# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Sun Dec 26 22:09:04 2021
@author: Xcz
# %%
import math
import numpy as np
from fun_img_Resize import if_image_Add_black_border
from fun_array_Transform import Rotate_180, Roll_xy
from fun_pump import pump_pic_or_U
from fun_linear import init_AST
from fun_nonlinear import accurate_args_SFG, Eikz, C_m, Cal_dk_zQ_SFG, Cal_roll_xy, \
G3_z_modulation_NLAST, G3_z_modulation_3D_NLAST, G3_z_NLAST, G3_z_NLAST_false, Info_find_contours_SHG
from fun_thread import noop, my_thread
from fun_CGH import structure_chi2_Generate_2D
from fun_global_var import init_GLV_DICT, tree_print, init_GLV_rmw, end_SSI, Get, dset, dget, fget, fkey, fGHU_plot_save
np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore')
# %%
def SFG_NLA(U_name="",
# %%
is_LG=0, is_Gauss=0, is_OAM=0,
l=0, p=0,
theta_x=0, theta_y=0,
# %%
is_H_l=0, is_H_theta=0, is_H_random_phase=0,
# %%
# 生成横向结构
# %%
w0_Structure=0, z_pump_Structure=0,
is_LG_Structure=0, is_Gauss_Structure=0, is_OAM_Structure=0,
l_Structure=0, p_Structure=0,
theta_x_Structure=0, theta_y_Structure=0,
# %%
is_H_l_Structure=0, is_H_theta_Structure=0, is_H_random_phase_Structure=0,
# %%
U_size=1, w0=0.3,
# %%
lam1=0.8, is_air_pump=0, is_air=0, T=25,
deff=30, is_fft=1, fft_mode=0,
is_sum_Gm=0, mG=0,
# %%
Tx=10, Ty=10, Tz="2*lc",
mx=0, my=0, mz=0,
# %%
# 生成横向结构
Duty_Cycle_x=0.5, Duty_Cycle_y=0.5, Duty_Cycle_z=0.5,
Depth=2, structure_xy_mode='x',
# %%
is_continuous=0, is_target_far_field=1, is_transverse_xy=0,
is_reverse_xy=0, is_positive_xy=1, is_no_backgroud=0,
# %%
is_save=0, is_save_txt=0, dpi=100,
# %%
# %%
ticks_num=6, is_contourf=0,
is_title_on=1, is_axes_on=1, is_mm=1,
# %%
font={'family': 'serif',
'style': 'normal', # 'normal', 'italic', 'oblique'
'weight': 'normal',
'color': 'black', # 'black','gray','darkred'
# %%
is_colorbar_on=1, is_energy=0,
# %%
is_print=1, is_contours=1, n_TzQ=1,
Gz_max_Enhance=1, match_mode=1,
# %%
**kwargs, ):
# print(kwargs)
# %%
if_image_Add_black_border(U_name, img_full_name,
__name__ == "__main__", is_print, **kwargs, )
# %%
ray_tag = "f" if kwargs.get('ray', "2") == "3" else "h"
# if ray_tag == "f":
U2_name = kwargs.get("U2_name", U_name)
img2_full_name = kwargs.get("img2_full_name", img_full_name)
is_phase_only_2 = kwargs.get("is_phase_only_2", is_phase_only)
# %%
z_pump2 = kwargs.get("z_pump2", z_pump)
is_LG_2 = kwargs.get("is_LG_2", is_LG)
is_Gauss_2 = kwargs.get("is_Gauss_2", is_Gauss)
is_OAM_2 = kwargs.get("is_OAM_2", is_OAM)
# %%
l2 = kwargs.get("l2", l)
p2 = kwargs.get("p2", p)
theta2_x = kwargs.get("theta2_x", theta_x)
theta2_y = kwargs.get("theta2_y", theta_y)
# %%
is_random_phase_2 = kwargs.get("is_random_phase_2", is_random_phase)
