
export default "${contents}";\n`;
return writeFile(jsFile, contents);
// delete any left over JS files from old shaders
Object.keys(leftOverJsFiles).forEach(function (filepath) {
const generateBuiltinContents = function (contents, builtins, path) {
for (let i = 0; i < builtins.length; i++) {
const builtin = builtins[i];
`import czm_${builtin} from './${path}/${builtin}.js'`
contents.builtinLookup.push(`czm_${builtin} : ` + `czm_${builtin}`);
//generate the JS file for Built-in GLSL Functions, Structs, and Constants
const contents = {
imports: [],
builtinLookup: [],
generateBuiltinContents(contents, builtinConstants, "Constants");
generateBuiltinContents(contents, builtinStructs, "Structs");
generateBuiltinContents(contents, builtinFunctions, "Functions");
const fileContents = `//This file is automatically rebuilt by the Cesium build process.\n${contents.imports.join(
)}\n\nexport default {\n ${contents.builtinLookup.join(",\n ")}\n};\n`;
return writeFile(
path.join("Source", "Shaders", "Builtin", "CzmBuiltins.js"),
const externalResolvePlugin = {
name: "external-cesium",
setup: (build) => {
build.onResolve({ filter: new RegExp(`Cesium\.js$`) }, () => {
return {
path: "Cesium",
namespace: "external-cesium",
filter: new RegExp(`^Cesium$`),
namespace: "external-cesium",
() => {
const contents = `module.exports = Cesium`;
return {
* Creates a template html file in the Sandcastle app listing the gallery of demos
* @param {Boolean} [noDevelopmentGallery=false] true if the development gallery should not be included in the list
* @returns {Promise.<*>}
export async function createGalleryList(noDevelopmentGallery) {
const demoObjects = [];
const demoJSONs = [];
const output = path.join("Apps", "Sandcastle", "gallery", "gallery-index.js");
const fileList = ["Apps/Sandcastle/gallery/**/*.html"];
if (noDevelopmentGallery) {
// On travis, the version is set to something like '1.43.0-branch-name-travisBuildNumber'
// We need to extract just the Major.Minor version
const majorMinor = packageJson.version.match(/^(.*)\.(.*)\./);
const major = majorMinor[1];
const minor = Number(majorMinor[2]) - 1; // We want the last release, not current release
const tagVersion = `${major}.${minor}`;
// Get an array of demos that were added since the last release.
// This includes newly staged local demos as well.
let newDemos = [];
try {
newDemos = child_process
`git diff --name-only --diff-filter=A ${tagVersion} Apps/Sandcastle/gallery/*.html`,
{ stdio: ["pipe", "pipe", "ignore"] }
} catch (e) {
// On a Cesium fork, tags don't exist so we can't generate the list.
let helloWorld;
const files = await globby(fileList);
files.forEach(function (file) {
const demo = filePathToModuleId(
path.relative("Apps/Sandcastle/gallery", file)
const demoObject = {
name: demo,
isNew: newDemos.includes(file),
if (existsSync(`${file.replace(".html", "")}.jpg`)) {
demoObject.img = `${demo}.jpg`;
if (demo === "Hello World") {
helloWorld = demoObject;
demoObjects.sort(function (a, b) {
if (a.name < b.name) {
return -1;
} else if (a.name > b.name) {
return 1;
return 0;
const helloWorldIndex = Math.max(demoObjects.indexOf(helloWorld), 0);
for (let i = 0; i < demoObjects.length; ++i) {
demoJSONs[i] = JSON.stringify(demoObjects[i], null, 2);
const contents = `\
// This file is automatically rebuilt by the Cesium build process.\n\
const hello_world_index = ${helloWorldIndex};\n\
const VERSION = '${version}';\n\
const gallery_demos = [${demoJSONs.join(", ")}];\n\
const has_new_gallery_demos = ${newDemos.length > 0 ? "true;" : "false;"}\n`;
await writeFile(output, contents);
// Compile CSS for Sandcastle
return esbuild.build({
entryPoints: [
path.join("Apps", "Sandcastle", "templates", "bucketRaw.css"),
minify: true,
banner: {
"/* This file is automatically rebuilt by the Cesium build process. */\n",
outfile: path.join("Apps", "Sandcastle", "templates", "bucket.css"),
* Copies non-js assets to the output directory
* @param {String} outputDirectory
* @returns {Promise.<*>}
export function copyAssets(outputDirectory) {
const everythingElse = [
const stream = gulp
.src(everythingElse, { nodir: true })
return streamToPromise(stream);
* Creates .jshintrc for use in Sandcastle
* @returns {Buffer} contents
export async function createJsHintOptions() {
const jshintrc = JSON.parse(
await readFile(path.join("Apps", "Sandcastle", ".jshintrc"), {
encoding: "utf8",
const contents = `\
// This file is automatically rebuilt by the Cesium build process.\n\
const sandcastleJsHintOptions = ${JSON.stringify(jshintrc, null, 4)};\n`;
await writeFile(
path.join("Apps", "Sandcastle", "jsHintOptions.js"),
return contents;
* Bundles spec files for testing in the browser and on the command line with karma.
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Boolean} [options.incremental=false] true if the build should be cached for repeated rebuilds
* @param {Boolean} [options.write=false] true if build output should be written to disk. If false, the files that would have been written as in-memory buffers
* @returns {Promise.<*>}
export function buildSpecs(options) {
options = options || {};
return esbuild.build({
entryPoints: [
bundle: true,
format: "esm",
sourcemap: true,
target: "es2020",
outdir: path.join("Build", "Specs"),
plugins: [externalResolvePlugin],
incremental: options.incremental,
write: options.write,
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