

class MD_Autoloader
     * Register the Autoloader with SPL
    public static function Register() {
        if (function_exists('__autoload')) {
            //    Register any existing autoloader function with SPL, so we don't get any clashes
        //    Register ourselves with SPL
        return spl_autoload_register(array('MD_Autoloader', 'Load'));
    }   //    function Register()

     * Autoload a class identified by name
     * @param    string    $pClassName        Name of the object to load
    public static function Load($pClassName){
        if ((class_exists($pClassName,FALSE)) || (strpos($pClassName, 'MDword') !== 0)) {
            //    Either already loaded, or not a PHPExcel class request
            return FALSE;

        $pClassNameArr = explode('\\', $pClassName,2);
        $pClassNameArr[1] = str_replace('\\', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,$pClassNameArr[1]);
        $pClassFilePath = dirname(__FILE__).'/src/'.

        if ((file_exists($pClassFilePath) === FALSE) || (is_readable($pClassFilePath) === FALSE)) {
            //    Can't load
            return FALSE;

    }   //    function Load()