is_H_l2 = kwargs.get("is_H_l2", is_H_l)
is_H_theta2 = kwargs.get("is_H_theta2", is_H_theta)
is_H_random_phase_2 = kwargs.get("is_H_random_phase_2", is_H_random_phase)
# %%
w0_2 = kwargs.get("w0_2", w0)
lam2 = kwargs.get("lam2", lam1)
is_air_pump2 = kwargs.get("is_air_pump2", is_air_pump)
T2 = kwargs.get("T2", T)
polar2 = kwargs.get("polar2", 'e')
if ray_tag == "f":
# %%
pump2_keys = kwargs["pump2_keys"]
# %%
[kwargs.pop(key) for key in kwargs["pump2_keys"]] # 及时清理 kwargs ,尽量 保持 其干净
kwargs.pop("pump2_keys") # 这个有点意思, "pump2_keys" 这个键本身 也会被删除。
# %%
info = "NLAST_一拳超人"
is_print and print(tree_print(kwargs.get("is_end", 0), add_level=2) + info)
kwargs.pop("is_end", None);
kwargs.pop("add_level", None) # 该 def 子分支 后续默认 is_end = 0,如果 kwargs 还会被 继续使用 的话。
# kwargs['ray'] = init_GLV_rmw(U_name, "^", "", "NLA", **kwargs)
init_GLV_rmw(U_name, ray_tag, "NLA", "", **kwargs)
# %%
img_name, img_name_extension, img_squared, \
size_PerPixel, size_fig, Ix, Iy, \
U_0, g_shift = pump_pic_or_U(U_name,
# %%
is_LG, is_Gauss, is_OAM,
l, p,
theta_x, theta_y,
# %%
is_H_l, is_H_theta, is_H_random_phase,
# %%
U_size, w0,
# %%
lam1, is_air_pump, T,
# %%
is_save, is_save_txt, dpi,
# %%
ticks_num, is_contourf,
is_title_on, is_axes_on, is_mm,
# %%
fontsize, font,
# %%
is_colorbar_on, is_energy,
# %%
# %%
ray_pump='1', **kwargs, )
# %%
if ray_tag == "f":
from fun_pump import pump_pic_or_U2
U2_0, g2 = pump_pic_or_U2(U2_name,
# %%
is_LG_2, is_Gauss_2, is_OAM_2,
l2, p2,
theta2_x, theta2_y,
# %%
is_H_l2, is_H_theta2, is_H_random_phase_2,
# %%
U_size, w0_2,
# %%
lam2, is_air_pump, T,
# %%
is_save, is_save_txt, dpi,
# %%
ticks_num, is_contourf,
is_title_on, is_axes_on, is_mm,
# %%
fontsize, font,
# %%
is_colorbar_on, is_energy,
# %%
# %%
ray_pump='2', **kwargs, )
U2_0, g2 = U_0, g_shift
# %%
n1_inc, n1, k1_inc, k1, k1_z, k1_xy = init_AST(Ix, Iy, size_PerPixel,
lam1, is_air, T,
theta_x, theta_y,
if ray_tag == "f":
n2_inc, n2, k2_inc, k2, k2_z, k2_xy = init_AST(Ix, Iy, size_PerPixel,
lam2, is_air, T,
theta2_x, theta2_y,
polar2=polar2, **kwargs)
n2_inc, n2, k2_inc, k2, k2_z, k2_xy = n1_inc, n1, k1_inc, k1, k1_z, k1_xy
theta3_x, theta3_y, lam3, n3_inc, n3, k3_inc, k3, k3_z, k3_xy, \
dk, lc, Tz, \
Gx, Gy, Gz, \
z0, Tz, deff_structure_length_expect = accurate_args_SFG(Ix, Iy, size_PerPixel,
lam1, lam2, is_air, T,
k1_inc, k2_inc,
g_shift, k1_z,
z0, z0,
mx, my, mz,
Tx, Ty, Tz,
is_contours, n_TzQ,
Gz_max_Enhance, match_mode,
theta_x, theta2_x,
theta_y, theta2_y,
# print(n1_inc, n2_inc, n3_inc)
# print(n1_inc + n2_inc - 2 * n3_inc)
# %%
iz = z0 / size_PerPixel
is_NLAST_sum = kwargs.get("is_NLAST_sum", 0)
if is_fft == 0:
const = (k3_inc / size_PerPixel / n3_inc) ** 2 * C_m(mx) * C_m(my) * C_m(mz) * deff * 1e-12 # pm / V 转换成 m / V
integrate_z0 = np.zeros((Ix, Iy), dtype=np.complex128())
g2_rotate_180 = Rotate_180(g2)
def fun1(for_th, fors_num, *args, **kwargs, ):
for n3_y in range(Iy):
dk_zQ = Cal_dk_zQ_SFG(k2,
k1_z, k3_z,
k1_xy, k3_xy,
for_th, n3_y,
Gx, Gy, Gz, )
roll_x, roll_y = Cal_roll_xy(Gx, Gy,
Ix, Iy,
for_th, n3_y, )
g2_shift_dk_x_dk_y = Roll_xy(g2_rotate_180,
roll_x, roll_y,
is_linear_convolution, )
integrate_z0[for_th, n3_y] = np.sum(
g_shift * g2_shift_dk_x_dk_y * Eikz(dk_zQ * iz) * iz * size_PerPixel \
* (2 / (dk_zQ / k3_z[for_th, n3_y] + 2)))
my_thread(10, Ix,
fun1, noop, noop,
is_ordered=1, is_print=is_print, )
g3_z = const * integrate_z0 / k3_z * size_PerPixel
dset("G", g3_z * np.power(math.e, k3_z * iz * 1j))
Const = (k3_inc / size_PerPixel / n3_inc) ** 2 * deff * 1e-12 # pm / V 转换成 m / V
dset("G", np.zeros((Ix, Iy), dtype=np.complex128()))
if fft_mode == 0:
# %% generate structure
if ray_tag == "f":
for key in pump2_keys:
kwargs[key] = locals()[key]
kwargs["pump2_keys"] = locals()["pump2_keys"]
n1_inc, n1, k1_inc, k1, k1_z, n2_inc, n2, k2_inc, k2, k2_z, lam3, n3_inc, n3, k3_inc, k3, k3_z, \
theta3_x, theta3_y, z0, deff_structure_length_expect, dk, lc, Tz, Gx, Gy, Gz, folder_address, \
size_PerPixel, U_0_structure, g_shift_structure, \
structure, structure_opposite, modulation, modulation_opposite, modulation_squared, modulation_opposite_squared \
= structure_chi2_Generate_2D(U_name_Structure,
# %%
is_LG_Structure, is_Gauss_Structure, is_OAM_Structure,
l_Structure, p_Structure,
theta_x_Structure, theta_y_Structure,
# %%
is_H_l_Structure, is_H_theta_Structure, is_H_random_phase_Structure,
# %%
U_size, w0_Structure,
Duty_Cycle_x, Duty_Cycle_y,
structure_xy_mode, Depth,
# %%
is_continuous, is_target_far_field,
is_transverse_xy, is_reverse_xy,
0, is_no_backgroud,
# %%
lam1, is_air_pump_structure, is_air, T,
Tx, Ty, Tz,
mx, my, mz,
# %%
is_save, is_save_txt, dpi,
# %%
# %%
ticks_num, is_contourf,
is_title_on, is_axes_on,
# %%
fontsize, font,
# %%
is_colorbar_on, is_energy,
# %%
# %% --------------------- for Info_find_contours_SHG
is_contours, n_TzQ,
Gz_max_Enhance, match_mode,
L0_Crystal=z0, g_shift=g_shift,
# %%
**kwargs, )
if ray_tag == "f":
[kwargs.pop(key) for key in kwargs["pump2_keys"]] # 及时清理 kwargs ,尽量 保持 其干净
kwargs.pop("pump2_keys") # 这个有点意思, "pump2_keys" 这个键本身 也会被删除。
if is_sum_Gm == 0:
addition_dict = {"Tz": Tz if is_NLAST_sum else None} # 若 is_NLAST_sum 有且非 0,则 Tz
# print(Gz,iz, Const,)
dset("G", G3_z_modulation_NLAST(k1, k2, k3,
modulation_squared, U_0, U2_0, iz, Const,
Gz=Gz, is_customized=1, **addition_dict, ))
elif is_sum_Gm == 1:
def fun1(for_th, fors_num, *args, **kwargs, ):
m_z = for_th - mG
Gz_m = 2 * math.pi * m_z * size_PerPixel / (Tz / 1000)
# print(m_z, C_m(m_z), "\n")
# 注意这个系数 C_m(m_z) 只对应 Duty_Cycle_z = 50% 占空比...
Const = (k3_inc / size_PerPixel / n3_inc) ** 2 * C_m(mx) * C_m(my) * C_m(m_z) * deff * 1e-12
G3_z0_Gm = G3_z_modulation_NLAST(k1, k2, k3,
modulation_squared, U_0, U2_0, iz, Const,
Gz=Gz_m, is_customized=1, ) if m_z != 0 else 0
return G3_z0_Gm
def fun2(for_th, fors_num, G3_z0_Gm, *args, **kwargs, ):
dset("G", dget("G") + G3_z0_Gm)
return dget("G")
my_thread(10, 2 * mG + 1,
fun1, fun2, noop,
is_ordered=1, is_print=is_print, )
dset("G", G3_z_modulation_3D_NLAST(k1, k2, k3,
modulation_squared, U_0, U2_0, iz, Const,
Tz=Tz, ))
elif fft_mode == 1:
if is_sum_Gm == 0:
dset("G", G3_z_NLAST(k1, k2, k3, Gx, Gy, Gz,
U_0, U2_0, iz, Const,
is_linear_convolution, ))
def fun1(for_th, fors_num, *args, **kwargs, ):
m_x = for_th - mG
Gx_m = 2 * math.pi * m_x * size_PerPixel / (Tx / 1000)
# print(m_x, C_m(m_x), "\n")
# 注意这个系数 C_m(m_x) 只对应 Duty_Cycle_x = 50% 占空比...
Const = (k3_inc / size_PerPixel / n3_inc) ** 2 * C_m(m_x) * C_m(my) * C_m(mz) * deff * 1e-12
G3_z0_Gm = G3_z_NLAST(k1, k2, k3, Gx_m, Gy, Gz,
U_0, U2_0, iz, Const,
is_linear_convolution, ) if m_x != 0 else 0
return G3_z0_Gm
def fun2(for_th, fors_num, G3_z0_Gm, *args, **kwargs, ):
dset("G", dget("G") + G3_z0_Gm)
return dget("G")
my_thread(10, 2 * mG + 1,
fun1, fun2, noop,
is_ordered=1, is_print=is_print, )
elif fft_mode == 2:
dset("G", G3_z_NLAST_false(k1, k2, k3, Gx, Gy, Gz,
U_0, U2_0, iz, Const,
is_linear_convolution, ))
# %%
end_SSI(g_shift, is_energy, n_sigma=3, )
fGHU_plot_save(0, # 默认 全自动 is_auto = 1
img_name_extension, is_print,
# %%
[], 1, size_PerPixel,
is_save, is_save_txt, dpi, size_fig,
# %%
"b", cmap_2d,
ticks_num, is_contourf,
is_title_on, is_axes_on, is_mm,
fontsize, font,
# %%
is_colorbar_on, is_energy, # 默认无法 外界设置 vmax 和 vmin,因为 同时画 振幅 和 相位 得 传入 2*2 个 v
# %% 何况 一般默认 is_self_colorbar = 1...
z0, is_end=1, )
import inspect
if inspect.stack()[1][3] == "SFG_NLA_reverse":
from fun_statistics import find_Kxyz
from fun_linear import fft2
K1_z, K1_xy = find_Kxyz(fft2(U_0), k1)
K2_z, K2_xy = find_Kxyz(fft2(U2_0), k2)
kiizQ = K1_z + K2_z + Gz
# print(np.max(np.abs(fft2(fget("U")) / Get("size_PerPixel") ** 2)))
return fget("U"), U_0, U2_0, modulation_squared, k1_inc, k2_inc, \
theta_x, theta_y, theta2_x, theta2_y, kiizQ, \
k1, k2, k3, Const, iz, Gz
return fget("U"), fget("G"), Get("ray"), Get("method_and_way"), fkey("U")
if __name__ == '__main__':
kwargs = \
{"U_name": "", # 要么从 U_name 里传 ray 和 U 进来,要么 单独传个 U 和 ray
"img_full_name": "lena1.png",
"U_pixels_x": 0, "U_pixels_y": 0,
"is_phase_only": 0,
# %%
"z_pump": 0,
"is_LG": 1, "is_Gauss": 1, "is_OAM": 1,
"l": 0, "p": 0,
"theta_x": 0, "theta_y": 0,
# %%
"is_random_phase": 0,
"is_H_l": 0, "is_H_theta": 0, "is_H_random_phase": 0,
# %%
# 生成横向结构
"U_name_Structure": '',
"structure_size_Shrink": 0.1, "structure_size_Shrinker": 0,
"is_U_size_x_structure_side_y": 1,
"is_phase_only_Structure": 0,
# %%
"w0_Structure": 0, "z_pump_Structure": 0,
"is_LG_Structure": 0, "is_Gauss_Structure": 1, "is_OAM_Structure": 0,
"l_Structure": 0, "p_Structure": 0,
"theta_x_Structure": 0, "theta_y_Structure": 0,
# %%
"is_random_phase_Structure": 0,
"is_H_l_Structure": 0, "is_H_theta_Structure": 0, "is_H_random_phase_Structure": 0,
# %%
"U_size": 1, "w0": 0.1,
"z0": 10,
# %%
"lam1": 1.064, "is_air_pump": 1, "is_air": 0, "T": 25,
"lam_structure": 1, "is_air_pump_structure": 1, "T_structure": 25,
"deff": 30, "is_fft": 1, "fft_mode": 0,
"is_sum_Gm": 0, "mG": 0, 'is_NLAST_sum': 0,
"is_linear_convolution": 0,
# %%
"Tx": 20, "Ty": 30, "Tz": 3,
"mx": 1, "my": 0, "mz": 0,
# %%
# 生成横向结构
"Duty_Cycle_x": 0.5, "Duty_Cycle_y": 0.5, "Duty_Cycle_z": 0.5,
"Depth": 2, "structure_xy_mode": 'x',
# %%
"is_continuous": 0, "is_target_far_field": 1, "is_transverse_xy": 0,
"is_reverse_xy": 0, "is_positive_xy": 1, "is_no_backgroud": 0,
# %%
"is_save": 0, "is_no_data_save": 0,
"is_save_txt": 0, "dpi": 100,
# %%
"cmap_2d": 'viridis',
# %%
"ticks_num": 6, "is_contourf": 0,
"is_title_on": 1, "is_axes_on": 1, "is_mm": 1,
# %%
"fontsize": 10,
"font": {'family': 'serif',
'style': 'normal', # 'normal', 'italic', 'oblique'
'weight': 'normal',
'color': 'black', # 'black','gray','darkred'
# %%
"is_colorbar_on": 1, "is_energy": 1,
# %%
"is_print": 1, "is_contours": 0, "n_TzQ": 1,
"Gz_max_Enhance": 1, "match_mode": 1,
# %% 该程序 作为 主入口时 -------------------------------
"kwargs_seq": 0, "root_dir": r'1',
"border_percentage": 0.1, "is_end": -1,
# %%
"theta_z": 90, "phi_z": 0, "phi_c": 24.3,
# KTP 50 度 :deff 最高: 90, ~, 24.3,(24.3 - 2002, 25.3 - 2000)
# 1994 :68.8, ~, 90,(68.8 - 2002, 68.9 - 2000)
# KTP 25 度 :deff 最高: 90, ~, 23.7,(23.7 - 2002, 24.8 - 2000)
# 1994 :68.8, ~, 90,(68.8 - 2002, 68.7 - 2000)
# LN 25 度 :90, ~, ~
"polar": "o",
"ray": "3", "polar3": "o",
if kwargs.get("ray", "2") == "3": # 如果 is_HOPS >= 1,则 默认 双泵浦 is_twin_pumps == 1
pump2_kwargs = {
"U2_name": "",
"img2_full_name": "spaceship.png",
"is_phase_only_2": 0,
# %%
"z_pump2": 0,
"is_LG_2": 1, "is_Gauss_2": 1, "is_OAM_2": 1,
"l2": 0, "p2": 0,
"theta2_x": 0, "theta2_y": 0,
# %%
"is_random_phase_2": 0,
"is_H_l2": 0, "is_H_theta2": 0, "is_H_random_phase_2": 0,
# %%
"w0_2": 0.1,
# %%
"lam2": 1.064, "is_air_pump2": 1, "T2": 25,
"polar2": 'e',
pump2_kwargs.update({"pump2_keys": list(pump2_kwargs.keys())})
# Object of type dict_keys is not JSON serializable,所以 得转为 list
# 要不要把 “要不要(是否)使用 上一次使用 的 参数”
# or “这次 使用了 哪一次 使用的 参数” 传进去记录呢?—— 也不是不行。
# kwargs.update(init_GLV_DICT(**kwargs))
kwargs = init_GLV_DICT(**kwargs)
# SFG_NLA(U_name="", # 要么从 U_name 里传 ray 和 U 进来,要么 单独传个 U 和 ray
# img_full_name="lena1.png",
# is_phase_only=0,
# # %%
# z_pump=0,
# is_LG=0, is_Gauss=1, is_OAM=0,
# l=0, p=0,
# theta_x=0, theta_y=0,
# # %%
# is_random_phase=0,
# is_H_l=0, is_H_theta=0, is_H_random_phase=0,
# # %%
# # 生成横向结构
# U_name_Structure='',
# structure_size_Shrink=0.1,
# is_phase_only_Structure=0,
# # %%
# w0_Structure=0, z_pump_Structure=0,
# is_LG_Structure=0, is_Gauss_Structure=1, is_OAM_Structure=0,
# l_Structure=0, p_Structure=0,
# theta_x_Structure=0, theta_y_Structure=0,
# # %%
# is_random_phase_Structure=0,
# is_H_l_Structure=0, is_H_theta_Structure=0, is_H_random_phase_Structure=0,
# # %%
# U_size=0.9, w0=0.1,
# z0=10,
# # %%
# lam1=1.064, is_air_pump=0, is_air=0, T=25,
# deff=30, is_fft=1, fft_mode=0,
# is_sum_Gm=0, mG=0,
# is_linear_convolution=0,
# # %%
# Tx=10, Ty=10, Tz=3,
# mx=1, my=0, mz=0,
# # %%
# # 生成横向结构
# Duty_Cycle_x=0.5, Duty_Cycle_y=0.5, Duty_Cycle_z=0.5,
# Depth=2, structure_xy_mode='x',
# # %%
# is_continuous=0, is_target_far_field=1, is_transverse_xy=0,
# is_reverse_xy=0, is_positive_xy=1, is_no_backgroud=0,
# # %%
# is_save=1, is_save_txt=0, dpi=100,
# # %%
# cmap_2d='viridis',
# # %%
# ticks_num=6, is_contourf=0,
# is_title_on=1, is_axes_on=1, is_mm=1,
# # %%
# fontsize=9,
# font={'family': 'serif',
# 'style': 'normal', # 'normal', 'italic', 'oblique'
# 'weight': 'normal',
# 'color': 'black', # 'black','gray','darkred'
# },
# # %%
# is_colorbar_on=1, is_energy=0,
# # %%
# is_print=1, is_contours=0, n_TzQ=1,
# Gz_max_Enhance=1, match_mode=1,
# # %%
# root_dir=r'af', ray="2",
# border_percentage=0.1, is_end=-1, )
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